Serious question

I doubt that’s the case

I just feel like it has to be. Right? Like… right…

Isabelle from Predators is the next dlc

Surely one of the Predators will be in the game likey Mr Black


Is this confirmed lol

Pretty much

Unless the image provided in the roadmap is a mcguffin

Hmmm. True true. Well I’d buy that in an instant

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What about my boi Dutch 1000! 🤣

Why do I not put it past them at all to do something dumb like this hahah

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Why not? they have other Dutch’s in this game, why not this guy lol

There were even recent plasma caster animations leaked recently depicting a spinning barrel

I think Mr Black was the only movie Predator with an automatic plasma caster

Also think about the word gauntlet and how it relates to the movie Predators


Fair enough at this point lol

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Just imagine this Dutch using his Arm as a weapon shooting rockets

Sounds like too much for me lol

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I honestly don’t know if it’s a rights issue but it’d make sense for scar. The plasmacaster did gain animations though.

Mr.Black is probably soon given the animations and ft just got a rapid fire plasmacaster. So they’ll probably be using that as a base for him.

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Watch Illfonic do a sneaky switcheroo and it turns out to be Lex in Isabelle’s pose

That’s what i though about a month ago. But yeah, I think getting Isabelle makes it more likely that we will be getting movie predator, though the leak didn’t show any. I guess it doesn’t really matter cause they’re taking so much time to get there that it’s better not to think about it.

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It’s 100% her mr. black free dlc hopefully

Only if Tracker, Falconer, and Crucified
are free DLC as well

Never gonna happen

Yeah I know we’d never get that many Predators for free