animation canceling

oh my! is there anyone who uses macros for quick shots and cancel animations ?!?

When they fire ten arrows in a row without aiming and don’t get the wrist blades attack, they’re the world’s fastest clickers, their internet connection has zero latancy, and they’re pumped full of cocaine.

I don’t call people out because I guess it would be hypocritical of me since I still have the net escape macro active (which still takes 3 seconds if they have trapper).

People will play however they see fit to their advantage. I personally don’t see me gaining anything from using tweaked loadouts or the glock with rapid fire. As much as people here accuse me of cheating, I’m not interested in doing any of that stuff.

The only problem I have is when people do these things, but deny it or try to give some bs explanation to how or why they do it. I don’t care how people play, just don’t try to bs others.

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And when they fire 10 arrow + combithrow + 10 arrows + 5 plasmashots in a row without weapon swap animation, no aiming, while jumping and zig-zaging while being shot by full FT premade, and don’t get the wristblade attack…
They are all that you said plus a cocktail of steroids, anfetamine and they have their PC , mouse and keyboard directly connected to their brains like in Cyberpunk

but. no. additional. software.


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Haha…I like that one, trust me I know, I used steroids for almost ten years. The gains were real 💪


Idk sometimes I get the wrist blade attack.

None of the preds I play with is using a macro for “animation skipping”.

I don’t have a problem with it.
I don’t consider changing your weapons manually as an exploit of any sort. Others can disagree with me, that’s fine.

I never used macros for pred.


Thunderwolf trust me when I say that if I cannot prove that you use macros, everything I think is just a conjecture, it’s a personal opinion and you have 100% right in saying the opposite. (and I have nothing personal against you)

I still can’t find any other pred player capable of doing those combos, in that way.

So, until proven otherwise you can safely consider yourself the best player in the world

Perhaps I’ve been traumatized since like june / july 2020 when in a private match (you were pred , I just started playing FT and Arrow was in the team) I was hit by a lightning fast sequence of bow+combi which downed me as a full health support. Never happened to me again in 2000+ hours of play. And I have played in pubs and/or privates with ALL the best pred in this game dozens of times losing some, winning some. Name it: I’ ve played him.

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Idk if this counts but when you jump spam the crouch button we call it butterflying when someone is shooting you or a pred is trying to hit you with a bow you now become harder to hit

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Yeah it’s a pretty good tactic. It will catch a LOT of Preds off guard and even a lot of Fireteam who aim at the upper body & mask. It’s something used a lot in games like Apex Legends & Fortnite too to avoid and weave through shots. I was surprised to find it almost as effective in this game which lead to me be able to duck almost entire magazines of FT bullets and even make a straight bee line to a Pred with the Bow & Arrow out just by crouching & sliding every time he took a shot.

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I like them


quick shot (quick scope) can be done manually, like everything else, that’s how they are found to begin with
when you want consistency, you script it

that being said, at least for quick scope on pred, using macros introduces the no fire/interaction/leap bug

I know almost everything can be done manually… I’ve did it myself in test runs…

But what you’re saying is that using macro for quick shot produces a bug? I don’t understand…

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Yup. Tried it myself. Every time I try to use a macro for quick shots, it bugs out and I can’t leap, sprint, interact. Funny thing is that even setting the macro to be slower than human interaction, still creates the bug. You can easily tell you are bugged out because every time you try to leap, jump, sprint, etc. instead of doing the action you get the vision mode change audio effect.

Are you talking about feigning an attack? That’s not animation canceling. Feigning is part of any competitive martial art, or sport, where eliciting a reaction can put your opponent in a compromised position.

Animation canceling to increase DPS or attempting to evade damage or an intended venerable state is certainly an exploit.

Not really an exploit. I think it’s bad game design. Jumping should consume some stamina.

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Yeah I think so too

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I’d call for it to be patched but it’s still not an exploit

What?? You can cancel the leap since the game was released!

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for FT jumping does consume stamina, just like parry, but you can indefinitely keep doing it, you just can’t sprint when you are done

for pred jumping actually recovers stamina, lol

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Right. Illfonic really nailing the logic on that one.

Okay let’s remove that

You just nerfed Pred nice job