As someone who doesn't have Jungle Hunter...

I’m still going to get a valid JH code.
Watch it happen… 😎

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And then your going to give it me

So I can flex with even more strength


The kind of people who complain about Captured being released are the same people not wanting this game to become greater.

Get over yourselves.

People who preordered have the OG, literally if you’re gonna pull at strings, why should they even release any content at all?

Damned if Illfonic does, damned if they don’t.


Damn I didn’t know I had that much power over Illfonic. You know as well as I do that’s bullshit. How does rehashing a character and adding in two unpolished ones make the game greater?

I love that they added in super preds, it’s something I’ve wanted for a long long time but if you compare their release with all the others it is unpolished as all hell, captured is beyond lazy, and exile who I really do like is still without his predlocks after two months. How is any of this great?

I give credit where it is due but to put your head in the sand and blame the community yet again for their fuck ups does not help the situation. Hell the entirety of this never would have happened had they not locked JH away and then say he would not be released just to then sell his copy.


To presume an update is going to be flawless after every single update they have produced, is just dropping yourself on your own head and not tweaking your own personal expectation.

It’s the whole premise of just complaining to complain imo.

Literally anything they drop is, “that’s great but”. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

The community is literally never happy with what they get.

What we’ve gotten recently:
Super Predators (2 work in progress)
Exiled Predator (don’t hear anyone complaining about this cosplay predator)
Night mode (basically 5 more maps)
A jungle hunter, not THE 87 (So everyone gets a slice of the clan)

what people are currently complaining about:
Cosmetics and people finally getting a JH (if you got the 87 who cares and if you did t have it, be happy?)
Bugs will always be here (we have never had a perfect update).

We literally have more to be happy about than what I see people complaining about.

So yes, it’s the community.

This game will never get better if people continue to badger senselessly.

Hell even @Weevo540 tossed them a thumbs up.



Ded game lol


I see no point of you being here then. The developers don’t listen to us unless we just quit playing. And this forum is basically the place Illfonic told us to complain in

Also wrong. I’m cool with what we have right now but I am still not happy about the amount of effort being put into this game, so there is not much to be happy about

I’m sorry but should we not expect an update to actually work correctly? I’m not talking about zero problems but just the bare minimum of allowing the game to run correctly. The fact that we have to expect every update to be fucked up is horrible.

You know that the only things I’ve ever complained about are ongoing bugs that existed for months if not longer, lack of modes and maps (they’ve added a decent amount and they’ve improved upon each one) and just now the rehashing of a character they said they would not release. Had they released JH and said that they messed up in their decision to lock away the most iconic pred then I would not have care at all but they instead sold a copy and paste version under the guise of it being new.

Some people like @YautjaSymbiote do complain just to complain and I dislike that too but most people especially on these forums complain because of the actual issues of the game. If they did not care they would have dropped this game and not said a single word.

Super preds(work in progress) seriously? Glad they can profit off of unfinished work.

Many people did complain about exile a lot, not sure how you missed that. I personally like him as he looks badass but I wish I had the full product I paid for 2 months ago.

Night mode something I and many people have asked for. I personally love them but they have blatant issues so much so that some preds refuse to play on them due to the disadvantage they get for playing on them.

I’ve said enough on captured so I’m not about to rehash that.

Yea bugs come with updates but bug fixes seem to be fewer and fewer with each one and the amount of bugs keeps increasing. Again why should people be happy when all they get does not work as it should and have to wait a week (if we’re lucky) to two months for a possible fix. Hell right now excavation on day is unplayable and the audio bug still exists for nearly two fucking years.

It’s good to be happy with what you have but it’s horrible to let the bullshit slide. This reminds me of the time the AI bugged out and got a massive damage boost at random. People complained and those that felt as you do told them to essentially shut up, be grateful, and git gud and praised Illfonic for doing so. Not two days later Illfonic fixed it. Had people not complained and criticized it would not have gotten fixed nearly as fast.


Actually accurate

Good job

You’re on point. I’m just trying to find the good. This the season. Plus I just had snacks and I’m happy



And I commend you for that, Illfonic has hit a home run in the art and music department nearly every time, they seem like truly care and are passionate but every time I see the issues update after update with with the quality dipping and the fixes not coming or working for that matter I start to get annoyed. The captured pred is what pissed me off though, just release JH don’t skirt by it.

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At a year and a half down the line , if you think its going to get “greater” , then you are as delusional as you sound . Get over themselves? People complaining gets fucking more done than people sitting quietly and hoping something MIGHT get better .

Die on your feet like a lion , or die on your knees like a pussy.

No it isn’t, all who pre ordered are scumbags.


I get it, just don’t see the warranting of the badgering and getting upset over this.

I’m simply happy a Predator game is playable and released when we are alive.

If Illfonic didn’t do it, who would have?

Just seems bizarre how the community keeps badgering them here on the forums, when Illfonic took the risk of resurrecting a franchise that basically self destruction (see what I did there?) after the 2018 movie.

May have just kept the franchise buried and not give anyone any hope of a modern Predator game.

What can we do.

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The mere fact this game is doing its fucking best to erase all the dumb shit from The Predator and bring back & continue the story of classic characters like Dutch & the OWLF whilst taking ideas from Concrete Jungle and revisiting them warrants its existence despite all flaws. Because Alien never got this chance & it is still fucked almost beyond repair due to Ridley Scott and will likely remain that way for another decade at this rate. I’m a bigger Alien fan but Predator is in a much more healthy state of being/canon than Alien has been since Prometheus solely due to HG trying to be clean up on The Predator which came VERY close to permantly fucking this universe like Prometheus & Covenant did to Alien.

