Tests were done on 10 meters distance , that is close range but not melee range.
Main class Assault + Bane + Deadly vs Hunter no Impenetrable:
GOSL-R = 25 bullets in the chest
AK-47 = 27 bullets in the chest
HAMMERHEAD = 26 bullets in the chest
From like 40 meters Gosl has better damage but HH has better firerate so HH is still better unless you shoot from very far away like 60 meters.
Assault + Bane + Deadly is ultra OP, Deadly need to be removed and the passive bullet damage need to be reduce to 3% something not that impactfull.
Hammerhead is the best assault rifle by far, it has better accuracy, firerate, hipfire accuracy, mobility and damage and range damage, reload speed and swap speed. I would say:
- Tier S : Hammerhead
- Tier A+ : GOSL-R (SCAR)
- Tier A : AR-W (AK - 47)
- Tier B+ : Mercenary (M16)
- Tier B : G-ROW
- Tier C : QR-4 and OWLF Pitbull
Predator needs:
- combi stick damage reverted to the previous
- more damage for bow or either more arrow speed for full charge
- more damage for pistol
- hitboxe fixed for crouched ft
- bow bugs fixed
- increase blind effect of combi throw and slow effect of Bow
- impenetrable up to 20%