Balancing PS4 vs PC

its not an impressions its the truth… . its why the metrics are off. Pre patch preds were barely able to win vs a premade FT. The avg pred wouldn’t even stand a chance vs a premade PC ft prepatch. Now vs premades I win half instead of 75 percent of them. It all depends if I can land shots. If they turn down the graphics on train for get it. You cannot trade shot for shot with the bow and its the only viable weapon the pred has… you can say git good but its the truth, if you pull out a win its cause the FT screwed up, its not because you outplayed them. How the hell is a ps4 crossplay pred going to handle this… leave the match.

Illfonic fix the pred jump hangtime… is pretty unrealistic.

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I play on PC with an Xbox controller. I find it more enjoyable but less precise. Thus I care more about having fun than winning.

Good attitude - basically same for me. But on the other hand you do not want to be a handicap for your team. So, would it be a single player match, I would be a little more relaxed…

@Finessology: by accident we today tried out something interesting:

my PC friend already was dead - so that he was watching “with my eyes”. I was the last one standing and the predator was trying to hit me.

I frantically hurry-scurried to avoid his slashes and always called: “I do not see him, I do not see him”. Whereas my PC-friend alway called: “he is right before you, to the left, to the right” and so on.

We tried that out in a private match later and I saw the predator just in the open - in the bushes: no chance, not even a glimpse.

Now the question to you out there - does anyone know, what one watching the play of another player sees? Does he see the very same (lets call it a video stream from the other device) or does he see the scene rendered with his own machine (so potentially a complete other image)??

Would be nice to know whether I am dumb or this indeed is the difference between PC and PS4. If the former is the case, please keep it private…

Believe he still sees his instance of the predator, not sure if its different in private but easy way to test would probably be to kill a pred and ragdoll the body. Have people shoot it see whos screen it moves on when spectating, probably valid. Or one of you just start lagging your ass off.
Private is likely dependent on whos hosting imo.

If you like, have a look at this - some new information in there:

Sorry, I first accidentally put it into the wrong thread…

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No balance will occur that means anything unless the game is reworked. That’s the facts. The Predator moves too clumsy, and slow to ever be a real threat in a meaningful, fluid, and fun way that is engaging and terrifying for the fireteam. More or less dmg is such a stupid thing to quibble over. Everything should be less frantic, and stupid feeling. More deliberate, swift, and deadly for both sides. I daydream of what this game could have been if it had been given a real development cycle.

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I mean auto aim will help, but… there needs to be SO much more unfucked for predator. I lost a match in backwater recently. A pc sniper was spotting me from the satellite tower. I leap slammed. Landed next to him. Hit him even. I’m stuck so long and he has milliseconds to shoot me. And I fall off the building as he’s shooting me. It was so buggy. It was hard enough to aim, because you all know what happens to you if you hit the dish.

This would help too, but not enough.

The “real development cycle” nowadays unfortunately often is replaced by “early access” - which would be fine, if everybody knows beforehand, that the quality is still ‘alpha’ - I definitely was a bit unprepared, as the game is out since some time…

But let us be fair - Illfonic is a relatively small company and Predator Hunting Grounds is a huuuuuge development project. If they had waited with the release of the game until it is finished in all aspects, they probably would have been bankrupt before the release…

So let us be thankful that they are quite actively working on it and have some patience. Who knows, maybe we will love the predator control one day :)

Until then I focus on the fireteam - which is basically fine yet. Fire On!

I want to reiterate. I didn’t even move. I didn’t fall off myself. I went from a registered leap slam land to falling.
Movement feels TERRIBLE as the predator anytime it fucks up, and there are so many atrocious ways in which this manifests. All while being shot by 1-4 people.

I know what you mean. Maybe one can move the predator in a fluid manner, if he knows how to circumvent all ‘bugs’ (and some people seem to accomplish this). But I personally was to unnerved by playing the predator - after three days…

What do you think about controlling the fireteam - fine for you too?

Ah, maybe I have a hint for you - my impression was, that if you do not use the trees and the long jump, the predator is basically fine too - maybe you can try that out.

that’s why their is an off option for crossplay.

How does that improve the control of the predator for PS4 players?

The fireteam is insane. They feel like super humans and honestly are ridiculous. . . But I’m bad at fireteam because I’m bad at forced first person perspective. I can’t parry…lucky if I just run to a pred and spam r1 I don’t have to bother with QuickTime R3 or circle… I’m just… I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I can beat all of soulsborne, but shooters disorient me. I’m competent but I’ll never be as good at fireteam as I am at predator because I hate forced first person.

Never mind - everybody has his style, some like this, others like that and definitely nobody can everything :)

I think it’s because you aren’t just letting your brain do it. When you play a fighting game it’s all about swinging at your opponents model. In shooters, you have to follow there movement with your eyes and shoot where they are going, if you’re constantly fighting the controls to put the crosshairs on the target, rather than strafing and aiming at where they are going it gets frustrating.

You all know that I (PS4) am trying to find out the reason, why I often feel slightly disoriented in the game and especially why I have much more difficulties to spot the predator compared to my PC friend.

Some reasons already were found - just 30FPS instead of 60FPS, a PS4 unique blurring, different graphic details (e.g. less branches and leaves), the difference between sitting immediately in front of a monitor and some meter away from a TV and so on.

But I felt, said reasons do not explain the huuuuuge difference in spotting the predator. I described it earlier in detail.

Some minutes ago, I had a spontaneous suggestion (no drugs involved:). My friend told me, that the range of vision can be adapted on PC and that he prefers the broadest range.

So obviously it might be that the predator in his range of vision is visible but not in mine (which obviously is not as broad), right?

From martial arts I know that if you close your eyes and open it again in a fight you already have lost. The brain needs a lot of time to re-adapt. This is the reason, why good martial arts fighters train to keep the eyes open - also when they are hit in the face.

Then there is another fact related to vision. The eyes register movement better / faster in the peripheral region of the vison range. This has evolutionary reasons as hunters normally do not attack from the front.

This fact is exploited too by good martial arts fighters. They do not turn the head if not necessary. They use and trust there peripheral vision.

The limited range of vision in the PS4 version forces me to move the field of vision permanently - which could be the real reason, why I have such problems to keep the overview as FT as well as to spot the predator - due to the three effects suggested in this text box.

Come2WhingeStay4fun said something quite similar: “I’m competent but I’ll never be as good at fireteam as I am at predator because I hate forced first person.”

As a predator, you often choose a vantage point - eliminating the necessity for fast head movements.

What do you think, may this be the real, underlying reason for the difference between PS4 and PC here? Or at least the main visual factor?

Addendum: today I got some screenshots from my PC friend - were he showed me predators spotted by him.

F*** - I did not see the predator, although he drew a red circle around him, in 2 out of 5 pictures - ZOOMED! Maybe it is really the trained vs untrained eye in the end.

But today in the games I always saw the pred when my head was not moving and never saw it, when moving - so the 30FPS + Blurring + range of vision thing may also have some impact - at least for my eyes…

We’ve been asking for real aim assist and exponential stick sensitivity from the beginning.

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