Bring back Jungle Hunter 87

Claro! Al igual que en los dlc te dan armas que se desbloquean con los niveles, el jh87 deberían de dar otro evento, pero eso es cosa de illfonic, y ninguno debería de dárselas de listo y decir quien debería tenerlo y quien no.

Of course! As in the dlc they give you weapons that are unlocked with the levels, the jh87 should give another event, but that is illfonic, and no one should give them ready and say who should have it and who should not.

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We’ve settled this before mentalist
And I’m not angry at people that want it


1st you can search prof before say something that is not true and 2nd Why do you not want the People to get the 87 then

Do you mind me asking what language you speak so I can use google translate

I’m not angry I just play the meme because it’s fun to be dramatic

I do

I’ll never get any of the siege outbreak skins

I’ll never get the siege Halloween skins

I’ll never get the anything from an apex legends battle pass and that kills it for me

But I also don’t ask for that stuff to come back

I see but you can ask them for that or maybe your packs are coming soon

I don’t want people to get him since he was pre-order for multiple months
If you had financial problems I’m super sorry for you and like my friend @Broken_Tusk who was deployed at the time, those people I feel bad for
But people that want JH just because I tell them to bad because they had multiple months

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That is not a problem i have the 87 but i want every body to get it

Why should everyone get it?
That’s my question
Your a fan
I’m a fan of apex I’m never getting season 1 skins
I’m a fan of Doom and not getting the pre-order skin for that
AvP 2010 serpent hunter I’m never getting that
You can’t just say I’m a fan and get what you want


Because that can be a big comeback for every fans who didn’t preorder it 50% of the player didn’t play the game for that or dosen’t buy the game and your skin on other game just ask the dev

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It’s a re-skin hunter it’s gonna bring back a few people then the player base is gonna dive again because there’s no new stuff

You can’t just ask for something and expect to get it or everyone agree with you.
How do you know the devs would even listen
For example AvP 2010 people asked for serpent hunter and guessed what happened nothing it stayed with pre-order holders



I have the skin

I see your point again it only my opinion

So does that mean you won’t spam the forum about it again LeMentalist? Good!

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Listen mentalist this argument is gonna end how it always ends
Let’s just agree to disagree
How about a middle ground I would be ok with illfonic making a event that lasted like two days and it’s a fuck ton of challenges to unlock him
Like 20,000 claims and 150 preds kill while using Dutch


But I don’t agree with it

So I’m not going to ask it

Mad if they did I wouldn’t complain out of a pure bias. I would still agree with the people who complain.

That is hating everyone + missunderstanding(i m not him)

It’s a middle ground
Do challenges to earn JH what’s wrong