Bug or hacker

haha I didnt adamantly refuse anything but nice try. I’m patiently waiting for speedhackers to run laps around me with a knife w/ the introduction of a ranked mode or something, but woo here’s some desync and shitty hitscan coding the horror.

So are you saying there’s a possibility that the OPs vid is evidence of a hack?
Or there’s no fucking way that’s a wall hack? (adamant refusal)

Nope not a wallhack sorry.

If rigging yourself a lagswitch is the most effective “hack” at the moment and i’m disappointed in the hackmasters.

So adamant refusal, as I previously said.

Just like a few posts ago you were adamant lag’s ‘ruled out’ because it “simply cannot spike for such a considerable amount of time” psuedo intellectual babies first hitscan shooter bullshit so I feel the need to call you out for it. Was cute though see ya in the next hax thread.

Yeah. Sure it is. Whatever you gotta tell yourself at night bud.

If it was server issues it wouldn’t only ever happen to Predators. Fireteam would face the same shit. Also not sure why you think hit scanning has anything to do with it, probably because you have no idea what you are talking about.

So in other words you have no idea what desync is then?

That doesn’t work here actually. Lag switching is mostly only effective when the server is tethered to your internet, meaning you are the host. If you are not the host it isn’t all that effective with reliability but even if it is in these instances… we still call that being a cheater so that doesn’t disprove really much lol.

I like how you say often… ive never ran across what happened in that video. Wierd…

Actually you are constantly and ADAMANTLY claiming that every instance anyone reports of pretty obvious hacking and shit is just extremely convenient lag, because that’s what desync is in all frankness.

I imagine the only reason you even know what pseudo intellectual is would be because that is how you are most commonly described lol. Literally everything you have said here shows you literally have no fucking idea what desync is and how it works but because it sounds fancier than lag you act like that makes you more intelligent as you demonstrate total ignorance of what that even is XD it’s fucking comical how stupid you are as you think yourself some sort of intellectual lol

Lmao bro that was from 9 days ago.
And I’m going by what ppl say on the forums.
So if ppl are giving faulty info, it’s not on me.
Also man, I said it seems lol. Not like I stated it as a fact.

All that whining and no way to disprove the video posted as fucking server issues. Whenever you’re done projecting out of your ass post ya speedhack or get real

“Pretty obvious hacking” indiscernable from desync oh no. Sorry you regret reporting some dude rubberbanding i’m sure his account is still alive and well );

Take the lag compensation in battlefield, multiply it x10, and check your blood pressure in that order. Waah bitching about the use of the word lagswitch while you throw around the term hax like its a client-sided game from the early 2000s

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This is true, I’ve seen this on PS4. Major lag happened and the Predator seemed like he was in slow motion, I’m still able to dump rounds into it and get XP but my teammates are chasing it down somewhere else before we got disconnected. Not exactly the same, but just another example of how it’s possible to damage a Predator that isn’t technically there due to a sync issue.

Says the man that calls anything remotely suspect lag no matter how many players experience the exact same anomaly without variation which is rather uncharacteristic of generic lag issues. Difference here is that when I see smoke it’s pretty safe to assume there is fire but you think that assuming smoke means fire is pure lunacy.

Indiscernible from desync huh? Desyncing where all that damage calculates instantly rather than how it normally is just a delayed response which typically shows you taking repeated shots as the time lapse registers. But what a weird position to have where getting one shot killed looks like lag so it must be lag and couldn’t possibly be a hack, despite getting one shot killed in any game looks exactly like someone hacking but you choose to ignore that lol.

However I suppose I shouldn’t expect any sort of intellectual consistency from someone as narcissistic as you. Though I have found in my experience that the people that tend to deny any sort of hacking or cheating exists in any game, especially when I was an admin using spy commands to catch hackers in private the servers across various games, are the ones that are usually hacking their asses off. I think thou doth protest a bit much hmm? Lol

Not to mention that bullshit you pulled trying to disregard wall hacking because this one clip I presented, among others, was in what you claimed was a well known glitch spot where you could shoot through the wall and then turned around as I pointed out the other examples and just called those all lag instances lol. Wall hacking is never wall hacking even when it is wall hacking right? XD

Hitscan weapons are lag-compensated - if it looks like a hit on the attackers screen, it will register as a hit. You don’t need to do anything special to make up for lag. Projectile weapons, however, are not lag-compensated.

You’re whole argument of “wow then why doesnt the same thing happen to the pred!” is akin to asking why if you’re playing TF2 Spy has a huge advantage running around facestabbing people compared to firing rockets. Surely all spies are hackers, and the people using rockets are not hackers? The hitscan weapon has damage priority, damage is calculated as soon as the trigger is pulled and you get the xp tick. Whether that damage is sent to the pred pred in a single packet or recieved in incriments as the game updates. The person playing predator recieves a late notification that he is being hit, no different from any other game where you get sprayed around a corner from behind a wall, except netcode here is shit and 4 fireteam members are are all experiencing their own gamestate. The only consistency is that once the predator’s health hits 0 he registers as down and is updated to his actual position, wherever he actually was on his screen.

Apparently you don’t know what hitscan is either. Ok let’s break it down idiot:

Hit scan is when you hit whatever you shoot at instantly. You tap and it registers damage.

Desync is when your game and the server are not sync’d. Meaning that when you shot at that Predator in that room he wasn’t still there so your shot didn’t register a hit because there was nothing to hit even though on your screen there was. There is no such thing as lag compensation for desync much less based on hit scan or not. If you are desync then you aren’t sync’d and when you shot you saw him but he was not there. There is no game where you desync all your shots will register even if the person is gone. That doesn’t even make sense.

And the rest of what you said is just strawmanning stupidity lol.

The server will register the hit REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THE FT PLAYER IS SYNCED OR NOT. Congrats this is a game where the netcode is so shit you can desync and all your shots will register even if the pred isnt there on his screen.

Tl;dr its a server side issue git gud

The server is what registers the hitscan. Not what you saw on your screen. The reason hitscan and everything works is because it is sync’d to you, the other players through the server that handles it all. You are seriously trying to con me by saying even if you aren’t sync’d it still registers your shots? Even though the data showed their shot couldn’t have because their target wasn’t there? In other words the server is cheating for you because you lagged? XD