Bug or hacker

Give me a break you fucking tool lol

When you have to resort to utter stupidity like that then you should just admit you don’t have a real argument and are just making shit up lol. Because you look silly doing this shit bro lol

Yes wow you’ve almost got it. Baby steps. “The server is cheating for you because you lagged.”

The server registers the DAMAGE. On client side as soon as you point and shoot you are GUARANTEED THE HIT. That is all there is to it. The server refreshes and even if the pred wasnt there according to what was rendered on the preds screen, the server had rolled the pred to somewhere else on FT members screen at which point it just stands there on his sceen and he unloads on it. The pred and FT do not have the same thing rendered on their screens. There is no mechanism for the pred to not take damage from this. You can see it wherever preds blood spatters appear out of thin air & still counts as hits

Because lag compensation kinda does what you are trying to claim but what happens is the guy shooting is a little behind but the guy he shot at sees everything as it was meant to register. Lag compensation doesn’t generate inexplicable shooting through walls and one shot killing. In fact that shit is largely irrelevant to the claim that this shit doesn’t demonstrate hacking but it largely focused on the attacker’s target perception and shit. So you would still see them following you and shooting you unless they were lag switching which is still cheating anyways.

Lag compensation is basically just correcting perception and shit. Not suddenly one shot killing and wall hacking lol.

Tl;dr you have no idea what you are talking about

Lol no lag compensation is whatever degree of priority/advantage you want to give to guy with the 150 ping.
There is no perfect netcode. Most games aim for what’s “fair” for all parties even the guy barely connected to the game. Yes you get blasted through walls or their sniper hit takes priority. Is this your first FPS?

“Lag compensation is basically just correcting perception and shit!”

Not what lag compensation does but A for Effort with the act. Well it will if you are lag switching and considering you can see the ping of the players in lobby and shit… yeah. Not exactly holding up that well. Incidentally can you even prove this game has lag compensation? Or are you just pulling every ounce of this shit out of your ass?

They don’t follow you and shoot you because on their screen you are not moving. Why is this such a difficult concept for you to grasp?

About time. Check the video I posted before you immediately started spazzing out.

Yes because that is what it does. I know you only shit where you can hit through walls and do everything to avoid playing an honest game to vociferously denying hacking even exists in any game conceived of by man so you can slip under the radar with that… but most of what lag compensation does is that for the rest of us that aren’t total pussies that have to cheat in every conceivable way to play a casual game

Nah, I’ll just pull a card from your deck and disregard whatever ‘evidence’ you claim to have posted when it’s convenient for my argument ;)

Atleast you’ll admit to ignorance then.

Jk. I’m not pussy like you. Yeah I already saw that video. That doesn’t necessarily even prove lag compensation. That just proves my case of what desync would look like and shows your argument is totally bullshit because none of these instances showed obvious lag/desync like that.

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Amazing take.

Way to side step a pot hole only to fall flat on your face disproving your own argument by showing what desync looks like and how it looks NOTHING like all the clips being presented of suspecting hacking that you are just white washing lol

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Do explain lets hear it

Says the man who could only find one instance of a genuine desync and uses that to white wash everyone else’s suspsicions and evidence lol

You know where the clips are. Go ahead and cross examine them and see how literally none of them display anything like what was seen in that video :3 and then spend the next week figuring out how you are gonna lie and spin this one lol