Bug or hacker

I just find it amusing that you make a retarded assessment like that then try to deny it when you realize how fucking stupid it sounds lol.

A “retarded assessment” like


So you are now of the position that getting one shot looks like hacking so it has to be hacking? Because you didn’t have that position five minutes ago, in fact you claimed it was just lag even though the most famous hacks are ones that enable you to one shot everything and everyone. So I’m not sure what you are getting at with that.

Are you schizophrenic?

You claimed my statement was retarded. So that would mean it was incorrect and therefore hacking and lag can seldom look in any way similar so any instance of what would, following your previous logic, look like lag would have to be lag and anything that looked like hacking would have to be hacking then and appearing to get one shot killed because of lag would have to be hacking by your logic. That’s a pretty weird take for someone chastising everyone for calling something hacking when it looks like it could well be hacking.


Ok schizo

Tl;dr it looks like lag so it must be lag

Tl;dr hacking never looks like lag

Tl;dr one could never confuse hacking for lag or lag for hacking

Therefore if you got one shot or hit through a wall by your logic it could never be lag but must be hacking because hacking and lag could never look similar.

Lmao is this account one of those AI learning algorithms?

The absolute mental gymnastics here please continue

That sounds a lot more like paranoid schizophrenia to me lol

You mean of applying your poorly selected wording against you?

I’m dyin

That’s called logic. A foreign concept to you I am sure

Ok schizo

If I am wrong then by all means, in your words <3

I was too busy watching you talk yourself in circles. Was there an argument somewhere in there?

Does getting one shot mean it’s just lag then? Or getting through walls is just lag?

So in other words this:

And this:

And this:

All look nothing alike right from the target’s perspective then? This is what you are saying right? Every single one of these looks totally different from the victim’s perspective huh? Because from where I am sitting, minus the replays at each end, they all follow the exact same pattern to me which is: seemingly getting shot out of nowhere and through walls and shit.

Let’s see how ya try to… Finesse your way out of that one XD

Looks like he was using an aim bot. That’s why I hate pc gamers.