
Oh really? What’s your favorite weapon?

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are you a cheater too ? your pseudo ingame please ?

Lol they don’t

lol you get rolled and bitch about hax because they practice their “hax” against players better than you

Oh applesolutely! I cheat with the bow. That’s the main reason my friends and many others respect me and my plays!

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it is very suspicious you all defend cheaters, am i talking to russian people ? ahahah

@Scarface_1983 get your ass in here lol

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More like its just not a mystery to anyone you got your ass kicked and can’t accept it

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Ooga booga Russian noises! Poopoonie NANI! Cononga tractoraffle!

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you take people for idiots dudes, i understand the strategy, but no … sorry doesnt work.

Says the dude who insults people’s mothers

i just dont care of losing or winning, fact is i mostely always win lol !
when i see psychobaba and scarface name appears, i know i will hide anywhere without moving, and take a head shot ahahah… they are so skilled !!! rofl

Exactly git gud instead of trying to hide like you’re playing prophunt lmao

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First question I have, what is your Epic tag?

Don’t be a coward and hide your identity under a false forum tag.

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Get em

One day all these crouch walking cloaked preds will realize all the audio in this game is directional, leaves fall everywhere, bushes move, and its not hard to guess where they are.



I have recorded matches of preds thinking they are completely undetectable, when suddenly there goes the flashy eyes and BOOM! shot to the head.

