
Had same problem but I think they were speaking arabic

But instead of being happy as a woman you have to grow to be happy as a human that gives 100%, ya know? That’s legitimately the only difference between you and my friend given our brief interactions together. I think you’re a good dude.

Erhm… I am a guy btw… atleast i think thats what between my legs lmao… anyways im a guy that enjoys making the games fun by not actually tryharding… erhm yeah lmfao…

Gotta have the full experience.

There’s a few full premade streamers that just never get tired of winning though. Atleast if you carry randoms its something to do.

Yeah that’s what I’M saying too dude.

But yeah… thanks for giving piece of your mind in the posts i guess haha… but yeah anyways i am gonna go sleep… again im a straight guy, so far no plans to transition to being female but yeah…

Dude what are you taking about

He’s one of those guys that never understood that people actually are that much better at pointing and clicking than him. He is stating that he thinks lots of PC players are hacking and that its undetectable. Pretty much what you were saying

I think you misunderstand. I’ve met them like 4-5 times. The first match (the one possibly with randoms) I won. Every match since: match 2-3-4-5 they won, and not a bit either. Whenever I complain about some mechanic being broken in this game? It’s likely they were the cause/motivation of my rant.

But they have ZERO mercy, every match. They play to win, not to have fun (for me ^^). I try both, but figure out too late I’m actually going up against them. I generally just kinda alt-tab back to the game once the match starts. Once I engage them it’s ~2 minutes. I severely dislike losing against them.

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this guy Jysty honestly believes that there is no hackers in the game and that if you cant show him a video of it happening it doesnt happen EVER.

You’re looking to a console player who turned off crossplay for support rn. Plz.

The russians in question aren’t hacking though, so who is?

Dun dun dunn
All thats been posted to the forum is desyncs tbh. There’s some weird notion that pc players just switch their hack switch on and you magically explode and its not a desync issue when they have no damage on the pred, or its a ps4 player doing it.

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i cant see any nukes guess there isnt any

Yea turned off for obvious reasons turd. The ego pc players get is historical to say the least…

We can accurately tell which countries have nuclear weapons and make good estimates as to how much through economic science. Its actually very solid, you should look into it.

woah woah woah, hold up there unless you can show me a nuke face to face they arnt a thing.


I don’t think you grasp basic things about reality :( Estimating Nukes=science
Random bads claiming hacks= 20 years of not usually being hacks.

no science is explaining how to make em guessing is guessing no matter what you talking about ;)


this is an article for diets? how is this related to what were trying about?