Cleopatra is on her way

Bahahaahahahahaha ok well played sir

Yeah I just donā€™t acknowledge that films existence. But for the same reason as extended lore. It contradicts what we already know. That film tries to tell us predators donā€™t take trophies, they just take spines for DNA . Like thatā€™s directly contradicting what we have seen

The Predator unironically had ā€œWeaponized Autismā€ as a major plot point and nothing the EU has done has ever been that insulting or dumb.

And like it or not, The Predator is STILL the entire basis & reason we have the setting of Hunting Grounds. They took The Predator and did the best they could with itā€¦ by making Stargazer the villains, shoving the Gene Splicing onto a Bad Blood clan the other Preds all hate, and not even mentioning the Upgrade Pred or the Pred Killer combat suit.

Yeah I mean Iā€™m not disagreeing with any of that at all

People can hate on this game all they want for flaws it may or may not have, but what itā€™s actually done with the lore & established characters is way better & healthier than anything the last two movies ever did. It got Predator lore back on track. And Iā€™ll give it a pass for a lot of bullshit on that alone.

The large issue with the game, is itā€™s stale. If you hate the DLC, and I can tell, for the most part you donā€™t, thereā€™s just no denying a large part of the community does. A LOT of people have been disappointed with the cosplay predators. And the lack of good weapons, and the lack of weapon drops on the FT side. But DLC is not the only thing games have, thereā€™s also progression. Thatā€™s what makes you come back for more, besides new content. This game has neither if you arenā€™t a fan of the cosplay predators. You cap out EXTREMELY fast. Been 150 since a week after the increase. And had all FT weapons level 10 since like month 1 or 2. Then dlc drops you donā€™t want and you feel the game is stagnant, and stale. Now and then you get dope dlc (Elder, City Hunter, Dutch, Isabelle) and you play some more. But thatā€™s only fun for so long. Considering the games been out over a year

I donā€™t hate the DLC, but I donā€™t care for a lot of them either. The only ones Iā€™ve found fun to play have been City Hunter, hell this game made me appreciate his design even, Dutch 87, Dante & Valkyrie. Samuraiā€™s weapon is way better than he has ever been which is a shame because heā€™s a SAMURAI PREDATOR, how do you not make that cool to play as. My thing with the DLC is ā€œI like this game. Itā€™s fun. I like these designs & weapons. I want to support the game. I will buy them even if I donā€™t end up using the characters. Just like a fighting game, I want to be able to have it all just in case.ā€ Thereā€™s a lot of things I want from this game I still havenā€™t got, thereā€™s a lot Iā€™d change & add. But I am a patient man, mostly. And I really like Predator, and AVP. So I am willing to wait. Especially since this is a game made by a small team who have never worked on anything big before. But even though content has been lacking, I still find the game to be immensely fun to play as, as Predator. And hell, it even allowed me to make the Predator OC I made as a child a real thing by giving us CaC options so I now finally get to play as the green-skinned, red predlock female predator from the Dark Blade Clan I came up all the way back with when I was still a child playing Concrete Jungle on my Playstation 2. And that alone justifies all the money I give this game.

Like there is an unmatched joy to be able to say to yourself ā€œHey, Kid Me would have LOVED to see this.ā€

Yeah well most gamers want some sort of progression. Not all of us have a fantasy predator to create hahah we just want a fun game, with normal progression, that keeps you coming back for more

What can I say. Iā€™m an artist by trade. I get a lot of fulfilment out of just creating things.

So do I and most people. Customization is awesome in games. But itā€™s not a saving grace to stop your game from dying

Plus this is like the first Predator game weā€™ve gotten since 2006. And the last time we got to be a Predator in a game that wasnā€™t Mobile trash or FUCKING MORTAL KOMBAT GOD DAMN IT, was in 2010 with AVP. Predator gameplay is a commodity and we were in a drug withdrawal for nearly a decade. Hell I wanted a Single Player Predator game that continued Concrete Jungleā€™s story & world and was in the gameplay style of Spider-Man PS4 & the Batman Arkham series. But Iā€™ll take what I can get and overall I havenā€™t been that disappointed or mad with this game yet. Not what I wanted, but better than I expected.

Itā€™s not like fucking terrible, itā€™s playable. You can have fun. Just very shallow. Like. EXTREMELY shallow. Not a whole lot changes match to match

A friend who also plays the game regularly, not as much as me but close enough, has basically said that Itā€™s a ā€œMile Long Puddleā€ in terms of design. Lot of fun to be had. Lot of moment to moment stuff. But not a lot of depth or content. And I agree. This game has had a huge depth & content problem since day 1. Iā€™ve had to FIGHT with the system just to get even crumbs of Stealth gameplay in my builds. But I also understand who the devs are, their history and what to expect from them and the genre. No Asymm game has ever been a huge multiple-choice with tons of depth experience right out the gate. Often takes years to get there. And hell, Dead by Daylight THE Assym game on the market is still struggling with a lot of the problems people would say HG has and to be honestā€¦ also runs way fucking worse. So Iā€™m optimistic about HGā€™s future needless to say.

Well I will entirely disagree about dbd. Runs much better. Like hunting rounds runs like dogshit lol. And thereā€™s tons of variety in playstyle with killers. SOME killers have powers that basically do what another killer does just in a different way, but thereā€™s few examples of this, and a TON of killers. But yeah. The game is fun for sure (HG) I just feel like they are letting it die, and the community is telling them exactly what it needs to thrive (and itā€™s not much)

Iā€™mma be real, and this may be me being biased because I actually studied game design & seriously tried to get in to the industry for a few years before real life got in the way and delayed thatā€¦ none of the people on this hellsite have any idea how to balance or design a game and it is a fucking blessing the Devs donā€™t give a single shit what anyone on here ā€œsuggestsā€.

No cap, these chucklenuts WOULD kill this game if you let them in the office.

Yeah I mean the vast majority of people sure. BUT pretending the devs have a deep understanding of balance is a massive miscalculation. And some people DO understand game balance. Half of it is just knowing to put your recency bias aside. Just cause someone killed you a certain way last game, and it felt bad. Doesnā€™t make it OP. Understand how the game feels on both sides is a big part of it and half the community plays half the game. Iā€™ve PROVEN certain mechanics are extremely unbalanced. Told everyone parry is not only too strong, but unnecessary. People said no. So when we got private matches I invited people to play against my team, with parry turned off. And surprise surprise. People learned quickly you donā€™t need parry to stop a predator from melee killing anyone. You just turn into them and kit dump because melee is too weak as is, much less with parry existing. But we do these things, tell the devs, and they donā€™t listen

Weā€™ve shown ONE ft member at close range can wind in 2 seconds from full health. Meanwhile parrying locks you in place for 2 seconds, in close range, infront of potentially 3 ft members. A single parry equals you are dead. The mechanic is completely broken. But they know that, and they did not make this game to be balanced or fair (clearly)

Also we donā€™t need to go down a parry rabbithole. Was just giving an example lol

Oh yeah no Fireteam is actually stupidly powerful in a few ways (Weapon damage, Scout Duelist, Deadly Assault, Field Medic) and desperately needs SOMETHING to change. Personally Iā€™d give every Predator in the game an extra 500HP at the least alongside making every Gun in the game Projectile based, I GREW UP ON HALO 3 ITā€™S NOT THAT HARD TO LEAD YOUR SHOTS GUYS JEEZ, and maybe make it so Parry doesnā€™t stun both parties in place but has the Fireteam member slide/dodge to the side whilst the Predator keeps on moving. I just donā€™t often get to express my honest opinion on balance because all my friends except like 2 of them are Fireteam mains and as a Pred main if I bitch too much Fireteam having some bullshit clearly itā€™s because Iā€™m not winning enoughā€¦ which is categorically untrue. The only time I lose matches these days is fighting Premades like Mojoā€™s gang or my friends. I am cursed to stomping 80% of my matches so a lot of fights I have are sadly one-sided.

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Also like the Netgun shouldnā€™t be a Mash prompt, it should be a hold like EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE GAME, and Fireteam shouldnā€™t be able to bodyblock Preds. if a Pred is running into a Fireteam member they should be pushed back at the least. Also we need the ability to lift & grab downed bodies like in Concrete Jungle to carry them off and let us skin them in trees as a unique Long Claim.

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