Cleopatra is on her way

That’s literally every half way good predator. Slamming casuals and having to face 4 stacks to actually understand how the game is balanced. What I would do is just remove parry. Make melee combat not on fucking rails. Like you literally are stuck in animations in melee. It does not flow at all, and it makes the tracking absolutely fucked. Make the predator leaping on you and hacking you up a real threat. Not a complete meme. Make SMG’s primaries, and shotguns. Make them bonkers strong close range weapons, but bad range weapons. And remove red dot and iron site options on snipers so people arent using them to barrel stuff you. Make the FT have to pick there classes and weapons carefully to cover all grounds. Atm nothing stopping you from all running bolt action, absolutely SMOKING you while you are in the trees, and all have the UMP or Vector to melt you in close range too. Like every class is too strong everywhere rn, makes classes, classes. Make teamwork important.

And reinforcements should be an entirely different downgraded class. You should not be coming back full ammo, equipment, 200 HP support with field medic. Lol if you get brought back, you get 3 speed, 3 health, 3 stamina. 1 syringe and 1 frag. A weapon of your choice with no attachments, like bare bones

Like people are bitching about Izzy’s new sniper rifle because it’s projectile based and they’re calling it trash as a result, never mind that it can actually deal 790 damage with only 5 shots WITHOUT damage buffs of any kind. And I’m sat here thinking “Man you guys would get shit stomped in a Halo 3 lobby, or even like fucking Titanfall or some shit which all runs on projectile based combat.” because it works perfectly for me even though I’m on console and thus in the minds of most have inherently worse aim & reaction times as a result. All I can think of is “You guys actually need to play more projectile based games.”

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I instantly saw how bonkers her gun is hahah know why? I too am a Halo OG. And my favorite modern shooter, happens to be titanfall lolol

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Exactly! Unironically I have better aim with that gun than I do any of the other snipers in this game. Because projectiles just feel natural to me.

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Based on how the other armour styles look, Im not looking forward to seeing how bad she looks!

First off, it’s scope is wonderful. Secondly, I’ve caught so many predators trying to jump away, or use Plasma, and just rinse 3 shots on them. Cause it’s fire rate is very good for how hard it hits. Like fatttt chunks of damage if you try and contest this thing from a range

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Dead ass same for me. I never really used the snipers all that much but this one just feels so good to me

I’ve mag dumped with it and put a Predator into 2nd wind FASTER THAN A DUDE WITH A HAMMERHEAD.

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I’ve already had a few NICE shots on jumping predators for winds lol

And also, big yuck hahahah that’s gross

And to make things worse, Thick skin OWLF trained combo just makes every single character a tank hahah so using Isabelle, who’s clearly supposed to be a scout skin, I had Viking melee blitz me, alone, and I just out DPS him hahahah the game is so broken

People just dead ass unironically need to “Get Good” with projectile based gunplay. Sure I get you been playing with Hitscan since Launch, but Projectile based gunplay not only FEELS better in the long run because shots gain WEIGHT and become more hard hitting as a result, but it also takes more inherent skill because you have to learn to lead & track your shots. Like people need to go play games like Halo & Titanfall and see how much better the gunplay is and understand why projectile is based.

Yeah. Makes for less boosted ass players too. Using 0 skill just dishing out damage

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Like, the Hammerhead & Merc are two of the most hard hitting guns in the game. But unless you’re barrel stuffing with them they rarely FEEL like they pack a punch and have that weight. Projectile based gunplay would fix that.

Oh dude it’s way too late for that. They will literally never change that hahaha. Considering I have actually used statistics and numbers, along with actual gameplay, to prove some things need to be changed. Yeah. They ain’t putting in the effort to change this lol

Like you have a glowing laser leading back to your position in a game where the weapons are hitscan lolol you basically get triple tapped by good teams everytime you wanna pop a shot

I dunno, I get the feeling that Illfonic changing every gun from Hitscan to Projectile is more likely than most things for the future of this game. I don’t expect it soon, or like in the next big update or anything. But I can definitely see them working it in more & more as time goes on & honestly it’ll be for the better.

Oh I want them to. Just doubt it. They seem to just do whatever they want hahah

There’s like two major things I want out of this game balance wise. More stealth options, desperately need more stealth options, and for the ability to 2 Second TTK Preds or One-Hit down Firteam with Ghost & Stalker Pred builds to just go. Everything else I’m very much fine with and I take whatever I get as it comes. I just really want both sides to not be so easy to kill with stupidly broken damage set ups and for stealth to be a valid option.