Cloaking after biomask destroyed

It might be a battery in a comic or novel but not in the films. But yeah that’s actually the medical kit. Jungle Hunter and the crucified Classic Predator both have the guns attached directly to the medical kit. The AVP Predators do this as well with the exception of Wolf who is attached directly to the armor like City Hunter.

As far as this game goes I don’t know why they just pull an injector from the back but it might’ve been for the sake of expediency in the animation. Though given it is a common misconception (which is weird because it’s been shown a few times on film) the devs might’ve been under the impression it was for a battery pack.

I don’t know where this came from either. I think it might’ve been from an AVP comic but I can’t place which if it did.


Maybe one day they’ll have a cohesive lore

Was pretty sure it was the wrist computer. Considering that’s how they turn it off and on, and when it was acting up, in the films. The static came from the wrist computer

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My apologies for you all.
The line says infrared.


Huh intresring i did not know that. But thinking back on the original movie film. When the predator is healing itself, that pack thing does look like that said attachment to the shoulder cannon.


So now you’re clutching at straws brother.

Being inside the ship allows them to go invisible… so why isn’t Danny Glover invisible?

Ohh is it because they turn it on with the WRIST COMPUTER?🤦🏻‍♂️

I don’t know. Watch Lawrence Fishburne on Predators and you tell me why he cloaks w/o wrist computer.

Arnold could’ve misspoke. His actual dialogue differs from the actual text in his tapes at times. I suspect it’s a mistake that the v/o director let slide. But the cloak is definitely controlled by the wrist cpu. JH and CH both use it in scenes where water is interfering with the cloaking and they turn it off or try to correct it using the cpu. Also, Arnold is an old fart now, and old farts do tend to go off script, despite their best efforts. No harm, no foul. The final proof is Elder, who cloaks and uncloaks wearing no mask at all. Maybe the line should’ve been cut to avoid confusion, but it is what it is.

Case closed.

Really I never heard him say that before oh ya anyone hear ghost Dutch voices? (when no one selected him)

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i say it depends on the creative decision of the developer lmao. Sounds good for the lore but not balancing

Yes and sometimes his lines are replaced with the male voice lines for the standard classes.

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All you have to do is refer back to Predator (1987). When the Jungle Hunter dives down in the water behind Dutch, he’s cloaked. When he comes out of the water, his cloak is malfunctioning from being wet.

He messes with his Wrist Computer to turn the cloak off.

Thus, the Wrist Computer controls it.


The wrist computer isn’t the only way to do it since in Predator 2 you have Predators who lack gauntlets outright.

So the ball and the computer are both ways of doing it.

Dutch damages the wrist computer aswell and he can’t cloak , I thought it was obvious 🤨


It was quite obvious as he looked at his damaged computer when he got hit by the explosive arrow Dutch shot at him.


I dont take anything from the 2018 movie as Canon, if we are to take it as Canon? Then I guess they don’t hunt for sport and hunt to splice their dna with weaker species 🤨 and weaponized autism 😖

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Why is it that the absurd humidity of the jungle doesn’t affect the cloak but sprinklers or puddles do?
They spend all this time collecting mallninjashit gear and it just breaks. Same for how fragile the caster is.

People are convinced pred RPGs and war weapons and whatnot are canon but they don’t even have a waterproof cloak.


I just don’t think they had the money to afford the better cloaking tech. These preds are like recreational hunters that do this as a hobby. They rent a ship and grab some gear they got around the house and just go and have some fun in a planet that shouldn’t be on until they end up dying from sheer stupidity. They then leave without telling the pred authorities because they just don’t want to deal the fines and legal problems so they make sure to leave no evidence but like anybody that’s in a rush they end up leaving some things here and there.

In the movie the predator loses the ability to cloak when Dutch damages the wristcomp with his improvised explosive arrow. It is not related to the mask.

This is further proven in Predator 2 when we see elder pred cloak without a mask.