Data Mining Information and Procedures

Data Mining Information and Procedures

(Community content scrape be like this lmao ^)

It seems as though data mined content is still pretty popular with people, I am not interested in content scraping myself but it doesn’t mean I’m not aware of others interest within it and if ease of access is holding you back then this thread will help you with that as well as cover the topic of additional asset usage for various projects

Data Mining Made Easy

Basically unbeknownst to people you don’t actually actually need a copy of the game to poke through files and can even just get a laptop and download free tools like FModel and UModel. There are a few other tools that will run you down a rabbit hole for instance Unreal Engine like Quick BMS for Audio in this case.

Predator: Hunting Grounds - AES Key:


Predator: Hunting Grounds - Version 3.2.1 .Pak Files: (Download)


FModel is possibly one of the best tools for Data Mining but it’s downside is how it handles audio files and since Illfonic probably sorted their sound files with WWise their sound lists other than voicelines and tempos are an absolute hell to navigate through. FModel has convenience for .uasset viewing of code, models, mass searching, and even coinvent with extraction workflow

FModel - Installation Procedure

FModel Installation Guide

Additional Installation Guide


  1. Go to FModels website and download their software as linked here (FModel - Website)

  1. Click Download on FModels website… Iincase you didn’t know this how the internet works

  1. Unpack the file (It’s an executable and not an installation) 2025-02-24 (evaluation copy)

  1. After launching FModel you have to setup the directory path by clicking add undetected game2025-02-24 20_15_50-FModel (c6c8cf2) - Predator_ Hunting Grounds (GAME_UE4_LATEST) 2025-02-24 20_17_45-Dataming Information and Procedures - Predator_ Hunting Grounds
    (Be sure to click + Add Game)

  1. Select your named detected game, pick UE4_Latest, and press OK 2025-02-24 20_20_40-Dataming Information and Procedures - Predator_ Hunting Grounds

  1. Don’t freak out, you have to put the AES Key in because the files are encrypted


  1. At this point you are able to peruse through PHG’s files but there is additional complexity compared to 4.23’s release of game files so you might want to consult the handbook


Of the two I’d say UModel is better at searching within its Flat View because of it simply staying open, I quite often have both UModel and FModel open at the same time using FModel’s extraction for ease of access but UModels searching potential. UModel has a huge crashing problem and it’s quite annoying actually which also makes FModel much more desirable for general purpose usage. Although I’ve used it for extractions in the past I more than often crash the program and have to re-enter the AES constantly to due minute and simple tasks making it very frustrating to deal with.


Additional Information

These extractors are non-destructive to files but with other extractors I’ve used such as CASC Viewer will trip data to be verified which is annoying and is much more convenient to have 2 copies of both usable game data and extraction data, but with PHG you don’t need to really worry about that.

If you are trying to read from game data you already have install it also isn’t going to be a bannable offense since I can already feel people are going to ask that.

Predator: Hunting Grounds - Data Miners Handbook

Small Comment

If you’ve never went through the files you’re probably confused, but with all files in your hands, you don’t actually need to know every single one and if this is your first ever time even data mining you’re in for a shock when you find out every company is different but the skeleton file structure amongst similar game engines stays the same, for instance Unreal Engine is not going to have the folder hierarchy as Unity nor is the same Unreal Engine game going to have the same exact file structure as a game from another developer but still retains the basic shell.

Most Practical Files to Mine

Since UE 4.27 upgrade there is now a onslaught of .Paks, you don’t really need to go through them all infact the most popular seems to be just 2 .Utoc’s

2025-02-24 20_54_57-FModel (c6c8cf2) - Predator_ Hunting Grounds (GAME_UE4_LATEST)

If you’re curious to know what EXACTLY is in each .Pak and .Utoc be my guest

Game Data

Within the 2 .Utoc’s there will be Engine, Game, Plugins, and SpaceFish but you pretty much just want data from Game folder 99% of the time

2025-02-24 21_03_01-Choose a package to open

This will mostly be what you need to wrestle with the remainder of you data mining endeavors.

File Hierarchy

There’s basically nice way of putting this, the folder and organizations fucking sucks and although it’s 100% possible to remember how to navigate through file structure you’ll find PHG is a nightmare compared to other studio’s such as Bethesda with games like Skyrim and how tools like NifScope are much more friendly in comparison to navigating Illfonics dyslexic file structure.

You don’t need to go through all of these, so I’ll simplify the one’s you’ll probably traffic to the most

  • Animation: Contains additional weapon or gear
  • Character: Contains Fireteam, Wildlife, AI/PMC, and Predator Models
  • DLC_Release: Contains current and new DLC updates, they also put NEW GAME DATA here which includes new UI, weapons, characters and textures
  • EnvArt: Contains mission props, generic props, structures, interactable, and environment
  • Game: Contains mission props, generic props, structures, interactable, and environment (Yep… Twice)
  • UI: Contains all 2D icons for the game including various visual elements, can be redundant
  • Weapon: Contains nearly all other weapon models that are not in animations folder

Featured Content

Some of my stuff

I’ve already ripped some stuff before, here’s some of the stuff done already

Ripped Content - User Interface
Ripped Content - Audio Files

Other Rippers

People do all their own random shit



my favorite^

Just to let everyone know, Primeval Yautja pretty much has everyone beat with this type of shit, you can’t even compete @rdwnd


Also Im working on breaking down 3D assets too

I pretty much have it figured out

Random other shit

I’ll go over .psk handeling, UModel procedure, MRA explanation, sm sk _D _N files later


pass, i’ll let you and skoolboy do it

Symbiote, there’s much more you can do

unfortunately the computer available to me is the equivalent of the worlds first calculator so… :/

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Was really hoping to see something like this. Disappointed.

I just didn’t link them, someone made Mr. Black with a giant horse shlong and fromspace3D makes shit of preds getting pounded by bwc

So a typical privates match with all Dutch players.


A more noteworthy fan animation with 3D assets

Looks like a combination of ingame animations and animation presets

just so people know
https:// open3dlab. com/project/01006a55-2644-4f4e-8470-888741da43e3/#c126276)
delete spaces ofc
the guy did a lords work

Holy shit, that’s nice

Are those Blend files rigged IK as well

Shame, but no. Models come without a rig, just bones to play around if you haven’t find it out yourself already. Someone or flyindemoman himself will eventually rig them, or making a universal to use on all models. Dreadlocks are pain to pose but not too much.
Or maybe just copypast a rig from some nsfw models out there if that can be done.

Does this allow for graphic mods for the game? For example, corrected proportions of the masks and the Wolf’s gun or a light gray mask shade and full black armor?

Someone back in the day manage to change pred model with a fckn drdisrespect. So it is possible.

Dang, I was thinking of custom rigging through Mel scripts for Maya for inhouse otherwise the bone name hierarchy is 100% compatible for quick rigging for cascaduer which is pretty much the go to now for me since very time consuming

Pred bones as well, I even saw with some of those videos I posted in the other thread seemingly forward kinematic movement which is why I assumed one of the SFM guys who made the animation stopped

I was close to figuring this out but never was able to push myself to do it, Blu got an alien model working as a test but I wanted to get actual bones functioning

There is a guy that actually does .pak work on YouTube as well but personally I know it’s a security threat due to my own testing but I don’t think it matters at this point, people just want to do dumb shit sometimes like play as Kermit the fucking frog

i would pay you to work that into PHG and run around as kermit with a plasma caster

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Same. Kermit Predator OP

modding this game is basically pointless until source code is acquired. something that illfonic will never allow to happen even with all the rights on their hands now. don’t think that 20th fox even care.
valve recently just updated their sdk, letting people to look at tf2 source code. this is insane and people already making stuff like tf2 classic.

No actually .pak modding is a completely acceptable thing without source code, people have been doing stuff without source code for years that is not exclusive to .pak files, just simple stuff though

.pak modding is how you get to test map and QA test menu without developer mistake

Modding now after UE 4.27 has more hurdles but I’m sure if someone really wanted to, EAC is not that good for defense against medium or higher level attacks, even right now I have a few things on my radar that bypasses EAC that I don’t want to be responsible for jeopardizing the environment, but of course the game state is fucked so if I were to do anything which I probably won’t I would try safeguarding to prevent another speedhacking outbreak but not fully gatekeep at the same time to keep a happy medium due to previous incidents and the current responsiveness as illfonic as a company

I basically see what you mean though, as being limited to parameter tweaks and replacements is not full modding

That’s cool, full modding capabilities would be insane, Skyrim is alive for years after the fact because of that

Stuff like that for phg would be unheard of, I wouldn’t mind also limit breaking and creating resources if the flood gates were open to something like that