Dead by daylight update

Fire you called your ideas fun l, and when I said one of you idea’s wasn’t fun, you replied with fuck you, and it doesn’t matter

Your constantly saying I’m not listening when you can’t listen to me

You tried to make things about two topics at a time, and tried blaming me when it didn’t go to two topics, but it was your fault.

I’m being reactionary here so if I went beyind those two topics it’s because you couldn’t shut up and kept talking

Your suggesting ideas that are already in the game

Seriously wtf is “we need a stun trap”

We literally have a killer who does that

You want this conversation to co tonue, you go reactionary and handle those 4 topics

A. Your ideas are killer sided and support the killer as a role that gets off on survivors having a poor experience

B. Your not listening to my arguments

C. It’s your fault the conversation went beyond your two comments

D. Your ideas are already in the game including a dodge, poison traps, and stun straps.

Lol then Just address the 7 points I made.
Because these are the problem with the game.

I cant implement my ideas to prove to you, but it would make the game fun.
There would be stuff for the survivors too, but I don’t want to make a whole list for them too.

I listened to your points and addressed them, but you literally keep trying to shut them down by bringing up other factors you think are related.

It’s my opinion that DBD Isn’t fun.
But that’s based off facts.
Every issue I’ve mentioned is something that you xan actually see in the game.

I’m sorry esh, but the majority of people cant enjoy DBD for the reasons I’ve mentioned.
It’s not only a bad design, but it’s not fun to be hindered to such an extreme after an attack.

And when I tried to focus on 2 things you literally brought up a bunch of things you thought were related.

Its completely unfair you want me to address these 4 points but ignore mine.

I already responded to these tho.

Except D.

No my ideas are not, because these traps that are in the game are weak. Not really impactful.

Shut the fuck up

You don’t like me being reactionary so now you are

Address my points and I’ll get to yours later

You didn’t like it when I did so now you respond

Address my points

And I already responded to your points dipshit but I guess it’s your argument so therefore it’s fine hypocrite

Now address my points dip shit, unless you can’t

They were related. They were direct responses to things that you said. Not my fault you can’t communicate well.

Seriously you can’t even fucking make a point without having to correct me on what you meant you dyslexic idiot.

Ok I only criticized and addressed the shit you’ve said.
I haven’t actually insulted you.
Do you want me to tho?
Cause that’s not a battle you’re going to win.

You’re getting frustrated and wanna lash out?

I haven’t insulted you, but I sure as fuck can.
But I haven’t out of respect for you cause I do enjoy our discussions.

But dont get all bitchy with me simply cause you cant fucking understand what the fuck over said.

Theres plenty of other people who understand what o say, if you cant that’s not my fault. Not only that I’ve tried to be as clear as possible.

The reason this has gotten like this is because you keep trying to act like I have to convince you.


how you gonna call me an a dyslexic idiot when you didn’t even see that I DID cover your points?

Look I don’t know what crawled up your ass but I suggest you calm the fuck down cause I didnt try to turn this into petty bullshit.

Il say it again. And read it slowly cause I cant explain it any clearer.

the points I brought up are facts. They are things that are ACTUALLY IN THE GAME.

So if I’m bringing up facts, why are you acting like im only going off bias and opinion?

Like fucks sake.

Last time I said fuck you, it was general fuck you, not meant as an attack. Like fuck all that. In that sense.

But il say an actual fuck you to you for devolving to insults just cause you got frustrated.

Like fucks sake. This one has been frustrating for me too but did I lash out at you? No, dipshit.

Like you have any idea how annoying it is talking to, or trying to talk to someone as stubborn as you are, and then have everything your saying ignored and having other shit brought up that doesnt actually relate to those points?

Only that other person thinks it does so they keep going around in circles?
And then they dont even explain how they think their related. And expect you to magically accept that they are related.

Like fucks sake man.

Yeah this shit has been frustrating for me too, but I didnt see the need to insult you.

And you mock me for trying to explain to you what I’ve been saying?
Really how fucking childish can you be?


but you say I cant communicate well when I’m trying to dumb things down so you can understand the clear and obvious shit I mean?

But I’m the stupid one huh?

You getting frustrated is no fucking reason to lash out and not be civil.

And you want me to address the shit you’ve said again?

Ok. Its bad design. Plain and simple. I’ve explained why several times already.

You wanna know my issue with the shit you’ve said?
Its because of people like you, that shit gets ruined in video games. And as someone who’s played games their whole life it bothers me because it’s the reason games are such shit now a days.

You think a 5 second cool down on a BASIC attack is fine?

Its shit like that that ruined many of the games I liked.

And guess what?
It wasn’t just me who hated all the shitty decisions that have ruined plenty of games.

Luckily, I dont play DBD. but stupid shit like what you’ve said has ruined plenty of games I used to love.

Because you want basic, repetitive, predictable gameplay.

And honestly the only reason I’m even bothered right now is because YOU of all people want to start shit over your frustration.

Like come on I expect better from you.

I dont care how you saw it. But I DIDNT COME AT YOU.
Like fucks sake, I actually respect you.

Anyway the balls In your court tough guy.

You wanna fight and argue on some petty childish shit cause you cant understand what’s said and take it the wrong way?

Then so be it.

But I’m more than willing to drop it and move on.

Tho I dont see myself ever trying to discuss shit with you anymore if you’re going to ignore what I say and resort to insults simply because you’re getting frustrated cause I’m not blindly agreeing with you and defending my valid points.

Seriously there was no fucking need to bring it here.

You didn’t even know DBD already had a dodge

Your facts are from a noobs perspective who doesn’t understand the mechanics of the game

They’re wrong


Your stubborn too

You literally defended gameplay that was just a survivor sitting in a corner for two minutes. That’s it. It’s a killer and survivor staying in a corner for two minutes.

You think gameplay where your a prisoner for two minutes is fine?

So did I


When I tried to drop it you called me out. You brought this shit back.

That’s ironic

You mentioned that DBD should have a dodge, it already has a dodge and it’s been a heavy cause of repetition in the game

You mentioned different types of traps, we already have two of them and the other two are just different shades that provide minimal variety.

Your defending camping a survivor, which two minutes of no input.

You want to make make survivors set up pallets/pallet equivalent, even though that doesn’t have any actual thought needed and is just repetitive set up, and clashes with the idea of camping since this will lead to early downs to no fault of the survivor.

The thing you “hate” is the thing your ideas cause

So don’t get on me because because of repetition.

No I’m just a survivor biased person who doesn’t listen to counter arguments and treats opinion like facts

You know things that actually dictate the quality of a person?

But you know petty insults with no indication of such things are worse amirite?

And I throw the same statement back

Omg at this point I dont know what the fuck you want esh.
Cause lord knows you dont respect me even tho I’ve always shown you respect, and you keep twisting what I say to try and turn it into how you percieve my words.

It was fun discussing things with you, in the past even if we disagreed we didnt insult each other. Sure wed joke around but never went at it cause there was no reason to.

If you get caught, you’re a prisoner.
Like that’s just common sense.

My issue is that people frown upon that like you’re supposed to not guard your victim and make it easy for them to escape, like an asshole.

I only told you to address what you were ignoring.

Because you wanted to focus on what you think and feel, and try to connect it to what I said, when it never really did.

Like if what you said actually related to my points you think I would keep saying you ignored my points?

If you hadn’t insulted and ignored my points I would of been more than happy to go even more in depth than I had.

I dont know why you keep bringing up the prisoner thing up btw. Did you think I said the guy caught shouldn’t be able to escape? Cause that’s not what I said.

I said the problem, is that its frowned upon. I said this way before in another post but you missed it.
That people try to make it seem like it’s a bad thing to do.

No my guy. That’s called playing defensive.
Your defending your catch.
But your response makes sense because so many people hate defensive playstyles.

Unfortunately I dont even know if you understand what I’m saying here. And I dont mean that in a smart ass way, i just genuinely dont know what you understand or dont anymore.

You’re way of speaking, or communicating is so different that I have no fucking idea what youl take out of what i said.

I didnt call you back to fuck with you.
I just didnt think it was fair that I responded and addressed everything you said, but you ignored my points.

You kept treating this like you’re the one whos right and I have to prove my point to you. Like nah homie.

And you’re upset with me using the words fact.

I’m sorry, but if those things actually exist in the game, how am I supposed to label it?

I’m sorry you dont like the wording.

But 5 second cooldowns on basic hits exist.
It’s bad design. Why?
Because its only there to simulate balance.
If there was actual balance and good design, the killer wouldn’t stop after 1 hit, and there would be a better way for the survivors to deal with that.

Keeping the interaction going until the survivor managed to lose the killer, or they go down.

The fact that you think a half a year cool down is good is frankly just ridiculous. You claim balance, but it’s not. It’s too in favor of the survivors.

All I can tell you, is theres a million games out there that have good design, that are extremely enjoyable to many people. Which is what I was trying to tell you but everytime you changed the topic or ignored it.

You dont have to believe me.
I cant say I care anymore because I tried explaining everything like 5 times.

But while you think il only going for one side, you couldn’t be more mistaken. That’s just how you understood it.

Anyway have a good one.
Most likely this will be the last time I talk to ya cause I’m not interested in talking to someone who cant stay civil cause they cant control their emotions ain’t because someone won’t blindly agree with them.

And that’s bad gameplay, period. Simple as that.

I hate that too, it’s not the players fault the game doesn’t do enough to disincentive it.

But it’s still bad design


It’s ironic how I’ve been doing this according to you, but when I accuse you of it now it’s non sensical? I understand that you see it differently but there’s a difference between one of us doing it and not the other, and your argument which is the concept of that doesn’t make sense.

Your defending awful gameplay, while accusing me of wanting awful gameplay.

Seriously a game where you play prisoner is just fine? Your a prisoner, have fun?

Seriously you have an issue with a 5 second delay but your simultaneously fine with a 2 minute delay?

That’s just hypocritical.

That’s what camping is though. You literally watch the survivor until they’re sacrificed. The counter strategy to this is to let the survivor die and do gens.

They literally just die to you after one chase with no interaction afterwards.

As yes this was totally communicated well when you had a dick contest when you called me out.

Your acting the exact same way and the most I get is no that’s not true rather an actual argument.

No they exist in the game, the issue is your conclusion. Going completely neutral and saying your right, it should of been obvious that that contesting the idea that these mechanics are bad.


Look at fighting games. There attacks that even on hit, are neutral so that both players can gain their turn.

The same is in dbd.

Fighting games you land a full combo, you eventually go to neutral

No what let’s do a neutral ourselves and try to fix this

Wait for a second comment please

I will fully admit I got pissed off here between getting called out and the accusations of survivor bias, and it did make me an asshole.

I had my rant and I will apologize for that

Let’s go back to a neutral and start over so we can properly hear each other out

A. Let’s do one point at a time, not two, not four, one.

B. While we are doing one point at a time, sometimes points intersect, when this happens let’s try to minimize how much that second point interacts with the argument to what is nessacary.

C. I propose our first point be the importance of mechanics to thematics since this directly impacts how we see the game

D. No accusations of killer/survivor bias. We argue the effectiveness of an idea, not the claim that leads too.

If we accuse the other of not listening, then quote what you said that is being ignored, and how it’s being ignored.

I think this is a good baseline to mend things over.

Any objections?

One more rule

Let’s try to make every individual argument used to back a point their own thing in their own area for the sake of organization

To be honest I’m just being frustrated with the whole thing. I will fully agree with you, that you saw things a certain way. But the things you said I was doing and accusing you of, I never did.

I get so sick and tired of people thinking I did something and then trying to reflect that.

It’s a different topic but jesus christ its such bullshit.
Theres people I talk to that understand what I mean, so it’s not everyone tho i may have exaggerated by saying it was everyone in the past.

Theres so many factors that determine how a person communicates that of course theres going to be differences. I do my best to accommodate others when it comes to that, but I cant sacrifice how I am and talk just to please everyone because they’re used to something else.

The only reason it bothers me so much is because I do try to be civil, and try not to just have petty bullshit over a misunderstanding.

So that’s why this shit was frustrating.

Right now the only thing I feel like saying about what you said recently. And I’m going to explain it the best I can. A heads up, I naturally swear alot so dont think it’s me trying to be aggressive.

You say being prisoner is bad design.
No it’s not. You keep focusing on why it’s bad for the survivors.

But all it is, is the killer playing defensively.
You want to label playing smart as foul play because the person who got caught is being punished for their mistake.

Which is extremely common.
The majority of people hate defensive playstyles.
So they call it boring, not engaging, ect.

So if a player has to work to land a hit, and wins by killing everyone, then why would they not logically defend their catch?
Like this makes no sense.

Of course theres a catch to that, which I’d the others can go do the gens then.

From a tactical point, being defensive and not giving them a chance to escape is the smart play.

And I dont say this in favor of the killer.
Why do i claim that?
Because if I get caught, i dont expect to be given a chance to escape. I fucked up. I should die.

If you play as many games as I have, that are pvp, you know that a huge thing in these games is punishing the mistakes of others. So this whole thing of letting them go, is just too casual for me.

Like it’s just people not wanting any harsh consequences for making mistakes.

So ya. Cant call me a hypocrite if I’m fine with playing by those rules as well.

However, I’m fine with there being a way to escape. It’s just that it should require actual work.
Such as maybe having something the survivors can do to move the killer from the hook.

Like add something that the survivors can damage that the killer has to defend or they get weaker or get pushed from the hook.

These arent polished ideas. I dont feel like coming up for ideas for a game I dont play.

But, when I played DBD last time a while ago, it was the most boring experience I’ve ever had in gaming, and I’ve played some bad games.
Like I rather play superman 64.

The thing is, I enjoy a lot if games others don’t enjoy.
So of I can enjoy what others consider bad, you really think I cant identity a bad game?

What I mean by that is, if I can enjoy what others consider bad, you dont think I wouldnt be able to enjoy a bad game like DBD?

I cant word that any better. But having played so many games in my life and seeing so many different things I can pick up on good and bad things.

Either way the main point and I guess my question to you is, why are you considering and labeling playing defensively a bad design?

Like you do see the logic behind it, and why tactically its smart right?

Tho it has a downside that can lead to a loss.
So it’s not perfect.

Yes I am focusing on the survivor, but the thing about multiplayer games is that they go both ways. It’s needs to be fun on both sides.

It’s all good for killer, but for survivor it’s flawed. A good multiplayer game is fun for both sides simultaneously.

And no I don’t label camping as foul play. When camping was brought up, it was about the gameplay loop. It’s not the players fault the game has a flaw in design. But it is still a flaw that should be fixed.

Those people are stupid. But in this case there is a point to be made about the lack of interactivity with the camped victim.

Actually no. By the time you kill the first survivor there’s three gens done at least on a bad team.

I know you mentioned this yourself but I’m talking about it as much point just to clarify. The only time you benefit from camping is with a stealth killer. But even then you need two downs. If you don’t get that your fucked.

By this logic respawns shouldn’t exist. Multiplayer games give you multiple chances to fail and come back. DBD has a three hook system. Mechanically getting unhooked is a respawn and camping is just spawn camping. And even systems that do kill you off don’t pu**y foot around it by having you wait 2 minutes to actually die. You just die.

Even in PHG the predator can quit the match the instant they’re downed saving the long wait at the end.

Hell we (or at least the community) have made fun of people who attempted to call out people for quiting out after the predator dies when there’s no reason to stick around.

And you can’t quit out as survivor since that would give the killer a massive advantage since they earned three chases worth of progress on one chase.

DBD is a game where you have three chances. We should be giving those survivors those three chances.

Besides as broken survivors are there’s only so much you can do. It’s physically impossible to go the entire game without getting downed by a decent killer. This would be like an endless survival mode punishing the player when they die in ways other than progression lost. Imagine having to wait two minutes between playing a endless wave mode. Of course they’re going to die, it’s inevitable.

Besides wasting time is never a punishment a player should be given.

Sta decreases, lost states, sure, but wasted time? Never. If a player has to go through a period where where can’t do anything it has to facilitate balance or gameplay, not as a punishment.

Yes but not every punishment is equal. Sometimes punishments are bullshit, and it’s so in this case.

The DBD community absolutely they’re pussies.

Me on the hand, I don’t care if I’m tunneled. It’s 5he same thing as camping except I don’t have my time wasted and get to play the game.

I still die because it’s inevitable when being tunneled. But gameplay wise it’s still fine. Camping is not

That’s literally what I was saying. This conversation about camping started with me saying body blocking is a counter to camping.

I literally opened up with that.

The gens. That’s literally the gens, killers just don’t care.

Taste and quality are never connected.

A single person can like something bad, like something good, hate something good, and hate something bad all at once.

At least they’re never connected in terms of prove of a games quality.

It’s just this specific point. Camping in cod allows me to hunt him down and use tacticals to counter him. I can interact with him as a victim. I can’t interact with the killer as a camp victim.

I do, I don’t blame the killers for camping, it’s still a flaw that should be fixed.

I’ve read this a few times now.
Thought about it but I’m really not sure what to say.

As many issues as I have with DBD, the hook mechanic isnt one of them. At least not the concept.

So alright, given the lore, and the premise and all that of the game, I dont see it flawed at all.

Your problem with it is that you think it’s a waste of time for a survivor to be trapped.
I dont understand how or why.

If you started the match being hooked then yes. That would be an issue. And I can go over a bunch of random ideas to try to make it better, but DBD ain’t my game do I dont want to type it all up.

I wouldnt talking about it while playing a game but typing all that is a pain.

The issue here is you/ people that don’t like not being able to do anything if you due or get caught.
But theres plenty of games like that.

Like depending on the game, it can work.
And unless you’re going to completely change DBD you cant get rid of the hook.

I do think it should work differently in the sense of you get a buff or power for sacrificing a soul. Like the demon or devil that runs that dimension or universe rewards you.

And maybe the survivors can disable it for a short time, like maybe once or twice a match.

This is essentially what I kept trying to explain.

It might seem like I’m talking about another topic vit not really it ties in with the hook thing.

So basically the game should play more like an actual horror game. Think amnesia, outlast, ect.
While its not a genre I like playing, i do think these games are good.

I guess I’m more of a horror fan than I thought, because i would love to play as a demon or something and set up a lot of traps and make it be like an actual horror movie.

On the flip side, I would love to play a survivor and experience that as well.
That sounds way fun.

The entire point of a video game is Player engagement.

Giving the player less engagement can empthesize the engagement you do have, but no engagement isn’t playing a video game. It’s watching a cutscene.

And no just because it fits thematically doesn’t make it good.

A video game where your stuck in a prison cell doing nothing would not be a good game.

The only game I can think of does this is single life game modes like siege and cod.

But with siege I can still interact with the game by watching cams and making callouts. As survivor I just sit there.

The killer still can’t even when gens fly by. What worse debuff is there than an entire lost.

Let me establish something

Under no circumstances should a game be boring

Not because of thematics, not because of gameplay, not as a punishment.

A game is there to be fun. There’s no excuse for it not to be

Ok but you cant just say it’s bad and boring. Like it works and it’s not bad. It sucks when you die and cant do anything, but that’s just deserts.

Like I get it, you dont like it. But that doesnt make it bad just cause of that.
I still dont agree with it being bad just because of that.

Like I get what your saying. But not only me, but a lot of people would disagree.

However I’m not saying for survivors to only be prisoners. I mean it could be a cool concept but this is another idea and game.

But this isnt a major part of the game.

It would be bad if you started out not being being able to do shit but this only happens if you get caught.

But ya it’s just you dont like thats all it boils down to.
Like I’m not saying it just to shut you down, but like it’s not as bad as you feel it is.

Its whatever tho, for the hook.

My issue Is the other stuff I mentioned.

Sorry about the late reply banned for I appropriate language but I believe that was for an already censored sex term and not my blowout on you (sorry about that)

But it is

It’s boring for the survivors. And you care about fun. A good multiplayer game is fun for both sides simultaneously. Being camped is not fun

Camping is not viable against a good team

Camping goes against the very basis of gameplay.

Gameplay is about how the player interacts with the mechanics. If you remove that interaction (which is what camping does) your not doing anything that game should allow you too. Even if it is a punishment, it’s not a good one.

No it doesn’t. Even with gen nerfs the entire team can get 3 gens done before the first survivor is killed assuming a one shot down with no chase.

Assuming the same for the second gens are done by your second camp and the remaining survivors are out the gate.

There’s more to it than that

And a lot of people are on my side as well. Besides that’s just a logical fallacy. Number =/= right

Not being able to play is still bad game design, even if it’s a punishment.

Example, there’s a game called greedfall. It’s a stat based rpg, basically poor man’s mass effect. If you fail certain conversation stats your pu is he’d with having to do more talking and walking. It’s just a waste of time.

I am a player. I am here to have fun and play a game. Regardless of context, a game shouldn’t be punishing my playtime. Mmr sure, rewards, sure, but the “fun” of a game should never be on the chopping block.

Otherwise what’s the point of playing.

I have made objective arguments as to why it’s objectively bad. A game with no mechanical interaction is not a game.

Problem with that, I don’t mind being camped. I just get on my phone. My argument is entirely objective in that it’s bad game design.

Alright what’s your next list on the chopping block

Read it all before you quote.
It will make more sense if you tackle it as a whole and then return to previous parts.
I tried to make it concise too, but given that theres actually a lot to this topic, I found it hard to do so.
So it turned out pretty long.

Look man, I’m not going to convince you, just as you haven’t convinced me. On some parts I agree, but it’s like you’re failing to remember this isnt team deathmatch.

You dont need to be alive the entire time.
The goal of the killer is to kill you and your team off.

This is the nature of these types of asym games.

If you play it, you know that Is a possible outcome if you fail or make a mistake.

Nothing you said sounds like an objective argument as to why it’s as bad as you think or feel it is.
Like you’re stating your beliefs as fact, and were not going to get anywhere arguing opinion.

Also as for the number of people, to that I say yes and no.
Perfect example is destiny.

Some people complained about primary weapons having elements, while the majority didnt.
But since they were the loudest people about their feedback, bungie listened to them and ruined a core mechanic which made the game more fun and gave the player more versatility.

If this wasnt an asym game, I would agree with you.
However, you said it yourself, and I know it, that defending the hook wont work. It should, but hey, whatever.

In your argument, the only solution is to change the game up, to where the killer can kill all 4 players without having to hook them or without them bleeding out.

Because without the hook mechanic then the killer has to chase 4 ppl and it’s going to be too easy for survivors since in your argument they can just always keep running around.

What about death?

Are they going to have to implement a revive system?
That could work but the killers gonna have to be able to swing a few more times and possibly be able to grab them.

Like your issue is not being able to do something.
Well either the hook or death, you’re still out.

So what’s the solution?

Make it so people can leave as soon as they die?

Maybe have them come back as a spirit to slightly hinder other survivors?
Like their soul becomes the killers ally?

Like I’m sorry man, and understand this might like frustrate you, keep in mind I’m not just needlessly trying to give you a hard time.

But going by myself, and many other players who are good and patient.

If we play a game, and we die.
Depending on the game, we accept that fact, and wait for the end result. Hardly anyone I play with rage quits.

My point is this. Depending on the nature of the game, getting wiped out and only being able to observe is just something that is a party of the game and works.

Trust me, at this point I get it. You dont like it.
But for this type of asym, it fits and works.

It takes pressure of the killer who is extremely hindered in mobility and attacks. If the killer wasnt so handicapped, I could agree with you.

And i can mention like at least 3 ideas maybe more to replace the hook mechanic.
But given the nature of the game, there isnt anything wrong with it.

However, since I’m not heavily invested in DBD, I feel it’s pointless for me to type up ideas for it.
More so than I have.

It would be different if you and I were playing a game together and just casually chatting about it.
That’s way faster to cover everything.

But ya man, I can understand where you’re coming from, but please get that from an outside perspective, what you’re telling me just comes across as someone who is impatient in games not liking getting knocked out and unable to do anything.

I agree it can be frustrating.
However, I can’t stress it enough.
It fits the nature of the game.

Also, it’s one part of the game.
As I also said, if you get hooked that’s cause you fucked up. But you dont start hooked.

The only way I can agree with you is if the game gets a rework. However, its gonna be hard to do that unless you drastically change everything.

And I cant think of anything that would he fair and balanced, that wouldnt involve multiple lives or something of the sort.

Like yeah theres people who are impatient when it comes to this stuff like you are.
And unless you let them be able to be aggressive they wont be happy.

This is were defensive playstyles come in.
It annoys them, and that throws them off their game.
It might seem unrelated, but the point is, theres the psychological aspect of it.

Say you’re a hyper player.
Always gotta be active, or anyone who’s like this.
These people get extremely frustrated when they cant do what they want right away.

And that’s good. Its a way for defensive players to counter that playstyle.

You’re confusing camping with defending.
Camping isnt a blanket statement.
And as someone who played fps a lot, it bothers mr seeing it outside of fps games.

To you it may fit. But you can not apply the term camping when someone is defending an objective.
That’s not fair to put such a negative label on someone playing the game properly.

Camping only applies when its team deathmatch.

Like genuine question, how are you going to get nad at someone defending what they need to, in order to win?

As I’m writing this, I believe that’s the issue, and why you and I are disagreeing on this.

I play more defensive.
I love making impatient players use their shit because they cant do what they want to.

It’s harder to do, and requires patience, which a lot of people dont have. But it’s a playstyle that should be viable and available to those who are smart enough to and patient enough to pull it off.

You seem to be a more hyper, active player.
The one who just wants to stay on your opponent and run them over and stay on them til they die.

Which how simple that is has always bored me.

Now dont get me wrong. I don’t stick to only defensive.
I go based off the situation.

Anyway, the point is, I believe the reason we dont agree is just difference in playstyles.
Like I said, I get where you’re coming from, but I cant fully agree and accept as fact, when it really really feels like it’s just opinion.

Not trying to repeat myself too much, but it’s kinda hard to. I just wanna make sure the stuff I feel needs to be stressed, is done so.

How does it not? The purpose of a game is the interaction between the mechanics and the player. Take away the interaction what do you have?

A. I don’t even think Bungie did that because of feedback. From a dev perspective it makes your loadout choices more meaningful

B. There’s a difference between making destiny builds slightly more static and a playstyle that literally removes you from the game while wasting your time simultaneously. I don’t think it’s the minority.

Besides like I said this is all a fallacy so there’s no point to be made here.

That’s already a playstyle. It’s called slugging. When did you play the game?

Seriously not only is it a playstyle with it’s own dedicated builds, but it’s also a strat used in specific circumstances.

That’s a bit far

You already can

Ya I used to play siege.

Even with this, it wouldnt work in DBD

In siege you have 3 minutes at most before the next round, and that’s while being able to interact with cameras. In DBD the match goes on for 15+ Minutes.

Actually no. Assuming we’re talking about hooks again, the game is built around each survivor having three chances, one lost when hooked.

No it doesn’t. Killers who camp deal with gen pressure the most.

I’m fine with being knocked out, it’s the two minutes of nothing that’s the issue.

Not really.

There’s already multiple lives. It’s the hook states.

This is not the case at all dude. Survivors barely have an offensive playstyle beyond saves but even then camping isn’t a direct response.

Beaides camping kills all playstyles, not just offensive. Defensive, altruistic, stealth, no playstyle stays intact.

And the issue with defensive versus offensive is the inability to counter. We already established that camping is easy to counter so that’s not relevant. This argument holds no parallels.

Camping is what the community calls it. Just because it is used in TDM communities doesn’t mean the term can’t extend to other things in different names.

Beaides this argument assumes the name matters. Camping, defending, doesn’t change what’s happening.

Negative to you. To me it’s not.

Same question back at you. How are you going to get mad at FT doing what they need to win?

I don’t get mad at the player, like I said numerous times, I just don’t think it’s good game design to allow camping.

And the survivors should have the tools to counter it, like any other viable strategy.

It’s not as simple as it seems.

No it doesn’t make your loadout more meaningful, it literally was just an unnecessary nerf.

Theres a lot of problems with destiny.
However destiny attracts a lot of fucking idiots.
A lot of us who used to raid alot and played the game non stop back in the day hated that change and them knocking out weapons out of the loop simply to simulate content.
But this is another issue, primarily in looter shooters.

All I can say is destiny plays well, but the way they run things at bungie is severely limiting destiny’s potential.

Back to DBD, I just dont see the point of trying to discuss this because you want to be hellbent on you being right.

Like you’re not simply saying you disagree with me, you’re just stating your beliefs as fact.

Not one single thing you’ve said has convinced me that you’re correct. Sorry esh, not trying to be an asshole to you, but something I’ve grown tired of is people acting like their opinions are fact.

I refuse to play that game anymore.
If that’s how you want to treat it, then it’s your job to convince me.

And so far you havent.

You’re fine with dying. However you have a problem with the hook. That really doesnt make sense.

Also, theres a difference between camping and defending. In camping you’re just waiting for a kill, and theres no objective. You literally do not have to hold your ground.

Defending is actually protecting an objective.

It really doesnt matter if other people twisted the definition to something else. That’s where it originated from.

And I dont understand why you’re arguing like I’m all about camping the hook. Since you wanna call it camping. I already agreed with you it’s not really viable.

It should be, but too many scrubs would cry.

However, I’m just neutral in the matter of the hook.
Whether its there or not, doesn’t affect why dead by daylight is a bad game.

Also you keep using words like fallacy to shut down what I’m saying simply because you dont agree.

What I don’t understand is why even tho I can extend olive branches to you and understand where you’re coming from, even tho I don’t fully agree, you insist on just trying to be right and not reaching a middle ground.

Like that just makes you come across as full of yourself.

As far as the hook mechanic, I am neutral. I dont think it’s good or bad. It simply is.

Out of respect for you I’m trying to not piss you off,
Or just get you going.

I can promise you this tho.
My issues with the game.
If those issues got addressed, the game would bring in way more people.

You don’t have to agree.
But you cant ignore a large group of people, IF you’re trying to bring in more people.

And a lot of the things that DBD has just drives a lot of people away.

I will say this tho.
In the end I dont care about DBD getting as popular as fortnite or just tanking and shutting down.

It’s hard to care about a game a i played and was so fucking bored because how bad it’s designed.

So I think it’s best we just agree to disagree, cause were not getting anywhere.

He’s trying to tell you that DBD has laughable skill expression. The killer is artificially gated by the camera, the FOV, the turn radius, the stuns, the animation recoveries, the walk speed etc. Half the gameplay is just knocking the controls out of the opponents hand for however long. its horrible stun based sluggish game design. Like if illfonic decided bullets should just stun the pred and make the person playing just spin around with their tank controls for the sake of slowing down the game & call it pacing.

And then survivors limited to how well they can hit a button prompt and AT MOST have to aim a flashlight and learn the basic bitch maps.

The DBD community is as shitty as it is because the game rewards premades to the point of invalidating core mechanics like auras and heartbeat. People playing DBD find it rewarding because they lack mechanical skills like say AIMING & instead benefit from just memorizing animation lengths and maps which would be considered basic foundation knowledge in any other competitive game you get from just playing hundreds of matches.

In PHG you can easily go “hey that pred/FT hit all headshots holy shit” in DBD its literally just ring around the rosey and people abusing animations/camera with whatever oppressive meta perk setup.