Dead by daylight update

I said from the devs perspective not mine

I could say the same to you. Were both dead sure of our perspectives trying to convince the other.

Besides I offered a chance to go to the next topic. If you really believe I’m not budging agree to disagree and start off your next complaint and see if that fairs any better.

Same here

I literally gave the reasoning behind it. Games are eabout interactivity blah blah blah

Direct quote please tell me the hotel with this logic?

If you die your time isn’t wasted. You just go off on the next match no downtime. You get camped it’s two minutes of your life wasted. If you weren’t camped then your just waiting for a chance to come back in which facilitates the pace of the match.

For dbd the community has used the same words to mean different things.

The term camping originated from pitching a tent up in the forest. You can’t Grammer police gaming slang. Besides this conversation doesn’t change the actual gameplay.

We’re arguing about should it be viable.

I used it once to describe your popularity fallacy. A fallacy where you use the opinion of large group of people rather than logical arguments.

What middle ground is there?

I don’t think camping is good gameplay

I gave that it’s not the killers fault

I gave that using stealth killers to bait a down is a smart use of camping

We agreed camping sucked

If those aren’t middle grounds what is there?

That is true. Like I said in the top of the post I’m coming back because of a massive balance patch nerfing gens and a lot of survivors perks.

Anyways I’ll extend the offer one more time. Right now neither of are convinced. So let’s move on to the next topic with our opinions on the topic in mind

DBD is reverse interactivity.

Atleast in PHG no matter how broken the perks are the person shooting still has to be able to aim.

In DBD its like “oh no im playing trapper while theyre all communicating where im placing traps right now very cool, much counterplay and interactivity”

And for my final point I’d like to reiterate
DBD is a horrible game to be sweating over. Unfortunately every player in the game is subject to that regardless of their capacity to enjoy the base gameplay, because they added a shitty ranked mode to some of the most mechanically shallow asymmetrical gameplay in existence. If you want to say “that’s the nature of people” you’re basically the type of zoomer who tried to go pro in fall guys. Not every game has to be sweaty and DBD suffers from not understanding that.

I mean I cant let that one go tho.
You cant claim your side is pure logic when its clear you’re going off opinion.

So as long as you can leave, you’re fine with it.
Kinda makes no sense.

I’ve given you examples where what you say would fit in and work. That’s the olive branches ive extended.
However you only want to be right.

As for the other things were not going agree either.

I mean, like I said, I’m tired of people acting like their beliefs are facts. Like that’s not how this works.
And if thats how you wanna play it, then you have to convince me.

I just dont like the whole narcissistic angle.

I just dont wanna run around in circles.

As for the next topic, well attacks and abilities on killers are horribly designed.
You claim it’s for balance, but it literally makes it too easy for the survivors to get away, because of a gimmick and not their skill.

The game itself hindering a killer is no fun, and it’s not really balanced, it also makes no sense the way it works in the game.

It would be a different story if the survivors had to do something that required skill to get away after getting hit, or if they had a mechanic to prevent damage that made sense, but wasnt too powerful.

Seriously if you look at many, and I mean MANY different games youl see that only low level weapons or abilities, have such a hindrance to them.

If the goal is fun, then that’s completely missed because it isnt fun to attack once, and then be forced to slow down and stop attacking, for no other reason than to simulate balance.

That isnt true balance, or good balance for that matter.

Its babying the survivors.

Btw looking at it now, and this might seem like a different topic but its just meme analyzing this conversation,
You want a typical pvp game with a hint of horror,
I want a true horror experience that’s multiplayer.

A true multiplayer horror game doesnt really exist in the sense of asym games.

So that’s another issue as to why were disagreeing so much. Were after different goals.

While I’m not the biggest horror fan, I can promise you the way I have DBD imagined in my mind, how it should play, would draw a lot of horror fans and be way more enjoyable for both sides, win or lose.

But as DBD is now, it’s a horrible game. So I’ve no interest in it.

And I thought my generic insults were bad

A. Even if we completely agreed this sucked, it’s not a gimmick. Long cool down animations are just basic frame data that are used in multiple games. Even reloads are the same thing.

B. Your applying a lot of empthesis on balance when it’s not at all the fault of the attack cooldown. First off killers who main focus are their abilities without that cooldown, Huntress, plague, Legion, leatherface, still suffer from balance. Likewise nurse and spirit who do suffer from that cooldoown on ability usage are the strongest in game and spirit is even a noob tube.

Of all the things in the game that makes it unbalanced, this is not it.

It’s 5 seconds, it’s not a big deal.

The skill from chases come at loops. How to run loops, gauging distance, mind games, duking, dodging ranged attacks. Most of these actions require you to be at a loop. If you hit a survivor, without that cooldown, they likely won’t make it to the next loop to engage in that skillful action.

Not a lot of games are PVP cat and mouse games.

And even then LMG’s exist with their long ass reloads.

The fun comes from what that cooldown forces you to do. You either have to rely on your killer ability or play loops, the actual meat and potatoes of the game.

Ya That’s not happening.

Even if a true horror PVP experience was possible (at least one that kept scaring) that’s not what DBD. Maybe it’s what it was intended as, but what was, and is now, is not horror.

Two last thing. On balance, they’re adding a patch that completely nerfs the best survivor perks And gens.

Second when did you play? I feel like this is a massive factor as DBD has gotten tremendously better over the years.

A year and a half ago, but understand, my issue wasnt anything to specific, it was the game itself.
Like all of its core mechanics made me want to slit my wrist and pour bleach in it.

And btw, I dont use the term narcissist as an insult.
I hate that other people do, cause when I call someone narcissist or narcissistic, it’s because that’s how they’re acting or coming across.

Remember, I’m choosing my words extra careful with simply so you wont get pissed off again, purely out of respect for you. So I’m not going to throw any insults your way.

Strong disagree 5 seconds is not a big deal.
In video games 5 seconds is an eternity.

Smite is a perfect example of that.

I feel like youre ignoring what made games good back in the day.

You can not compare it to other games because hardly any game has a 5 year cooldown for basic attacks

Like im starting to question your taste in games, because it legitimately feels like you never played ANY good series and beat them.

The arguement that its basic frame data, isn’t good enough. Like il extend an olive branch to you.

The topic is basic attacks and abilities
So you cant really use gun reload as an example.
Because in that scenario it makes logical sense.
You can put continuous pressure for a long time.

In some games, a slow attack and cooldowns will work and make sense. So it isnt that what you’re saying is always bad. It’s just you’re trying to apply it to basic attacks and claiming it’s for balance.

Like if the game has to purposely hinder you, then it’s a gimmick, because the devs couldnt think of anything better.

Its also exactly why most games allow you to cancel the reload animation.
There really is no comparison for DBD’s sluggish artificial pacing.

this too.

going “uh its skillful to memorize walk speeds and how long the recoil animation takes while spinning around with a flashlight” is funny when gauging distance is considered the most basic shit in any other game.

There’s no mechanical upper limit for that its just memorization you get from spamming matches.

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What kind of jackasses write whole ass essays about their opinions on a game while labeling said opinions as fact?

Your mom

But a 2 minute sit out session isn’t?

Even as a punishment, if 5 seconds isn’t fine as a baseline how is 2 minutes fine as a punishment?

I was just saying it wasn’t a gimmick because of that, not that it was fine because of that.


Resident evil 8

Witcher 3 twice

Dark souls 3

Kingdom hearts 2

Kingdom hearts birth by sleep (albeit that was mediocre)

No other game is a cat and mouse PVP game either

Dead by daylight is completely unique. Seriously this game is most comparable to fighting games purely because of the massive amount of 50/50’s in the game. And it’s nothing like fighting games.

But they’re both animations that take 5 second to do after doing something you should have done.

You shot your gun to kill an enemy, now you have to reload which is just a fancy Timeout

You hit a survivor, you have to wait on your timeout.

Both are beneficial actions that result in you having to stop and wait for some sort of timer afterwards.

I’ll admit they’re different in execution but the core concept is the same

Imagine this

Your playing a game and you die

Then the game punishes you with a 2 minute timer where you can’t play.

Not a loading screen, not story, not waiting on the next multiplayer round.

Your just stuck for 2 minutes on a penalty for dying.

Wouldn’t you say that’s objectively bad?

Dude a gun is logical because once you run out of ammo you have to reload.
But hitting someone with a melee hit and wiping it after slashing someone, is fucking stupid.

There is no fucking objective, logical, common sense reason at all in any plain of existence as to why its beneficial or good in any stretch of the imagination.

And no, it’s the same because it’s a basic attack without an ammunition weapon of without using an ability that consumes energy.

If it was multiple attacks, then maybe.
But a single one that cant even kill, is fucking stupid.
This is something that actually needs a rework to be more fun for killer and more engaging. Survivors already have enough, in that regard.

I’m sorry man, but trying to justify it as a balance thing is just a lazy excuse.

You’re a hooker!

Why not have infinite ammo?

Ammunition is just a thematic accuse for cooldowns. It’s not an inherent to the mechanic nor does it excuse it if it’s such a bad mechanic according to you.

But the attack cooldown forces engagement by empthesising your killer powers.

Seriously use trapper, now they can’t run after the cooldown,

Use wraith and play hit and run, now the animation is redundant

Play hillbilly, one shot downs for days.

Play huntress and don’t basic attack at all.