developers wake up before it's too late

This not because they cant aim. Dont get me wrong , it’s obv that M&K is better than Pad for shooter games. Problem is that they dont fight the Predator, they focus on missions and veritanium. They don’t need more damage, they need to understand when it’s the time to do the mission and when it’s the time to check around for the Predator position. Also you can see from the video of YTShifologist that all the games people go for pick up instantly after some one get downed. Of course NOBODY tell them how to play , and that’s why we need a tutorial rather than a Bane stupid buff.


Communication may be an issue. I saw a few videos where one FT is down and 2-3 of the others rush to pick him up. And what does the pred do? Plasma caster splash or slam or AOE melee. You’d kinda thing that after getting killed 50 times while picking someone up, you’d try something different. But it’s like theyre locked in when they hear ‘im bleeding bad’.

Plus, if things are just not working out, wouldn’t it make sense to go on youtube a watch some FT content?

Balanced or not, I’m enjoying the challenge

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I think if illfonic invested into a ranking system early on, people would be playing on their skill level and there won’t be a need for so many nerfs/buffs. PS rank would be worth 3/4th of PC. Initially less skilled preds would take on a little more skilled FTs, do melee us not too OP; on the opposite end, higher skilled preds would take on FT skilled just below them.

Being a Predator is tough these days being a FTM was never really hard if you’ve played one shooter then you’ve played them all for the most part but I’d say Communication and Teamwork is the make or break for most FTs in my EXP, if even two people are talking and have slightly above average aim they can make the Predator’s day very difficult even if the other two are potatoes, if its all 4 working together and talking then you got a battle on your hands! Win or Lose just get in that jungle and HUNT for its the poor carpenter that blames his tools 😜

  • error + error…

I can do it even with pc players with me and against pc Pred with this patch right now, that is from 1 hour ago. 😂 It’s the 4th time I did over 7k.

Stronger??? Is already strong…i have played against unstoppable predators

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If you play with random’s they don’t care. Sorry to be blunt but there is a major division about how the game should be balanced. If you’re like me and playing with random’s you likely think the Predator is fine or even strong, however if you’re all running the meta and part of a Pre-made, Pred feels weak.

I purposely don’t run the meta, couldn’t care less that it’s weaker. I play for fun and use what I want to.


PS4 predators are fine. They aren’t going anywhere. Without adding decent aim assist, they’ll lose the PS4 base if they nerf fireteam.


Same, I like to make builds based on what I think would be cool or interesting does it always pan out? No not at all 😂 but either way I have a blasty blast playing this game despite its issues. I’m really hoping for Pred Teams in the next update! 😁😁😁


Don’t disagree, most PC Pred’s are fine too. There is definitely a skill curve that effects the outcome of the match too.


I’ve seen some of the videos of PC snipers, so I can sympathize with that. Other than that, I don’t think it’s as bad as some make it seem.

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Agreed the learning curve can be steep especially if you don’t know which class suits you best or are being stubborn with a particular build(me😂) but its not like you’re running into ProPremades every single match, unless you are 😲 which sucks, but it can’t rain all the time ya know? Also just saying…a really good tool that could help balance would be…

The Unholy Backhanded Bitchslap that costs half your stamina and can send the FTM flying away from you! @OldKingHamlet 😂
You could even buff or nerf it based on class and maybe even make it an unlimited thing when in second wind that way you can just WOP FTM out of your way if they try to body block you.
And yes I will keep reposting this until they put it in because if JH87 gets to do it in the OG movie to Arny, Damn it I Should TOO 😜

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Doing an absurd 4400 damage to the premade I fought today… with all the heals ammo crates… re-enforcements… They still almost got away… I am one of the few that land almost every shot trap disc… it should not have to be this way.


Personally, I think that just getting rid of the parry would go a long way to help balance the game for the majority of players.

What would you replace it with?

How would FT delay pushes by the Predator?

Do you realize that then there’s nothing to discourage a Predator from melee pushing through the whole team in the first 2 minutes.

If FT can’t parry who would be happy, FT team players? I really don’t think so, in fact I’m comfortable saying I know so.

Does that mean, this suggestion would only serve 1/5th of the players in the match? Yes, I think it does. So I think you’re biased and not even hiding it, just making a blanket statement that bare’s no relation to reality.

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But it is unfortunately, but as stated before those things are in place for newbies and casuals so they have alot of room to make a lot of mistakes, which is the hoped for majority I would assume by the devs, now these handicaps very obviously become a great strength to the initiated and the Pros but that can be said in any multiplayer based game as well. Hopefully this is all in preparation of a 2v8 or 3v10 mode. If the preds were still as strong as they were, individually, then 2 of them even with bad team work could wipe out the FT easily even more so if there’s 3 preds regardless of the possible 8-10 total FTM. The amount of AI will def increase as will the amount of obstacles for all involved. But with the Preds having back up the handicaps become a little more needed than before as you could have(in the scenario of 3) a tag in tag out attack with one Pred watching the reinforcements and or blowing up the ammo refills and health.
And especially if the two FT are also against each other then they now have fight over those same handicaps/refills.

I wouldn’t replace it with anything. All that’s required on the FT side is teamwork. They already have enough firepower to down a predator in seconds if he comes rushing in to melee everyone. That’s what would discourage Predators from doing it.

I’m sure there will be people unhappy on either side no matter what happens, but the parry at the moment feels cheap and dirty to me and way too abusable.


You take away parry and pred melee will become cheap, dirty, and way too abusable. Are there ways they can go about adjusting parrying yes but flat removing it no.