Do we think a Damage boost Cap?

and IDGAF if the player base shrinks, specially if the ones who ditch the game are potato players and 5 year olds

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Unfortunately they will likely always remain and stay because lets face it no parents really care what games there kids play!

And the ones that due those kids are the ones that do those unspeakable acts of violence!

I always thought they should have put full metal jacket rounds and body armor as gear items instead of having DMG +/- perks


Now thats an idea! And s
Instead of the weapon crates you find additions for your guns! So maybe one game you find a underbarrel shotgun with dragon breath rounds and then the next game your playing with a sniper and find hollow points with explosives tiped bullets! That would be cool

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Okay. This might be a crazy idea. I’ve been discussing this exact idea with a really good player, but he doesn’t use the forums ever.

First what’s wrong with balance right now.


  1. Field Medic is too strong
  2. Thick Skin and Gearhead make almost any class extremely tanky.
  3. Support Field Medic is the strongest team character
  4. Dante Field Medic is the strongest individual character


  1. Reduce the damage of every weapon (guns, explosives, knives, etc.) 15 - 20%.
  2. Increase Yautja’s Bane and all character damage passives 5% (but not specializations).

How could this help?
Now players have to choose between being Damage Dealers OR Support OR Tank OR Stealth.

In this case, a full team of Supports will not have enough damage out put.

A full team of Assaults will be much weaker in terms of health/damage ratio.

A stealthy team would give up both.

🤷‍♂️ That’s the best I got at the moment.

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I firmly believe that violent video games do not create violent people. As a kid I grew up playing my fair share of violent video games. I also don’t care if they are 5, 10 or 40, as long as they play like they know what they are doing and don’t scream on the mic like they are having a seizure.

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Okay! I like it I like it!!

So by making the weapons weaker and either keep or increase damage perks you either make them have choose be strong but die faster or be strong but deal piss for damage?

Mhmm okay okay!!

I like so far!!

However! I feel making the damager perks stronger may not be the best idea.

If you leave them be they are fine if you increase them even by 5% they may just be to strong to counter the fact that they are weak!

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Thats what I said! The sheltered killds the ones not allowed to watch or play anything violent tend to fantasize more about committing violence then others that get to Load up GTA fuck a hooker kill her and get out money back are more stable since we can express our fantasies in a controlled environment

Delete damage modifiers

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Only passives, so 10% would be the most buffed, but I recommended 15 - 20% across the board nerf, so it’s impossible be as strong as current values.

Right solution wrong approach in my opinion.

Again the problem is the perks. Being universal you can still run damage dealing tanks and OP DPS builds.

Remove damage perks to solve this
Now the most assault can do is 130% with a leader spec running with and that’s manageable.
Reduce damage all together 10% and now you’ve got a game and strategy to build with.

A 4 stack of assaults running bane+deadly for 130% damage is now only doing 110% by comparison.
Unstack existing perks, specializations and passives (FM doesn’t stack with dexterous, support passive damage resistance don’t stack, Tracker can’t stack with recon passive) and now you’re balanced.

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Im all for it! Others will not be tho! Lol!!

We shall achieve balance if it makes us have to commit Fraud and make out own PHG game lol

They would if they figured it would be replaced by something that affects gameplay/playstyles rather than a blanket stat adjustment that becomes mandatory to take unless you want to gimp yourself.

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I do alright with my recon Sniper build with no Bane equipped! Average 2k a game

With 20% across the board nerf, but Bane and passives buffed 5%, that’s a 10% overall Damage nerf.

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Like I said I’d rather see bane/heavy hitter and down range/fearless eliminated entirely and replaced with utility perks like disciplined as a perk for pred or perk that increases stun time with parry


So Fearless to less stun time

Down Range less damage a 50 meters or more

Bane i said earlier cant be scanned while mudded and silent

Heavy hitter more stun time after a successful parry

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I think “can’t be scanned” is a bridge too far, but yeah you get the idea. Maybe make bane a perk that spots when firing or something, I dunno. Just more usage oriented


While mudded up you cant be scanned even if they aim at you! Not cant be scanned all the time