Dutch '87 DLC Pack Now Available

It’s aggressively bad DLC. This is a skin for a character and i would not have been upset if it was like, 3 bucks and just told us what it is off the bat. Instead of trying to be sneaky and say it’s something it’s not


Thanks for taking one for the team!


No problem homie


So I guess it’s just like Dutch '87 I guess it’s an easy way to take voice lines from the other Dutch, but the model looks great

Wow, how much would you buy a pack of gum for 5 cents? You must be living in the 50s.

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No, the free update for the new map and mode, to be honest probably been waiting for the update more than the dlc

Someone asked the devs on twitter about the jungle hunter and if it will be released as DLC. The devs said it was for pre-orders only but the mask can be found as a mythic drop.

At least a 50 cent pack of gum blows bubbles

This pack of gum has already been chewed.

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Yea, Ur basically only paying for a skin (that u can’t even see in-game) and voice lines, stats are same as other Dutch, and I don’t know why they choose to release they weapons later for free.

Yes that is comming later in the month. It was on the PS4 blog post. First Patch 2.0 which we got Friday. Today we get Dutch '87. Then later this month (exact date unreleased) New Map and Game Mode.

Hopefully it isn’t to far down, I need those maps and modes now


You realize in other games, you can buy additional characters with there own skills, character model, voice lines, and movements for 3 dollars. They are selling a skin to a dlc we already bought for over double that


I’ve been waiting a long time for a new map and mode

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We should have got that this month

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I thought we would have got it today, don’t know if I can wait longer, I thought there was gonna be a city map with the city Hunter, waiting ever since to get a new map and mode


We should have gotten Lt. Mike Harrigan

But I guess we don’t need a black hero in this game.


Nope same maps and not even any new missions on those maps

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I would have settled for “generic OWLF agent” just to have SOMETHING new


It would’ve been cool to see harrigan again, hope that’s next dlc