Enforce crossplay

I’m curious as to why you follow my posts, do I have my first fan boy?

You like and comment on almost everything I post.

two threads tonight alone

You do understand the concept of a public forum correct?

Plus your views/opinions/insight differs widely from me on most matters, promoting debate on a public forum. Where this typically happens. You must be new to the internet, welcome :).

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I’m 40 and have used the internet since I was 13.
I find it interesting that you would follow me…
I can understand you disagreeing with me on a single point (or multiple points related to the relevant post), but actively seeking out every post I’ve made. That steps into a whole different realm.

I’m just going to block you mate, no offence

Crossplay should remain a choice. I’ve played hundreds of games with it enabled and disabled, as Fireteam and Pred. I’m sure some of you may have read the recent articles about players of CoD Warzone disabling crossplay due to the amount of PC players cheating by way of aimbots, etc. Without the option of cross play, some people would give up with the game altogether. Same risks apply with hai game. Options are a good thing.


You had the internet in 1993? Strange, because I was in college doing my BTEC Computer Science and we didn’t have internet then. Shit, we only just had the Pentium 486x processors…hmm.

And I came to this thread to find out why someone thinks I, as a PS4 player, should be forced to switch crossplay on. And all I’ve read so far is toxicity against us, actual admission of pc players “raping PS4 Predator players to ruin the game for everyone” and that PC player base is declining not because of us, but issues with the bugs and illfonics lack of communication but we should be punished for that?

And I’m supposed to rally to this cause? Not likely.


See… This is why I have to respond to your posts. You was apparently using the internet 7 years before its time.

Posts like this is why you’ll find me questioning you alot, as much of what you got to say, unfortunately doesn’t add up and needs correcting.

Just a fyi, the internet started to become was only invented in 1991. You would have been 20. Not 13. And a 20 year old out of school in 1991 wouldnt have liked used the internet for several more years, due to lack of an education in IT and the expense and geographical limited access to the web.

you couldn’t use the internet in 93 and you were in uni?
dial up I admit but we had it in highschool…

if you were using windows machines (which obviously you were based on the fact that you mentioned 486 processors (although you might want to check the dates on that for 1993)

Then you would need to use socket tunneling to even get the ms based system to dial up and use tc/ip technology (winsock was the original program)

I mentioned this in a previous thread but good PC predators are stuck in limbo right now.

  1. We play with crossplay on but due to several advantages of better FPS and consoles not having any aim assist, it’s often too easy and the lack of challenge is boring.

  2. We play with crossplay disabled and we’re now fighting FTs using low resolution, macros, you name it. Up against teams like this it’s difficult to even get close to them and if we do sometimes we see 50% of our health disappear within a second. This is also not fun.


Filton college, Bristol UK. No internet at that college in 1993, not anywhere.

So you were extremely priveledged to be able to have the internet the minute it was implemented…which would explain why you think you are entitled to tell me Crossplay shouldn’t be an option for me even though it’s a function within the game I paid for. My money, my game, my choice. Like I said, you’re not convincing me to rally to this cause. Quite the opposite. Perhaps being less arrogant and entitled, polite and respectful would’ve won some minds here.

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Most of my games are against 2 or 3 ps4 players to be honest

I was born in 79, I was in high school in 93 when we first had the internet (year 9 in australia as far as school goes).

The internet existed since the late 70s. fucking get an education

Can you explain how this aim assist functions for PC players please? Is this like aimbot, an actual feature? I don’t use my PC for gaming, always been a PlayStation junkie. I’m interested in the difference in aiming ability between the two though.

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your college had no internet access in 1993?
face book was founded in 2004…

First-person shooter game (FPS)

Main article: First-person shooter

During the 1990s, online games started to move from a wide variety of LAN protocols (such as IPX) and onto the Internet using the TCP/IP protocol. Doom popularized the concept of a deathmatch, where multiple players battle each other head-to-head, as a new form of online game. Since Doom, many first-person shooter games contain online components to allow deathmatch or arena style play. And by popularity, first person shooter games are becoming more and more widespread around the world. As games became more realistic and competitive, an e-sports community was born. Games like Counter-Strike , Halo , Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare , Quake Live and Unreal Tournament are popular with these tournaments . These tournaments have a range of winnings from money to hardware.

Expansion of hero shooters, a sub-genre of shooter games, happened in 2016 when several developers released or announced their hero shooter multiplayer online game ( Battleborn , Overwatch , and Paladins ).[21]

so your university didn’t have internet but I could play online…

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Yeah, the 70s but that was strictly military application you arrogant prick. I’m very well educated, studied computers extensively and went to university to study A.I. before it became a buzzword and abused in media. I forget more in a day than you’ll ever learn. Yeah, good luck with your crossplay idea. Never gonna happen. The guy above just admitted what we suspected as PS4 players, he highlighted all the exploits you use that we do t have access to (oh, we might have macros but that’s about it). Tell me again why I should care about your 30min wait time, I can get a game in under 5mins. Sucks to be you.

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There may an aimbot out for PC by now but I have no idea. Most FPS games on console tend to have an aim assist feature that is either enabled by default or is just hardcoded into the game. I don’t have the PS4 version but I’ve read multiple times that there is no aim assist at all. Most people are able to react much faster and aim more precisely on a mouse and keyboard compared to a console controller. The aim assist generally used for consoles is to help out with that deficiency a little bit.

I’m not arrogant, but you are either lying or delusional if you are telling me you went to a university/college that didn’t know the internet existed in 1993

That’s 11 years gap, now take into account the exponential growth of processing power during that time and you might just understand… again, your point?

1995 was the official start of the internet I thought. Maybe he is thinking BBCs?

Memories! We were still running null modem cables through the apartment to play Doom death-match in 1995. Where I grew up it was a long distance phone call to even get connected to the internet so it was a couple of years before I was able to be on full time.

Oh the olden days.