Enough Criticism on Illfonic

Literally fuck off you come.one here just to complain like a bitch, your tampon needs changing or perhaps your diaper

And you need to use arguments that support themselves just like your mouth will end up making your legs need crutches to support them. You are a shitty person, who only dares to speak that way to distant people. You need to go back to school to get a good education, because you completely lack it. in my land it is said that the letter with blood enters. and you need a lot of education. As a pet of the forum you are not bad.

Salty? About what? When I play either side I pull off the win? Ban for what? Its not like I attack ppl or go out of my way to start trouble? This game is in a sorry state and needs to be fixed, This game is fun to play and the game has some really strong mechanics but to say we need to stop blaming Illfonic for the way the game is, is just plain crazy. You are clearly new to the game and here. Play for another month you will see

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Idk if you mean that sarcastically or sincerely but either way it would be a weird interview to say the least. I have love for this game been here since beta and play both sides of the game. I may be a little too critical but at this point in the games life thats what they need to hopefully put their behinds in gear and get bug fixes flowing

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No I said ask nicely because Iā€™m using your same tactic on you, Iā€™m being mean so you stop being mean but itā€™s not changing your behavior is it? So what makes you think trying to tell Illfonic their game with negative feedback would do?

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At this point they need to hear it and see that the community is growing tired if bug filled patches and such. I really want them to do is playtest the shit out of patches before they drop them. Like a solid week.Its becoming the norm.

Lets say you went into ur local supermarket and you bought a bundle if apples they pre-packaged themselves you get home and come to find out that the apples you could not see behind all the good apples were rotten and mushy. So you return them they exchange them for you. Then you go home and find the same thing would you not be upset.

Thats how this game is. They claim to fix issues via the patch notes but the issues just seem to keep reoccurring. Its not so much pathetic but rather annoying and needs to be addressed and the only way to do that is negative feedback. Negative feedback is always better than positive feedback.

You need to take a step back and see that this game is buggy to all extent.

I enjoy this game and the devs have done a somewhat great job being a small studio but the being small should make them work extra hard and make sure their product is in tip top shape

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Tell me why I just had a match where someone got off the helicopter all pixelated, headless, and T-posing. The guy couldnā€™t shoot or do anything at all except move, the predator couldnā€™t even kill him.

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Buggs man buggs

The game is so filled with bugs the game itself believes its still in development lol

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I think if they go the route of shutting servers down they would need to impliment a bot mode or offline mode with offline FT so the player base has something to do while waiting for servers.

Or they could just leave Private open and we can deal with the bugs there till they fix them overall.

Because its a more casual environment and will allow preds who are glitch to correct themselves same with ft. Idk this games new content needs to be put on hold till all bugs are 98% ironed out. But that wont happen because Sony is pulling the strings with the content dropa

Well you know sony likes that moneyā€¦ but surely they are mad at all those bug reports. And offline still should be a thing. not everyone is trying to sweat their balls of facing a full FT. Some people probably came to this game thinking of concert jungle. So if they had offline where you can just play predator or FT then i think most people will be happy and if they want they could do private matches. But i agree they need to strap up and iron everything out there.


The Ai would need a major rework. Ai ft right now if they were coded to do the obj and fight off the pred would be pred killers. Idk if you have ever enter a camp as pred cloaked and get headshot by a sniper Ai before but itā€™s ridiculous how they see you even when not moving.

Tbh a offline mode would not work in this game.
If you want a sp pred game best beta are AvP and Concrete Jungle. Just being honest

Well i have concrete on my ps2 and play it all the time once my hunting grounds crashes soooā€¦and offline would work they just need to allow you to set the AI difficulty like in F13 with easy, medium, and hard. Because technically you can play private match alone as ft and pred and just kill AI and look for owlf recordings and vertanium. But Iā€™m sure most would like to be able to long claim AI FT to their hearts content. But i do see what your saying. It would be difficult to add in

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This game does not need a offline mode. This game is ment to be a multiplayer game. Im sorry offline bots need to be the last thing added to this game

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Like i said private match is basically offline mode when alone. I just like having fun thatā€™s why i play f13 you know to play jason and slaughter whoever i see so that offline was appreciated. But yea if they do it I would like it added last once the game is on its finale legs

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We already have them, and they should be improved.

Dude, you can already play PM as FT and meet the win conditions. The problem currently is that Pred has no win condition other than killing FT.


Already have what?

Offline modes, they exist as PM matches you play by yourself.


ā€œTechnicallyā€ Sure its more the ai are there since the missions still exist in private.