Enough Criticism on Illfonic

So we are going to form a dark army and try to take over?


fuck again with the nonsense of the balls ā€¦ they have a programming problem that they do not adapt to the sony and epic system. but this game has more bugs than the blue screen ā€¦ thatā€™s just one of many ā€¦ the others that are also the fault of sony and epic ā€¦ the lack of content ??? Of course, it will always give you an error with code ā€¦ and if you look for it, seems that the error is in the ps system, is not from ā€œtheā€ ps system. all ps players know
Edit: There are other blue screen errors in games and it is not Sonyā€™s fault, they put software and ā€œyou have to adapt or not publish games on their platformā€ and more if you have reached an economic agreement with them. one more thing those codes only indicate the type of problem previously identified by sony. ā€œThatā€™s why it has a codeā€ if it is something never seen it has another specific code. but always give a code

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Its alright. Let him vent. Im not attacking anyone just being overaly critical because that is what this game needs more criticism less defending. If they give us a soild update of bug fixes and not content and they really fix a majority of the Major bugs This game will survive but if they push out the maps and modes and not fix any of the bugs this game will fail


There isnt an epidemic. What are you talking about, there is only an plandemic.


Lol nice one. Just because our government is using this Pandemic as a means to secure votes does not mean its not real. Sure all the numbers are inflated and we are the laughing stock of the entire world but that still does not mean its not real.

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Iā€™m not one to enter political discussions, but I can tell you this: my wife is a geriatric nurse practitioner. Sheā€™s the provider in several nursing homes. At the height of this whole thing, they were losing about 5 people per day per building to covid for 3 months. Thatā€™s 3 buildings. Thatā€™s 1,350 people just in those buildings alone. It was fucking horrifying. Yes they were elderly and not in the best of health, but thatā€™s who this disease affects. She and I both had it and made it through fine. I was almost entirely asymptomatic. Not everyone is so lucky.


Iā€™m here because the game style and dev team

Can I interview you? You seem like a truly fascinating individual.

I donā€™t see you doing anything about it except be a negative Nancy, I already laid out the groundwork of what should we do and get jobs at illfonic and help with development, NOT TRASH TALK YOUR OWN COMMUNITY WHICH IS THIS GAME! We want it to live cuz we all want to be here! We love to share our hopes, dreams, our funny videos and accomplishments! If you hate it you hate us! We are the community!

No they made a poor decision with this last patch nerfing pred and need to buff him alot now cause theyā€™re probably not gonna revert all the stuff they did to him. Iā€™ve been trying to be understanding and supportive of illfonic since the very first reveal trailer for Friday the 13th and up until this last patch for predator. Theyā€™ve let me down with this game cause they Nerfed pred to the ground and wanna claim that itā€™s realistic but then a FT member wants to take how many shots from a plasma Canon before going down? Or the fact that a FT member can parry anything this big space alien can throw at them? I donā€™t believe that at all. And if they donā€™t buff pred or do something to make it more balanced then this game is gonna go from predator hunting grounds to predator in the ground real quick.

Lol you must be new here lol. I hate everyone on the community expect 5 ppl. Everyone here is either a Brown noser or just a straight up follower. This community has had its ups and downs but for the most part downs. This game just needs to die already

No no no noā€¦ they dont get a free pass due to the pandemicā€¦ since the beta we have been reporting issues to them and they refuse to address some issues and just pump out paid dlcā€™sā€¦ most of us are beyond ā€œcriticizingā€ them at this point and are flat out calling them for what they areā€¦

Hey man. Iā€™m not attacking your position or feelings but do think youā€™d feel a bit better if we talked.

First I want to cover the Dlc, the free dlc serves a couple purposes, it is supposed to tide us over between larger patches and and to the customization options over time. Payed Dlc, is to help actual game sales and to keep existing players engaged.
The money brought in whether for game sales or Dlc, helps them decide what to invest in. Whether thatā€™s new large additions or events. They need that feedback.

The bugs, this one causes quite a bit of annoyance that annoyance should be at the bugs themselves and not the devs. Building a game is like a house of cards. You never know whatā€™s going to break if you add or change something. You just have to boot it up and look.

Even with millions of hours of private testing, a patch could still behave strangely when made live on all our systems. Hundreds of factors, from the machine youā€™re running it on, to what programs you have in the background, to your behaviour while playing, do you take breaks, do you jump around the menus and cancel a bunch of times. Even your internet connection and local internet traffic can mess things up.

Bugs get fixed when they can. I canā€™t guarantee they have a dedicated team but it is standard in the industry, so I assume they do. Those teams have to identify the bug, recreate it in house, figure out which parts of the code are causing it, communicate with the team that works on that part of the game, learn the section of code, figure out a fix, test and implement that fix, get approval, and have their work checked. Probably a bunch of steps Iā€™m missing but you should get the idea.

I canā€™t stress this enough, being mad at illfonic serves no purpose.
Their communication sucks, you will get absolutely no argument from me there, but they have made every effort that I can see to fix bugs. Even the communication thing makes sense when you think about their Pubs and their previous experience watching the Gun community team get run over by their community.

In a year, the game will be larger and have a different balance, thatā€™s how these games work, a year after that it will be even larger but a heads up, lots of thing will still exist to be mad at or about. As a community we can help them see what they canā€™t as devs or we can be angry and ignored.
Personally Iā€™m for subtlety moving them away from pitfalls and making suggestions I think will add to the game or that are fun to think about and might inspire them or others.
I donā€™t have infinite patience but try and remember theyā€™re people doing a job, they donā€™t owe me anymore than I owe a customer if I did a service job. They shouldnā€™t have to put up with abuse any of us would be outraged by if we saw it in a store directed at an employee.

Youā€™re allowed to be upset, but individually we are responsible for how we express it.

One last thing, regardless of what position we take in any argument or about any stance, we are all members of the same community. In my mind the community is different, than the game it forms around, it takes all kinds of conflicting opinions to make it an interesting and valuable place. I try to see the solutions that pop up during the arguments, the examples people on the other side give as opportunities to solve problems I wouldnā€™t be aware of otherwise.
So try not to be mad because you think Iā€™m defending them. I am but I am doing it because I find value in the community this game has generated. Especially the dissenting voices.

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What percentage of the player base do you think this community comprises?


.0000001 or .00000001 %

Or there aboutā€™s, šŸ¤”.

Sorry, I know that wasnā€™t directed at me.

Oh please, trying? It doesnā€™t even seem like they beta test before releasing game breaking bug filled content. How tf do you not notice a crash / blue screen causing glitch if your beta testing (ā€œtryingā€)? And to be clear 3 years is how long it took them to get Friday the 13th working properly and that was before the pandemic.

members of this community may understand your point. You are right but ā€¦ who explains that to all the users who bought the game who are not in the forums and the game does not work correctly ( they are community too). Perhaps people would not be so tired of hearing the same excuses from developers who are not always incompetent but who release their product half-developed to please third parties, or who commit to impossible times. this game seems to be a sum of all, it is not normal that a game of just 9.5 gigs, some ps3 graphics consume more resources of the console than warzone ā€¦ that is because it is very poorly developed from its foundations ā€¦ It is normal that they are now overwhelmed by mistakes. Iā€™ve been playing for a long time and I can say that when things are so broken at the beginning ā€¦ I doubt they will be fixed. and more if they continue with their roadmap of incorporating things into something that is not yet right so the number of failures will be continuously overwhelming. They should stop looking back and fix it as well as possible. the fps rate should have been their priority, on console it sucks to play and I do it from a ps4 pro. people donā€™t have to wait a year or more for the games to be fixed, they should come up with small errors to correct, and waiting for more content, whether free or paid. few games are in this state when they leave and then they sink ā€¦ (aaaaatanthem ā€¦ sorry, and this one was better) a company that does not communicate letting the ā€œcommunityā€ go crazy with rage at the lack of communication and without offering anything to their community, they do not get understanding. understanding comes out of communication

Exactly. So even if everyone here agreed with @DhRauta, there would still be people playing the game and clammoring on other forums. Not to undermine this community, although illfonic sees sales figures, they surely pay attention to the contribution of such forums. The game basically comes without instructions and there is a lot to learn. ( No offence to Illfonic. Illfonic: non take šŸ˜•) This is one of the places a new player can learn from and instead of hanging it up, continues playing. I hope illfonic appreciates that.

That brings me to my second point. When someone playing the game needs help tips, damage information, updates, where do they go to? They come here! Try getting a response from illfonic directly (no offense to illfonic. Illfonic: non taken šŸ˜Ø). There are knowledgable, articulate and whitty people in this community. Sometimes youā€™ll get a helpful response, sometimes youā€™ll be trolled, sometimes it will be inflammatory and all of that is fine. You gotta show more appreciation to people here that dedicate their time. People will disagree with you here and itā€™ll get personal sometimes, but you gotta consider that they took time listening to you and responding all the same. You can always get silent treatment and that is worse than any response. Looking at you again illfonic (illfonic: non taken šŸ˜­) I donā€™t gell with everyone here (looking at you @Slasher_Clone j/k) but Iā€™m still greatful for everyone that is here. All of it makes for a more interesting experience. Much love to this community

P.s.: did not mean to bash on illfonicā€¦maybe


The epidemic started after the beta having tons of staff either fired or sent home because of Covid, letting them only have content makers instead of bug fixers isnā€™t their fault, if anything itā€™s our fault we keep pressuring them with making new content, if we just say politely we can wait then they will fix it

So true lol. Trash illfonic, ive trashed more premades than i can count. Def more wins than losses and i can say 99% of the community are trash can players. While the 1 percenters are pc premades and pred mains racking up those metrics off filthy casuals.

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