Enough Criticism on Illfonic

Yeah, so if they add win conditions for Pred then we do have an offline mode. Wanting to expand that and get better bots is all we need.

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Nope this game does not need it till this game is dead. The preds win condition is to kill the ft thats it. Anything else would be a waste of time

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I think the fact you saying it dosent need it confuses us. what your saying is offline mode is welcomed youā€™d just prefer it to come out towards the end of itā€™s life cycle


DhR is contrary just to be contrary. šŸ˜‚

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No im not. I have vaild arguments have also toned down my troll

Youā€™re still being contrary.

I do appreciate you toning it down and trying to behave in a more publicly acceptable way. It is noticed, and Iā€™ll stop poking at you. šŸ˜‰

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Poke away. But if you gonna poke my brown eye can you use some lube or atleast spit for christ sake lol

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Fix the damn game. When 1.16 was out my biggest complaint was ā€˜not enough mapsā€™. Which is basically nothing.

Now I wouldnā€™t recommend this to anybody. I have not played a single match that went as the game intended it to since 2.03 dropped.

The fireteam is either perfectly coordinated and using muted mics and turned down graphics (cheating), or its a squad wipe at the first objective (randoms = death). Bunny hopping and bow trick shots are not fun to do: or play against.

The game ought to be balanced around randoms vs pred and nothing else. At this point a competitive scene forming around this game is never going to happen anyway. So only a few casual gamers have the patience to deal with the game as is.

All this said i will continue to support the game with my attention and my money in the hopes that one day i will play a version i have zero complaints about

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This is all we can hope for is a bug free game with a balance that does not favor one side over the other.

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I see the light šŸ˜­ oh no

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People actually think game devs care if their ā€˜fansā€™ talk shit about them after theyā€™ve taken youā€™re money?

When theyā€™re living their dream and the majority of shit posters are likely stuck in a life of mediocrity?

New picture, new attitude? šŸ˜‚

serious Bad Blood has entered the scene.

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Lol because nothing says serious more than a Yautja sporting a stetson and wielding a six shooter


I would be surprised out of all the contractors at Illfonic that only 1 contractor happens to frequent here. Iā€™m sure there are more then a dirty dozen and Iā€™m sure they work in different parts of the world (Thanks Credits page!).

Asides from being nothing more than pestering punks, sporting a moniker that some ppl would think borders psychosis, and an attitude thats just downright ā€œnot give a fuckā€, or attitude that is completely opposite(like those struggling to get a devs attention to change the combistick hit damage from 1.2 to 1.23)!.

Strangely there is a minority who are responding to the toxicity (real people) and they could be either socially deprived/antisocials or co-workers of those contractors for illfonic or real professionals/gamers/big kids/small kids who DO GIVE A FUCK about the game and a company that is making this game for us.

Iā€™m laughing my ass off, but also more disturbed about it MORE SO than having to face the crzy ass vgina face of the Yautja. Remember that those contractors have worked on MURDERER/VICTIM based games and this game is a MONSTER based game where WE are the HUMANS(at least it should be most of the time). THATS A HELL OF A BIG DIFFERENCE IN TERMS OF PERSPECTIVE! And yet the MURDERER/VICTIM Perspective is continually being propagated on their illfonics Twitter pageā€¦and prevalent here and sometimes, its fucking disturbing as fuck!

The majority of the general public probably wonā€™t respond to it intelligently and avoid all types of threatening toxic threads, and the assumption might be correct that anything illogical going around in the forums is some kind of fatal attraction thing that can be summed up as as just that - a shitty fatal attraction to F13 so this is their only outlet.

Theyā€™re going to start terrorizing ppl if you donā€™t make them happy. Its going to happen soon.
Some forums log their IP addresses and forbids annoymous posting for those who like to terrorize. (AVPGALAXY.com weā€™re looking at you! Been around for 20 Years?)
Without doing this, this forum homogenizes everyone into one anonymous catagory/demographic.
WE are all sold at yardsale prices.
I guess we wonā€™t be getting transparency anytime soon.

Anytime when I see a post thats not constructive I avoid it completely. You canā€™t save anyones sanity here so it might as well be your own-- or in my case my own sanity. eh? EH? Hoser. So take off and thank me later.

ā€¦ppl are probably wondering WTF is up with my postā€¦well it edited it in the span 60 minutes so lay off! LOL! I like Turtles takes 4 seconds.

If i ended this threadā€¦fuckin MIC DROP.

ā€¦Illfonci? Do something about it! Iā€™m sure iā€™m not the only one who wants it.

Sometimes i feel iā€™m acting upon a social movement that is logical based. Gut feeling. If iā€™m wrong, Iā€™m not going to change. There is something royally fucked up about the forums and you all know it.\

Can I get at least 1 heart? I sported an entire thread about PSA Live Streaming on Playstation Now Streaming service PSA about Live Streaming: How does this affect everyone?
and I got two hearts ā€” probably the most important 2 people on this forum read it!


I like turtles

2.5 seconds.
Youā€™re not wrong but I think people just take their entertainment way more seriously now a days (Huge global pandemic, canā€™t blame people for wanting escape) and it gets kinda rough when people get passionate.

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There is no constructiveness in this forum the more people role play and not speak from their hearts and minds. Its a hearts and minds mission!
Youā€™re not going to get bugs fixed. Youā€™re not going to be heard if you keep playing GOD!

Snakes will bite, and it will be monthsā€¦before you get action when the toxin wears out.

And when ppl talk about all that money that Illfonic getsā€¦trust me in business money is debt at all times. When the fanbase is Raised by Wolves, no words are wise.

Then it becomesā€¦never more.

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Stomping your feet and demanding action, or shouting louder than the other names on the forum arenā€™t productive either. At the end of the day the developers are the ones in control of the directions this game turns regardless of our input.
Ultimately, itā€™s their game, they can do what they want, we either play it, or we donā€™t. The forums are just a place where the game is the highlight of discussion and the moderators can take whatā€™s said here and pass it up or not.

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I trust developersā€¦sadlyā€¦i worked for them figuratively. The future is in their hands. It is either for the good of the franchise or it is their inevitable fate. Iā€™ve seen it happen for the last 20 years. It is paradoxical.