Enough Criticism on Illfonic

Oh, it’s worst because you’ll be in an engagement and everything totally freezes. The whole game, at least on your end. On the other end they see your frozen Predator and enjoy the free win. Check my Bug Report video…that’s what we are dealing with now.

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Release a game with three maps, one game mode and tons of bugs they are always going to get abuse and rightly so, it’s indefensible.


It’s normal in this genre of game, you’re speaking from a position of ignorance and that ignorance is why you feel your anger is justified.

Asymmetrical games start with a small amount of content and then grow.


I usually yell at the people who are the rudest about how they act towards them over a fucking game, if its so broken that we have to be rude it’s time to play something else and let them work bitching all the time isnt fixing shit

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That excuse can no longer be used since every state in America is open to all work related things. So them working from home is now a personal choice and is hurting them

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That still doesn’t entitle you to act like a piece of shit so what’s your fucking point

This is not a valid criticism.
Not interested in arguing about it, as neither of us know what they are doing.

If they are still working from home, then good on them for realizing the pandemic isn’t over.

Lol, you salty on when you lose and you salty here lol. This game is in the worse state it has ever been in. They either need to all work in the office or pull the plug

Or you could grow up, 😉

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77 ppl cant keep a distance of 6 feet in a office? Lol

Mhmmmm Im grown Im am no longer looking at this dev team as good ppl they are money hungry losers who clearly care more about money than a good game

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Dude, you think they suck no matter the circumstances. They’re going to do what they do, your posts don’t matter buddy.

Y’all defending this cluster fuck of a game need to grow up tbh. If the entire player base was tired of the bullshit I bet the bugs would all be fixed by next patch but a bunch of no life neck beard assea like yourself defend them tooth and nail like they are your overlords or something is really pathetic to be honest.

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Neither do urs. Prove me wrong that they dont suck would like real proof this last patch proved that they are ass hats since they claimed to fix the crash bug but its 100x worse now.

It’s a subjective opinion.

Who said my posts matter?

Lol yep knew it. Lol pathetic neck beard

We’ll pick this up later.

Come now. No need for insults. Agree to disagree and call it a day.

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No we wont. Your opinion and criticism of this game amount to a pile of shit that was laid ontop of a dead dog who ate a poison steak which came from a cancer filled cow

I agree that this game is in a shit state and they clearly need to kill the servers till they get this game out if Alpha. How did F13 Dbd and Evolve all have a better launch and overall game experience but this game seems to be rushed like you would rush the little redhead step child out of the room when the family is over