Enough Criticism on Illfonic

But trying to use this Pandemic as an excuse when there are a million ways to avoid it and still go to work is beyond me

We don’t know why it was rushed, but in that state it must be hard too keep pace with fixing bugs and producing new content. I don’t think illfonic blatantly lie about things. All dlcs and updates/patches were on time I think. They definately work to fix the bugs, but new ones keep popping up. Perhaps they’re not that good or maybe it’s not easy


There are regulations in place and there are personal decisions to make when it comes to safety too. I mean, they have a small team. If a few of them got really sick we’d have even less. Maybe it’s too cautious, but that’s for every business to decide


If a game is filled with bugs they should stop pushing out content and postpone it till all bugs are fixed. I can see it now when the new maps and mode drop This game will most likely be 100% unplayable due to bugs. If they keep letting bugs pile and pile up it will overwhelm them but that is already true since they cant keep up with them now. Shit auto claim and auto eating boars still happen even tho they stated they fix that before 87 dutch. Its very clear they dont care about the game just the amount of money they can get out of “dumb ass neck bearded fans”


Some if that may be true. People go to work because it’s their calling, because it’s gratifying, because they have too. Many reasons. But in the end, it is about munny. That’s how society is set up, and they have to show certain profits even if there a better way to go around things. It sucks, but they had a poor running start. Catching up us tough


This I can agree on but straight using it as an Excuse for this game’s current state is not okay. Its clear they are not throughly play testing the game before patch updates. I bet 95% of their team probably dont even own a ps4 or a gaming pc

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In the end people will still support the product. Just look at bad sports teams that’s still have fans. Or hometown business that still have customers even though their prices can’t compete with walmart or shitty brands that have good advertising. Each one has captured a particular customer in some way. The same with this game. I love the pred and I’ll go down with this shop hoping that things will get better. It’s foolish, but there isn’t exactly an alternative so I’ll take what I can get


It seems to me that you both have a part of reason. this would have been avoided by delaying the market launch


Yes very much so. At this point they should just “No mans Sky” it and kill the servers till they fix the dam game. Its pathetic how 4 months after launch and this game is in an even worse state than the beta

I guess I can’t disagree, but it will get a mixed response from the community. Im personally already a bit used to the schedule. Free dlc mid month, pid dlc at the end if the month. Gets me really excited. But I could wait

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Fuck the community. If the community wants this game to survive they will have to have patience and let the bug fix updates happen. But ppl here seem to think that would “Hurt” the game because it will “mess” up the Precious roadmap. 98% of the player base here all seem to be Golem instead of Sam Wise. This game needs updates of bug fixs till they are non existent

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Becuase yeah they’re names are the only one in this title not epic and Sony too people like you had a “Karen” for a mom like your complaining changes shit other then waste your time and look stupid all at once


Complaining? Lol must be hard to take honestly as complaining in life. Yeah I had a step mom named Karen she was the mega karen you hear about but when ever she would have a rant in a grocery store or a restaurant I would silently call the cops because it was hilarious to see her struggle when they showed up. This game needs tough criticism and if you believe other wise I would suggest calling your Optometrist because you need glasses or something. I would not be so critical if bugs that they say they fix would be you know actually fixed


Epic is the online support for pc and Sony is the publisher not the developers im sure sony is harping down their necks for the 10 billion error code reports they got last week


What if they’re covering for Sonys fuck up by saying that to buy time

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Sonys fuck up? All they did was publish this game not develop it all bugs are coming from Illfonics end. You cant even blame the save file bug on sony its all Illfonics side

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We are nearing the PSR and Illfonic just keeps flying towards the sun

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A.lot of people need to learn how to use Google to look up the error, it’s a Sony error not a problem with this game its saying that the ps4 operating system is having a problem with the save getting corrupted for PHG

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Yeah which can only incur if the games saving system is bad. Im not going to defend sony either they are both at fault. This bug comes from the saving system if the game. It never really tells you when it’s saving so there is no way to know whem its safe to close the all. And if that was also the case explain the pc crashes?

If those are the two choices. I think the community would like the be Sauron, but that’s not on the table 😁

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