Enraged Spec stays on

Imagine doing a 180 on your former stances and beliefs because you have a hard time fighting bots lul.


Imagine throwing a fit, ruining several friendships and suicide baiting because the Goth GF rejected you after being creepy in DMs.


Lol. If thats what you think caused it instead of several other stresses.

And going personal are we? How’s your uncle doing? Oh wait, the unhealthy fuck on deaths door kicked the bucket didn’t he?

Can’t get a girl but can be proudly anti-vaxx and mock death online. Big man.

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Tbh xeno, you are being overly dramatic in respect to the dumb bots. Like for real. They are dumb bots and you don’t strike me as the player who will jump in swinging the wristblades like an idiot. You’ll have no problem taking them down unless you have problems taking potatoes down.

Now it is a wee hypocrite from your part that after so much shit you talked, you come now saying you’ll take “every advantage you can” … Just because you now feel “is fair”… Like we haven’t been doing the same for months now because we felt it was fair, since most games end up being 1v1 because 97% of the player base, console or PC, play like this is the first video game they have ever played in their entire lives

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If Fireteam can get upwards of 3 free revives without the use of the Radio AND change their loadout by doing so, then what the hell is even the point of the Radio in the first place or hiding loadouts before Match Start.

The Bots aren’t the issue. Just plasma spam them until they stay down. The issue is that they can be soul swapped by dead human players to come back into the match whilst ignoring the revive mechanic the game was supposed to have been built around.

I’ve been called a shill for this game several times, but this is the first time in a long time that Illfonic’s incompetence has actually aggravated me enough to make me turn around and go “Fuck it, you guys are right. Win by almost any means necessary.” Still not gonna bug Specs onto Loadouts that shouldn’t have them tho.

I mean… yeah but if you kill the bots first (easy) what is the real player going to revive on? Your ass?

The fact the mechanic exists at all is the issue. It has to be the dumbest decision Illfonic have made yet, and they’ve made some ass backwards choices.

it’s dumb, but still better than playing with potatoes

I played a couple of matches with a friend doing 1v1’s and he had absolutely no problem winning, we had to establish rules (such as no ranged weapons) in order to make the match a bit more entertaining. Even with 3 bots Pred still has the upper hand if you are in any way a competent player

It just makes me wonder what is even the point of hiding Loadouts before the Match Starts if you can now swap mid-hunt and counter pick anyways? What is the point of the entire Radio Reinforcement Side Mission if dead Players have the option to come back multiple times within seconds of dying. It just completely invalidates the entire concept of such a feature to begin with. Nobody complained the Fireteam could respawn with the Radio despite Pred not having any such feature, but giving Fireteam so many more safety nets when they’re already the categorically stronger side it just feels like we’re being taken for a laugh now.

So forgive me for the cardinal sin of wanting Cleo’s juicy ass to move a bit faster.

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pred has a rechargeable 2nd wind and undestroyable pigs… that argument is invalid, sorry

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well now you can have up to 7 lives if you play with 3 bots, HAHAHAHAHA

Outstanding game design.

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Says the petulant man child who cries about his uncle to get others to shut up and lies about others stances to try and take the moral high ground.

You’re a mid tier at best “artist” who draws furry porn and can barely scrape by with bills while playing your games and trying to act all high and mighty on internet forums.

I only commissioned art from you out of PITY, I haven’t even looked at them once after they were revealed.

Sir this is a wendy’s.

Come on, you’re mocking the dead over a video game.


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You’re a coward who would beg for a few more minutes of life and surrender others freedoms to the government. You are nothing but a parasite upon society. At least your uncle made his choice and maybe he paid the price for it. You would sell out your principles which makes your dead uncle 10x the man you will ever be.

Your government is too stupid to try and create some kind of evil plot to microchip you or curb population or whatever. You’re not living in Deus Ex, you’re living in Curb Your Enthusiasm.


Knock the shit off Wuff. You’ve pushed several away already with this bullshit, you’re just making yourself look like a petty fuckstick.

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Its not gonna help Viking fat ass that much. Enraged is still a meh spec.

Fervent in privates always feels to only work on the first kill, like I can one shot the first guy with disk but after that I don’t. I think in a both povs vid which you can see the damage the ft is taking the arrows are doing 63 damage with (downrange + fervent) so if its bugged, its not with me.

Analytic is exactly what it should be, the extra damage should stay as long as you scan the ft once otherwise its useless.

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