Fantasma, Can We Talk?

-shrugs- i couldn’t give less than a fuck everybody have their opinion. i am not here for fame, for being the best or win, i am here to enjoy playing as a pred nothing else, the game balance is broken anyways so meh.

bla bla and bla the same insult that are more empty than a bottle of wine after the 25TH december my god change your disc and stop wishing people death before karma strike you back and punish you for your bs lmao

fun fact about this i add no part whatesoever about you being on private with others to be honest the only thing i wanted was you to never come on the discord and being ban for good in the game because of how much of a grotesque cancer you are.

delicious fun fact i am french, i am no tea drinker


You forgot the demonstrated patience of a saint in that list

Listen, first-year philosophy is stressful for everyone…

Fancy talking for a guy who made ALL of his stormtroopers wear WHITE armor and ALL his officers are WHITE MEN!! Long live the Rebellion!


Yeah that bitch. Hahaha

Are we a JOKE TO YOU?!

images (32)

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Diablo tipo a ti te Gusta empesar con Todo el mundo y si te disen algo tu te pone bien retardao.

Tu empesastes esto ya hacen meses.

Si verdadeda mente quieres que esto se termine,
Dile perdon a todo el mundo, I no le insultes a nadie.

Tu empesaste eso, no nosotros.

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yeah that why a majority of the best pred player leaved the game and have stoped playing but ok kido stay in your dreamworld XD

that call internet my dude and its typical, idc if they laugh at me for my way of playing or not i would have prefered them to be honest and have balls and tell that in front of me instead of giving me fake smile when i play with them, but ya know rigth there your just trying to manipulate me against them so i dont give a damn

we are on the same boat there, you are a moron who have paid as well and lose a major hours of life here, either on the server being a pathethic spanish racist bish and in game playing like a rat, but in the end that what you are a pathetic rat with little skill and a huge mouth make for suck your own D*** so please give a favor to everybody and get out of the forum and the game that you despised so much, go outside and do something with your life because DAMN are you a pathetic brat having a tantrum for no reason, expect being an attention whore.






Admirable but I wouldn’t expect much other than the same ole BS he floods the forums with.


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i dont think i am the one with a reading problem since you pull everybody in the english bag, but ok, i advice you to go check a doctor or a psy you need it, its probably not fun for your familly either, do yourself a favor, stop posting stay out of the forum and take care of your problem first <_<

  1. None, ideally. I’m studying anesthesiology, which puts people under for surgery, so technically none will die because of me.
  2. The US does not actually have that high of a crime rate, it has a international crime rating of 47.7, where as the average international crime rate is 48.23. This actually places the USA slightly below the average crime rate by 0.53. As per your school shooting standpoint, the US is not the only one that has that issue, Australia, Canada, Brazil, China, and Europe also have to deal with these issues, just on a smaller scale as firearms are less available.
  3. I in fact did see that I insulted you, and so I apologized when I said:

However, I have apologized and moved past it, and now ask you to do the same.
4. I did, the most recent ones I got were in August of 2020, and you said it was more recent so I was requesting a source so I could see the correct one.
5. See number 3 of this post.
6. I am not trying to do this to look good, I am genuinely curious and would like some answers and to have a civilized conversation. On that note, thank you for seriously replying to me.


…OK lmao you are the one who discovered that first my dude, you have given us the first steps, them i just have to uncovered how you could do it, them report to the dev like that you couldn’t do it anymore, dont rage asshole just because i removed one of your precious cowardly way to play now you are just mad because of it XDDDD


Fuck you.


This didn’t go very well, good try though Senate.

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Me after reading all dis.

Why you gotta talk shit on Philosophy bro? This thread could use a good dose of rational discourse.

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