Favorite video game

To be fair that only lasts for a small part of the game. You can get to the point where you can just buy what you need or do missions for it or simply use automated mining devices and upgrades that make it much faster. It’s not even 100% necessary to do. The game gives you the freedom to choose what you want to do and how you want to play. You can get what you want in multiple ways.

I still need to finish a story run through of nms.
I get side tracked tho lol.

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It’s a decent story. If you’re talking about the Artemis one that is. Missions were repetitive though. Definitely not the highlight of the game that’s for sure. But it ain’t bad.

I love elite dangerous.


It’s fun.
How much have you played?

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I couldn’t possibly choose one. Ive been gaming since Atari 2600 and Colecovision and there’s so many classics in every era.

Strong contender for future favourite game.

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It could be better than uncharted

Hopefully it actually is a good game

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Yeah but that ain’t no Lego Indiana Jones. That’s gonna be hard to beat.

It will, those games give me hope it won’t be bad. Ridiculously excited about a modern (non-LEGO) Indy story, the Uncharted games are fun but Nathan isn’t my childhood hero.

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In all seriousness I hope it’s not some point and click adventure mobile game esque type BS which the style of the teaser leads me to believe. Hopefully Bethesda does it right and has learnt their lesson from fallout 76 too.

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Oh, it had better not be some mobile bullshit.

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Metal gear solid
Mario 64
Resident evil
Batman arkham
Batman returns snes
Tmnt 4 snes
Ghoatbuster the video game

These are a just a few of mine.


I got a serious Adventure-boner from that teaser!

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I have a fed corvette. And I can also get the cutter because I have that rank too. My combat/exploration/trade ranks are deadly/ranger/tycoon.

Its Machine games (behind the amazing recent Wolfenstein games. They really know how to destroy nazis!) developing it and Bethesda publishing it. Thats a Jordan-Pippen combo right there! The bar is set high.

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Ya I’m new still so im just lost here xD.

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You playing it on pc?

Hell no. I dont like playing on pc.
It’s not comfortable.


I can list some games, but I’d never be able to choose just one.

Blood Omen and Soul Reaver (any of them)
The Witcher 3
Morrowind (favorite TES game), Oblivion, Skyrim
Mass Effect, ME2 and ME3
Jade Empire
Fallout Series
Master of Magic and Master of Orion II
Kingdom Come
Friday the 13th
Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow
Soulsborne Series and Sekiro
Final Fantasy III, VII, VIII
Chrono Trigger
God of War PS4
Chakan (Sega Genesis)
Halo: CE

I dug into my nostalgia files HARDT to come up with this list. I’m sure there are a few that I’ve omitted.

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