FIND THIS PHG Video, an obscure LOL from Beer warrior

Let me help you. If there is no video then there is no Mass Video. No Mass Video means no life!


He’ll begin regenerating at midnight tonight and be fully back tomorrow morning, you want me to go ahead and transport him to the secondary location?

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That really is the perfect summary of it, and a lot of other films like it

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I think he needs to stay in the containment cell we made for him instead

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You know you’ll just regenerate like all those other times.

Yeah but sometimes my brain works differently. Proabbly because brain matters.


Gotcha, I’ll do the security diagnostic checks and make sure he’s actually inside it this time

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You mean Rey’s cage?

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JimHarbaughWQLVE I know…it was you!
YYou posted it ! I know it!
It wasn’t obscure, i know it was a regular!

Yeah, you remember that one time that you could speak telepathically and take control the weak minded?
That was wild. And why we make sure no LSD is left in the regeneration snd containment cell.

We now have a new meth test subject

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Works for Mass too don’t it?

Wow wow wow, when the hell did you get in to the meth???

Mass what was the video about?

He’s always been part of THE METH

You didn’t think I was getting that extra funding for the cult alone, did you?


Its in the OP !!! We ALL KNOW WHO BEER MASS IS! I mean Beer War.riors

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Was it this?

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Beermas should be an international holiday

Its was funny but no. Its noooot.

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