FIND THIS PHG Video, an obscure LOL from Beer warrior

That was legit my drinking strategy in Iceland and Greenland lmfao. Alcohol is so expensive, so I ended up doing a shot of bourbon, scotch, and a beer each round of drinks I had.

Getting wasted in a foreign country that doesn’t speak your language is an experience.
Ended up partying hard with a bunch of locals because they love Americans over there. We spoke the common language of alcohol.
Fariarik if you somehow see this you’re a legend homie.

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I need to go do that myself

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Just make sure it’s a country that likes us Americans lmao

Can’t recommend Greenland or Iceland enough. Beautiful landscape and weather, great for the allergies as there’s no trees.

Oh and there’s a lot of single women too.

I fully expect the bartender and patrons of the bars I’ve visited to say something to the effect of “Oh God he’s back” should I visit again.

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What about Ireland?

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Ireland is a good one. One of my friends who is from Ireland highly recommended it. Haven’t been to Europe aside from Iceland, I really want to do a trip there.
Aside from a Europe trip I will also undergo an expedition to Antarctica. Those are the two big one that I want to do the most, but I’d also like to eventually go to Australia, Japan/Asia, Africa, and South America.
I love traveling to see nature and plan to hike, hunt, or explore on all of the continents before my death.

Planning out a stateside trip down to the Everglades. Want to kill a bull gator as well as several invasive species like 20 ft pythons and 5 ft iguanas. That’s definitely gonna be a summer of 2026 trip. I plan to only hunt the pythons with my bare hands and a knife because I’m asserting my dominance as the planet’s apex species.

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Man I’ve gotta start planning trips like that

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I’m trying to budget and plan them all out right now. Kinda limited in the short term as I’m gonna be taking on some debt for medical school, hence the florida trip where I’ve got all the tools for the job and only need to spend money for hunting permits, gas, and some food. Gator, python, and iguana are all edible so I should have relatively little food expense.

Might do the European one during med school as a family vacation as they’ve expressed interest in going.
Once I’m working as a doctor I’ll take the majority of my trips.

Trust me, adopting a minimalist style is invaluable for large trips. Saves so much money and time. I plan to be able to live out of my car and/or camp for the Florida trip, as I don’t need or own much. Got all my survival gear and showering rig from camping, so it’s definitely doable.
The entire thing should cost less than $1,200, which is super cost effective.

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Damn that ain’t bad at all for a trip to Florida

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My main expense is just the gas because I live so far north from it. Would fly but I am bringing multiple knives and guns and I don’t trust flight agencies not to lose them.

My brother wants to do Disney and scuba diving in the keys there with the rest of my family, it’s far more expensive for all them. I’m a bit of a simpler man than all that. Fishing and hunting what probably qualifies as living dinosaurs that could kill me just as easily for a week sounds much more entertaining to me. Might tag along for the scuba portion if they offer underwater spearfishing, but probably not given my lungs are already fucked breathing air as @Fire can confirm.

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I get that, and hunting reptiles like them really’ll get the adrenaline going so I completely get that.

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You ever go hunting?

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This post is about a videwo!

“C’mon man…help out!”

Go through @BeerWarrior66 channel see If you find it.
Other than that, idk what to tell ya

i did it. done it. no boss. no dice! no slice. No prize!

Mybre it’s @Dexter or wherever else @BeerWarrior66 used to run with. I think @JelouGaming played with them a few times too

Dexter has alot of fucking videos.


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Are you in a hurry?

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Dude! That videos private! lol! Dude kept it close to the heart.

Not ever like reptiles, but like deer, and squirrels yeah, that’s been a couple years ago though since I ain’t found time lately

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I think these a good chance that it’s there. Only 112 vids to check. You can probably get through them by tomorrow. The part you’re looking for should be towards the end