Fireteam still needs a nerf

You can try to prove me wrong, but let me try to change your mind.

Let me guess, get good? Oh, please, there’s a good reason I’ve got almost 900 trophies already. If you run into a Fireteam that knows what they’re doing, the Predator will ultimately lose.

Oh, you think I’m a Pred main that doesn’t have any idea what he’s talking about? Think again, when I’m with my team, we don’t lose. Ever. My team consists of myself, TheDravend, Lukazza, and MateriaJunkie. Sound familiar? Probably because we became popular among the toxic community as Pred Slayers. We parry, over and over. We spot, over and over. We kill, over and over. WE ARE SO OVERPOWERED IT’S NOT EVEN FUNNY. Of course, there are new players to the game that disagree with me, but you vets know what I’m talking about. You get your team, you kick ass, don’t you? However, you only lose to leap slam spammers and hand held spammers, don’t you?

If there was ONE THING I’d change about the Fireteam, it’d be their stamina and health. You should not be able to run down a Predator. You should not be able to take HOT PLASMA to your face repeatedly! Reward players for skill! You can aim? Hell yeah! But, there are clipping issues to be taken into consideration.

As a Predator, you can bonk into geometry, all over the place. It significantly hinders your ability to flee. The trees are death traps. If you’re up in the trees, you’re a sitting duck, ripe on a platter. You can also collide with the smallest rock and just fly straight up, and fall right back to the ground to get decimated by a weary fireteam.

I’m open to suggestions. However, any and all oblivious and disrespectful comments will be ignored. Let’s brainstorm here…


Ummmm, wow. I’m waiting to see the responses here now lol. Haven’t played for like 2 to 3 weeks.

I mean from what I remember, I’ve been dominating FT squads and I rarely lose (due to a really good squad). So I want to see other people insights on this topic


Us too! Fireteam is incredible when you know exactly what you’re doing! Ammiright?


You are definitely right about FT being very powerful.

The Predator is powerful too.

If you’re on PC than FT is very very strong.

They already nerfed the plasma caster full charge. It did one shot but it was to strong.

this was from another topic but it’s pretty simaler to this one and i don’t feel like typing out a nother response any question just @ me i’ll get to em when i’m not at work


The way i see it… stamina definantly needs a rework for fireteam lmfao… on predator stamina is just so dumb man XD… its unreal… like if you go in for one guy and just full on want to take him down your stamina is not even enough for even one leap… and during that time you can pretty much take like 40% of his HP… then he leaps and mid air around 5% - 10%…

The stamina on fireteam however regens super fast and lasts fairly long for a human… and when you parry you basically almost have unlimited parry lmfao… i could basically last forever until he runs out of stamina or until my team comes to kill him… its insaneee… and this is why i just play predator now cause fireteam feels so boring and dull and idk just not worth playing it… but props to people who main fireteam <3 keep the dedication up… would love to verse your squad some time @Derangedxeno_02

plasma caster how ever… i think they should return the one shot plasma… BUT this time it would use almost all of the energy… and i think the overload should be a thing on it… but not too long lol… maybe like 2-3 second one, just so you can keep up with their healing… cause realistically you can still backup your mates if he is maining the downed one… just shoot him lmao…

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That’s part of the point though isn’t it? I’ve played maybe a dozen matches with a friend of mine, we’re on PS4 and we handle ourselves okay as FT.

The vast majority of my matches have been 3 other randos thrown in the game, no one has a head set, and no way of coordinating attacks and strategies. I’ve won plenty, I’ve lost way more. Most of the time I lose I’m laughing and having fun anyway.

I play pred it’s usually similar, some guys figure it out on the fly and work together to capitalize on my mistakes and work good together, most don’t. Catch a pre-made team and it’s a whole different ballgame though because there is way to much going against you to win outright. You just decide whether or not to try hard and have fun.

In the end the majority of the player base isn’t pre made teams running seal team six moves and flanking Predators with sniper rifles, so for it to be “balanced” for the majority of us filthy casuals, ya kinda gotta arrive where we are.

Just my 2 cents


The way i see it… fireteam has potential that most people dont use… right… like picture untapped power of fireteam they have right… which is teamwork and just spray n pray damage if properly played… like seriously i think most people just don’t know how to play fireteam lmfao… and thats the only reason why i switched to pred… but then again… he seriously feels underpowered and limited… like by seriously i mean like A F**ING LOT… literally like… all you have to do is have all 4 of them tap into true fireteam power and abilities and you can just stomp predator… like without any much pressure XD… while predator just feels not fun aswell but again you cant really tap into much power lmfao… except just abuse the plasma pistol which has unlimited ammo and high dmg… i am pretty sure more than charged plasma XD… or around that lvl… but without overload

Well I’m 100% with you on plasma caster one shot again. I’d even go as far as charged arrow to the head and combi throw being one shots too. But other than that…i think we’re close to Thanos’s dream here

  1. make predator blood trails significantly smaller and harder to track

  2. rework FT so they can’t sprint across the whole map essentially moving at the same speed as the Predator

  3. increase pred heal speed

  4. remove/reduce static ammo crates?

  5. add piranha to backwater (lol)

  6. rework yautja bane?

  7. buff AI !!!

  8. fix leaping straight up and down when clipping geometry


If there’s a FT nerf it needs to be very specific and to the weapons that truly need it. Cause if it’s just an overall nerf then the FT is gonna be underpowered. If I’m making sense, what I’m trying to say is the weapons that insta melt the predator should receive a nerf, dont just overall reduce ft damage or health. Cause as is I slap teams pretty hard but when I’m with my team it’s almost a joke when we all run the correct load out.

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I feel like I disagree with a lot of this hahah what I’d say is, Nerf AK, nerf knife damage, annnnnd maybeeeee smg damage maybe

the only thing i would probably add is maybe reducing speed or max stamina as it’s still a little absurd most FT can just outrun melee/ disc throws
but otherwise your pretty much on the money no gun in the game should have a TTK of less than 5seconds except the minigun
nor should any gun do more than 25% of a hunters hp in a single bullet


I feel like I don’t see a lot of actual teams on console it’s usually randoms that aren’t communicating or anything the whole OP fireteam complaint seems more like a pc problem and due to rendering settings on pc most are reducing the amount of trees in their view and some lower the settings far enough to see pred while completely cloaked


Just depends… depends on map, missions, pred class , perks and weapons. If you kill 2 and they get to chopper. Doesnt matter. The only good ranged assult weapon over 100m is GOLS. The amount of falloff dmg on smgs is incredible. Using trap disc bow… disc for bunched fts and destroying health packs around map goes a long ways… lately i just shoot an arrow and if the team didnt spot the arrow ill wait till they run to the objective. Ive learned over multiple matches that just letting them hunt you can cost them the game on time. Beat them to derailed blue building and put 1 trap at the ladder. Its situational… different when people like you and myself who played csgo and other fps… the pred gets lit up… not even skill at that point . Its predators lack of tools… traps should be reusable like arrows, plasma cannon needs dmg unnerfed, and netgun needs a timer. The game shouldnt be balanced around pro play…

The crackling and stomping is main reason you cant get close without audio decoys which makes elder most viable class

Ft perk to spot traps is utterly dumb… full plasma to face and they shrug it off. You literally have to run impenetrable and down range every match.
.otherwise you take a dps hit u cant afford… the diversity for pred best builds are limited.


Couldn’t agree more

Predator mains players who are using Zerker most likely who is OP as hell is telling us the FT needs to be nerfed.How much do you suck at playing games when you and the GODLIKE Predator character need to nerf the fireteam?!


Are you ever going to be willing to attempt to have a conversation as to why you think pred is op?
Or just going to complain the entire time?

Can you speak without being angry?

They need to rework AI because right now they have aim bot so they can hit you behind wall and deal to you damage that is impossible to dodge in any way. I think they need to improve the AI movements and coordination but nerf their aim bot like they can miss some shot if you run side to side at least.