FIX THE MAP EXPLOITS - Hiding under map (Video)

okay :)

Awww you remember me, I’m so flattered. Ty so much. 😘😉

But you still can’t learn the diffence in english definition. But oh well potato poTAto.

He he I’m the imposter all along. shanks with knife

I couldn’t forget that hilarious whiny ‘I hate the world and the world hates me’ post. Glorious teenage angst.

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Sir I’ll have you know I’m 420. Lol
But by the end of the day we all just messages and you still cant do anything to stop me as is the same for me. Lol

By then end of the day regardless of what anyone says it is less exp, less money, and frustration for the predator. And the other guy gets exp from shooting predator, money and the survivor bonus by the end of match along with some laughs. Live to see another day, is what I say I’m not afraid to get dirty to get by. Can always wash up lol.I have already had some fun and after they fix the latest 1, me and my other guys have another spot to use until the next update. Lol

ill be blunt im not interested in your justification for cheating or your point of view because its harmful to the PHG community as a whole


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your entitled to your opinion and your beliefs. and im entitled not to care

i see that you sent me a reply if only i actually cared enough to read it

cool more comments i wont read

I’m not the guy who hides underground like a scared little chicken shit.

Every Pred player on this forum could easily rip your skull out - that’s why you hide under the map rather than play the game.

I guess you were just raised by your parents to be a coward, and everyone here knows you are one.

Oh said I was justifying anything. It’s a matter of perspective really. Lol
I just like to watch chaos, its entertaining rofl. Nobody going to fix that.

You already did lol

This game wasn’t truly designed to take on a predator 1 on 1 so of course you could.

Hell where is the O.W.L.F bat to reflect back plasma caster shots lol. Tho it have be timed good but hilarious.

FIX THE MAP EXPLOITS - Hiding under map (Video) anyone with two or more braincells can see your trying to justify cheating this is not an opinion or a matter of perspectives this is the objective truth of what you did

I never said anything about justice or anything. Your just putting words in my mouth and almost anything can labeled as opinion coming from somebody. Try better next time sweetheart.

And here since you didnt read the current comments (a.f.a.i.k) I’ll explain it again as a english lesson, so you at least try to learn to tell the difference.

Exploiting is using an inherent game feature, glitch or bug for unintended purposes, that usually result in an advantage. Anyone with the knowledge of an exploit can use it, and the devs can try to fix it.

Cheating is using software made by a third party to get an unfair advantage in a game. The advantage can only be gained by using said cheat software, and the devs can only indirectly combat it by implementing measures that detect and hinder outside tampering.

The most of the others say cheating, it’s a exploit in the game itself. That’s what the others are getting incorrect. There is a difference. Lol whether its (cheating) is then up to that persons own opinion/perspective.

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lmao just in case you didnt know heres the definition of cheating
act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage .

software is only a means to cheat just like bugs are a means to cheat

Potato, poTAto. We both found definition online doesn’t mean neither one is right or wrong truly. I just have my entertainment, where I can. Lol

But at least your learning 👏🤝

you never found the meaning of cheating you created your own to try and gaslight everyone but i literally gave you the true definition of cheating not my take on it.