Hi guys as much as I love the franchise and this game (Clash) is well a major disappointment to the game.not saying your hard work is bad the mode don’t make sense to the game and well just ain’t good in my opinion. This is where I’d like to offer you this idea for a mode of you are willing to choose to or not.
Game mode (RESCUE)
MISSION: Predator (1) has a set time limit to get to other predator (2) who is being held captive in the facility by the owlf. Pred (1) has to sneak in kill certain member near the captive pred free pred(2) then cut scene of captured pred(2) putting on gear. Then alarms sounds and the fireteam is sent in to respond to this situation.
While this is happening everyone is watching the Pred(1) doing first part of mission if he fails to get to pred(2) and sets off alarm all fireteam 8 members will be active into the game to kill pred(1).
The (main objective) is for the predators to escape the facility 2nd is to kill all fireteam members.
In this mode predator (2) will only have combi stick and plasma caster. Where pred(1) has full load out. This mode has 2 sets so each pred gets a shot at being captive. Over all time 20 Mon game.