Genuine Question

nonono, I am not toxic…:)

Well done mate, you are very fast with the bow! My brain might be as fast as that, my fingers definitely aren’t…

It is nice to see, that we all have quite different playing styles; it is a plus of PHG that it allows for that!

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good man… :)

We should play private.

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So you and your team can gloat about hitscan snipers? Nah, I’m good

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I Want to see if that strictly plasma playstyle works on actual good players not potatoes.


No playing style works against actually good players:

But some come near…

And yes, it does. Especially if you get cocky

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I feel a little awkward even talking tactics considering every one of you that have spoken are truly great players and I realistically ain’t in the same zip code . I fully agree with you guys . If a person uses a little inclination of decent strategy then the less skilled teams get upset . Here’s the reality , the fireteam can and usually is already set up to be OP, with that in mind I have to mix it up ranged and angles and so forth yet I get bashed for being a bad , potato , trash punk predator. I kept the language clean , but the comments get worse y’all know what I mean

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You only use plasma.
I’ve beat you with @Cptclutch117 @Maskedkane316 in publics.
Once I took your mask you didn’t engage anymore bud.


One match says nothing… :) In particular not in publics…


Oh yes, I remember. The supposed best ps team. Must be so hard camping on roofs with all Dantes and SAWZ. I mean realistically, you’re playing with the most powerful builds in the game and playing the most effective strat for it. Really, what is the Predator supposed to do? And does that really make you good, or just a clown who can aim?

I’m spoken for by most of this community, I don’t need to prove anything, especially not to balloon heads like yourself and your “good” team. You wanna see a legitimately good team, look at the Rangers, Team X, Samhain, Jelou, Thunderwolf, Beer, and many other fantastic players; particularly the many godly players that left due to this game’s poor management and maintenance.

You guys are late to the party, game is already dead.


Xeno bro , dont even get into it man . You play good and I’ll gladly speak that .


I know I’m not part of this top tier group, and thank god for that, what with all the catfighting that goes on, but if any team measures how “good” or “skilled” they are by using the most tankiest character, with the most overpowered weapon, using one of the dirtiest tactics, they honestly are neither of those two.


There’s a reason Sam & the bros ban Support, Dante & Recon with Tracker.

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I’ve noticed that, and I greatly commend them for it. Last night I had several teams with at least one Dante, spamming PDLs and Recon/Tracker on me. Honestly those don’t bother me, I’ll engage either way, but jesus its annoying, and your window to inflict damage is very small. It works, but because its cheap.


I knowwwww. I used to get called one of the best PS players and was being begged for matches left and right by teams and people that weren’t even on my radar. All people do is measure hot dogs with yard sticks, it just doesn’t end. The whole reason I stepped down and fuckin’ quit was the goddamn clout contests.

Now yeah, I’m good, I used to be great, but I’m not and never was the best, no one is and ever will be, or at least not until they’re the last player on this game. Regardless, throwing titles out like that only leads to arguments and haughty charlatans claiming to be the best despite running the meta and abusing broken mechanics. Meanwhile you’ve got humble players running the absolute worst or at the very least underrated builds making all kinds of waves but remaining humble and quiet.

It’s all clout and it’s all it’s ever going to be. Left that circus and I ain’t going back


I know 1 thing brings ya back lol

I’d clap all of you by playing with my feet and eyes closed.

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100% agree. Them toes of yours are M A G I C