Godzilla BattleLine!

How so? I have been able to level it up since the first day! That doesn’t seem right! I have been stuck in the same level for 4 days!!

This! It says 22 hours and every day it says 22 hours even if tho I didn’t play at all yesterday how is that possible

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I don’t quite understand what exactly you’re trying to say. Are you saying that the Godzilla Pass Tiers are moving on their own?

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That timer will count down to zero but then go right back to 24 hours till you can level up again!

Never lets me level it up! It’s been like that for 4 days! I have been stuck in 28 since the first day!!

Also where are you in the world ? Because I’m pretty sure even U.S.A players aren’t that far in the current Godzilla Pass.

For us, it kinda shows up as 0/1 or something. I don’t think you were ever supposed to acheive Rank 28 at all on the first day. To quote the game:


So are you saying I broke the game by being so good lol!!! Also I found a way for friend battles

@Derangedxeno_02 @Finessology

The game has some problems rn, for practically being in 1.2 or something. It had a previous Season, so turns out Singular Point Season is the game’s 2nd Ranked Season in “history”, so the game’s still fresh.

There’s even been reports and banning of cheating and stuff like that. I guess like P:HG, gotta give it time.


So I think I played a cheater yesterday! It would keep bring up that 30 seconds for the player to reconnect but after 3-4 seconds it would disappear and my opponent would then have his entire field in play and be right on top of me!!

Yeah they requested that you hit the report button if you see anything shady.
Its pvp only so they really want to maintain the integrity & longetivity for a mobile game.

Submit a support ticket for that bug you’re getting though. It’s under inquiry then just send them the screenshot.

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I’d amount that up to connection issues.

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I don’t think so! Cause it only started happening when my swarm took half of his life!


These are everywhere. Boom Beach, Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, etc. You think Destiny has a problem with cheaters? Try pvp mobile games

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I will check out the game. Thanks for mentioning it. I am a huge Godzilla fan.

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Almost rank 30 legend title oh and yes IM KING GODZILLA! Lol 👑

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@Finessology @Derangedxeno_02 @Xenomorph_2099 @ElderPreddy @NeonPred

Anyone wanna play!

Finessology wanna a rematch

yep im on, going to be playing for a bit

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I stay playing lol!!

@Xenomorph_2099 @Finessology @Derangedxeno_02 @ElderPreddy

So just ran into an exploitative player who used that drill thing that does dumb hard damage!!

The player would cast the drill thing and constantly open and close the game to acquire the disconnect screen so I was unable to see the drill thing being sent my way! Only happned while the drill thing was being used!

I’m fucking mad I didn’t catch the name!!

Fucking bastard and or whore!!!

edit I saw that it auto corrected it to white instead of whore so I apologize for that dumb technology Apple is bullshit

also really good news the devs of BattleLine are really responsive! I messaged them about the battle pass level up being restricted constantly and they responded to me!! They are looking into it and will most likely be handing our rewards to all players!!

@Arnie.schwarzewigger come on man Get this app!
Super fun!

Also I have been under a chat restriction for the lst 3 days but for some reason it went almost 5 weird!! On Psn!

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Oh man bunch of cheaters but hey I reach master rank do I’m good lol

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