GoreHound Horror Club

Feel like wasting an hour of your life? Of course you do, it’s not like you have anything better going on!

Sit back, roll up a fatty and behold…SkulHedFace!

Is that the one where Kevin James is a Nazi?

No I don’t believe it is. That movie is Becky.

Oh yeah that’s right my bad.

Here’s another clown killer…

Looks decent.

Rewatching The Descent tonight since I forgot it existed

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I love that movie! Not so much the sequel though…

Here’s a brand new digital horror comic you can buy for any price! Really! I don’t know how long it will last! It’s from Bill Mosely AKA Chop Top(Texas Chainsaw 2) and Otis (House of 1,000 Corpses, Devil’s Rejects and 3 From Hell


Never watching the descent sequel, it’s fine on its own. I hate it when ambiguous endings get ruined.

I mean it’s still a bloody creature feature which is fine. It’s like the first one, just with no soul and stripped down to it’s bare essentials. At the same time I won’t hold it against you for not watching it.


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Biggest appeal to me isn’t the monsters but the characters in Descent & I like monster movies. Its a “badass female protag” movie kind of like Alien but characters are fatally flawed.
Doesn’t work without the soul D:

I miss that in modern horror/action. People are more like fodder rather than fighting for their lives.
Some other ones: Annihilation - lots of soul but weak in execution. Everyone’s fodder.
I liked Oculus a lot and the protagonist challenging the haunted mirror even though it kind of fell apart by the last act. I want more “fuck you, ghost” movies, they’re super rare.

I with ya 100% in regards to The Descent.

Action and horror were at their peak during the 80’s. That’s where all my favorites and the ones I own come from. Occasionally there are the modern hits. I’ve been meaning to check out Upgrade in terms of modern action.

Upgrade was great, definitely check it out

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It’s one of the few films that calls me to buy it without having rented it before hand. Granted I did watch a review on it.

I took your advice and ordered this one online.

I gotta say I was pleasantly surprised. It was well worth the purchase and a worthy addition to my collection, thanks! Any more suggestions?

What did you order online bud?

The autopsy of Jane doe

Oh yes, thats right! Lol glad you enjoyed my man 👍 its a great film. Ill have a think about a few more and post them 😁

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Hey Boils and Ghouls! Get your wads of tissue ready because Blumhouse/John, the man himself, Carpenter, may be rebooting The Thing. All they need is Rob Bottin now…
