Ya youl have to wait til you can post vids.

Do you think this was a bug or a glitch, or maybe some kind of foul play was involved? I just played another match as a Predator. Gotta say, didn’t run into any sort of problem.

If it wasnt working, only when you gained at them, then ima have to say hacks


Aren’t you the one that always says hacks aren’t possible?
Pretty sure we’ve been through a few of these conversations.

Whoaaaa ps4 look at that. Also still lag OP’s at 90+ ping where the magic happens unless there’s a firmware issue on Sony’s end, which = not my problem. PC doesnt freeze randomly for me when firing caster, the hit detection on it does cease to work at 100 ping though. Most extreme witch hunt scenario is dude was sitting in the rock and was confident enough to leave after fucking with his router, which still isnt hax its just finding a laggy sweet spot but ok. They by all means couldve all had an amazing 4 ms connection to the game while OP had 100 and just gotten bored of sitting in the rock, but a lot of high ping shenanighans are tied to the lack of region lock in general.

Not sure if the freezing on console while firing plasma is tied to a framerate drop but optimization is bootycheeks even on the publisher’s console amazing.
If you or anyone in the match is at 90+ ping just back out, you wont be able to eat pigs, itll constantly throw you into long claims etc. You do get random double wristblade hits though so thats cool.

Dude if this doesnt convince you of hacks nothing will.
Pretty fkn naive to think it’s all fkn lag.

Man if the timer starts vanishing in every other match vs ps4 FTs I will eat a hat, looked like a one-off issue due to the whole FT being out of bounds to me rly. What games these days on ps4 still have modded lobbies? The freezing is 100% illfonics shitty optimization with the caster when your ping is that high, doesnt happen when firing caster on PC even if im at 150 or so, just move like normal and take damage from nothing. If this game wasnt a buggy peice of shit it would be easy to rule things out.

Lol my point is you shut down everyone who says its hacks. I know a lot of times, its not hacks.

Like yesterday I literally got accused of using aim bot. XD. Which was a nice throw back to my mw3 days, where ppl thought I used as aim bot cause I got decent aim.

The caster freezing tho was only when I gained at them. Plus the way I died, it shows them shooting me through walls.

My video, with all the shit that went wrong, these are hacks.

I just hope it doesn’t happen often.

But this is why ppl should record what happened.

I remember back in mw3 there was a hack that made it so if a person looked at your character, they would get kicked xD.
That shit was always fun to run into. Or the invincibility ones are always fun as well xD.

Mw3 was client sided AND P2P so you ran into all manner of invincible maphacking hosts dropping you from the game. Src: I ran modded lobbies on ps3. They’re different games, and PHG is networked like the worst MOBA of all time even though its a shooter which is why its a janky buggy POS with worse hit detection than BF3.
Obvious game-state changing hacks like god mode, speed hacks, etc. are basically impossible in the serverside model, yes. They could DDOS you, everyone would be lagging on their end but FT would hands down get the advantage - but really the effort for a 5 minute match why? Maybe you got unlucky and WERE the test subject, but fastest way to end witch hunt is shoot em a friend request.

It has to do with the range factor. Weapon stats on this game are kinda funky. Don’t really tell you much. For example the 10X scope will slower you significantly when equipped in any sniper, even though the sniper stats remain static. Silencers will also lower damage, but stats remain the same. The range stat just shows the bullet will hit, but not with how much force. And the lightweight sniper will not get as far as the other two, nor deal the same damage, even though stats are identical for damage and range.

I tried to talk to them, but surprise surprise, they have it so you cant send them a message.

Shame on you hacking in mw3. Shaaaaame.

In my defense only the fun kind where everyones stuck in prone flying around & it was the end of the ps3 era anyways.

Did you have superman music playing since everyone was flying around? Lmao

Soooo i had my first time fighting agaist 3 of the ft under buildings. Fun…

Very fun lol

Maybe you’re right. I can’t know. I didn’t look at the ping. However, the fact that my game kept freezing only when I was aiming at them kind of raised some questions. Also, the fact that my interact button stopped working right after I downed one of them, or that the laser sights of my shoulder mounted plasma caster stopped working right after I downed one of them is also a bit suspicious isn’t it? Look I’m not going to accuse anyone, that’s all I’m saying.

I don’t think the majority of the people playing games knows what “Hacking” is, you just use it as a term when someone is either better than you or is exploiting some bugs.

Did you watch the video?
Cause I dont say hacks unless truly fucked up shit is happening.

I dont fkn say ppl are hacking if they’re better. If anything I get accused of hacking even tho I dont.