Honest? Don't release Jungle Hunter 87

He doesn’t deserve it.

Wonder what @OldKingHamlet and @Courier got to say about this one.

Probably nothing , have you seen half the shit on here? Some make shift account accused me of sexually harassing women on here and they were tagged and done fuck all .

Dare make a joke about the elderly and a protected group? You get stupid weak warnings that aren’t warnings and they panic incase they are seen as bigots 😆.

They are too busy patting themselves on the back.

damn I missed a fun thread

Ah you didn’t miss much

Here it is for shits and giggles

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Yeah but the moment someone makes a Nazi joke, guess what happens? That’s Reich, they got a warning and the one who defended their freedom of speech got a ban.


They couldn’t be more embarrassing , if I was paranoid I would have thought it was someone in the bug department having a laugh in their vast amount of spare time

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Sorry , I dont speak french

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I’ve got an image saved for this but I don’t want to get banned. Oh well:

Also, what’s the capital of France?


Paris? 🤔

I have the skin on my playstation. I don’t even care.

Reich is pronounced like Rye-k.
Not Rich.
So someone’s joke fails.

Also, Hitler was too pussy to burn himself to death, which is funny for the so called master race. If Hitler was so smart he wouldn’t have invaded Russia in the winter.


Always so dramatic.

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Forget @TheSenate

@Come2WhingeStay4fun is the real Nazi

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Did someone just say the N word??

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How many times you gonna say it

