How fucking broken is this game?

Jokes on you, dont have one.
Besides youd fuck that up too!

You slut.


So I have an idea to fix this nerf reinforcements by halving the gear the new ft spawn with, along with fixing the damage bugs on the predator I feel that tracker and motion detectors on the human side should get a nerf on their life span or atleast make it to where you can’t reload it with a ammo bag but a ammo crate, I feel that the saw needs a damage nerf to it by just a bit alongside giving a slower firing speed to the 1011, I feel that the katana should get buffed in its damage just a bit to be useable and a bit of a damage nerf to the axe I feel that most of the other weapons are fine but I’m not too sure on that front.

(Keep in mind that I mostly play predator so there may be things that others can help fill in the gaps aside from the trolls of course.)

Oh I would make sure it was done properly and you cant convince me that you don’t own a scooter , I just have the image of you on a scooter with your man bun flapping in the breeze with your thin goatee


Make it a meme. You won’t. No balls.


The average thunder cats roar producer

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I see what you say. But with friends agains players that put up good fights, and with no lag issues, you can still have fun matches.
I recently reached lvl 999 and the game has nothing new to me a long time, but i can still have a good time.

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Idk man, this game lost any fun for me a long time ago.
Even winning isn’t satisfying.

Even if they fixed the technical issues and added a 3v10/12 I cant see it being fun anymore.


I’d find it fun just having two teammates fighting a lot of ft and maybe a friendly pred like in 2010

Hell it’d be more fun if you had to scavenge for weapons before you fight the predators and you have to fight others or try to work together.


Blame it on the devs and their piss optimization

If I use regular graphics I get like 20 fps dips on a constant basis

And no other factors were involved.

Fucking fanboys.

How is it even possible to play with a small fps?

You dip to 20 fps or you lose 20 fps from like 120.

The aim assist on console is not even good
It’s for AIs and Piggs
Most of the times it destroys your aim , I wish I could turn it off

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There is no true “aim assist” like other FPS games. There’s rotational assist while moving, which is what ruins your aim with pigs. Also, there’s a very small window for snap to target and a acceleration to target, but it only works within 45m and it does NOT help you stay on target whatsoever.

This game failed Console players terribly and the damage and hit scan weapons make it near impossible to play predator vs pc Fireteams.

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that depends on several factors

Depends on what you consider ‘small’ - if you’re talking about like 20 frames, then sure it’s shit to play. Anything upwards of 30-35 is perfectly acceptable, hell it’s what an entire fucking generation grew up with without complaint.

You know what I mean. You’ll get beamed from from a coordinated team and even a single good m&k player with a Sawz50 will take a chunk of health in seconds from long range. Then they’ll likely have full auto pistols at close range. If they’re doing the mission, you don’t really have much of a chance. If they wanna fight you for 15 minutes, maybe you’ll wear them out.🤷‍♂️

I suppose the best way to keep yourself out of danger versus a PC Fireteam, while also being able to do insane damage, would be to use the disk. And since you can do very high sensitivity on PC, that’s more of a leveling out factor for PC versus PC players only. Also, I don’t know about you, but I don’t personally find flying the disc around for kills very satisfying.

you dip to 20 fps

Dude, this game won’t even have stable over 100fps on high graphics even on a high end RTX 3090

game is so poorly optimized that even on 720p and low graphics, you still get 40-50 fps sometimes on a GTX 1070Ti, which I know, is dated, but still runs most modern games with med/high settings at 1080 or even 1440 with stable 60 fps

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