How fucking broken is this game?

This is what the game runs at 1440P with Epic settings on an overclocked 1070Ti


Have you ever seen my videos vs those pc teams ? Like dude I’m doing this for over a year on private games. Not every pc team has 4 player with insane aim, sometimes there are weak links, not all players are on the same level. Then there are the classes//builds they are using, maps, missions, radio location, lot of stuff.

Which is why most of us don’t use disk in private, I have not used disk in months there. No disk, no support, no dante, no recon tracker. Its not fun fighting a frisbee through the whole match or dealing with op ft shit.

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Very broken, that’s why I stopped playing ages ago lol

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I think Jelou and a few other are the ones using rapid fire glocks and shit, you even put on your website that pc players use macros but the majority of them don’t even know how to use them

Generalizing a whole group of people over what 1% does

i don’t even use the glock anymore

1011 with macro is super inaccurate and slow, so I just double tap

I am using 25 bullet clip on it though, lmao

Fucking slut, you don’t even need it, just value accuracy at close range or burst with 5 shots

This you Jelou living in a mud hut making big brain cyberpunk2077 tactics for phg


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I just do it cause I’m lazy with reloads

Yes, anything that makes pred play more fair

plus look what a beauty this is

Dumb bitch, mines better


I’m not going to question these images above me

Nothing to question, Jelou forgets who his daddy is sometimes

yeah but you have to re-do that after every match. mine stays match after match

Funny thing is that in other real fps games these side arms with similar attachments are legit and nobody bitches about it.

PHG fan bois be like “I want realism” while fighting an alien that oozes green blood and heals from pig meat.

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on MWII you can turn the glock into an smg legit and is one of the best weapon customizations in the game. it fucking rules

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yo i need a scope on the plasma caster


I play BF and same thing man, the support class revive you just as fast as phg and even fill your ammo while doing it lol and nobody is crying over it.