How to fix the game

Fireteam should not be allowed to run more than 1 of the same class, or specialization, plain and simple,
No multiple Dutch’s, no multiple Dante’s, Isabelle’s, or anything.
Ft wants proper balance? That’s balance. Anyone who disagrees, is definitely a broken build user


That would put into place a real reason to make loadouts. I think @CHUCK_YT thats the most original suggestion I’ve heard in like 4 years!
That would put a huge emphasis on redesigning the loadout screen.


The only problem with that is that then all other base Vanilla Classes (Recon, Scout, Support) will need to be unlocked right out of the gate.

They are level locked but that’s honestly a easy fix.


That is if those classes are the only ones that need to be nerfed then they could allow them to be locked and have multiple Recon Scout or Support be the only classes that can be multiples of and never the other ones.

But i totally agree with the Dutches and DLCs of special characters.

Its been too long but I get the drift of the request.
Plus you mustn’t let more than one medic or something…etc.


I said this ages ago. When I made a tournament I made this one of the rules.

The problem is that to implement this would mean going away with loadouts. People would have to pick a class from the lobby (whoever loads first or is faster gets to pick the class they want) and would need to build the loadout on the lobby screen. While in theory this could be done and shouldn’t be much of a problem, in practice it would mean people taking forever to make a build and finally ready up. Maybe in other games this wouldn’t be a problem, but for PHG players this is going to feel like too challenging of a skill to master. PHG players have the brain smaller than a chicken.

Only way to keep loadouts would be to divide the 12 loadouts. So 3 loadouts for assault classes, 3 for recon classes, 3 for scout classes and 3 for support classes. That way you have 3 loadouts to choose from.

Also some classes are way too hybrid. OWLF is too in-between recon and assault, Isabelle too in-between scout and recon, Dutch 25 and Dante too in-between Support and Assault. DLC classes need to belong more to a class. Dutch 87 is the only one that feels like an assault with better speed, hp at the cost of gear, but not in-between 2 classes


That’s not fixing the game, just simply increase predator’s stamina, energy, health and damage would be good fix. Prohibiting and limitting classes and specializations into only one of each FT member would only increase length of matchmaking.


Well your ‘‘tournament’’ was too restrictive and collosal disaster.

Especially for the one that is preaching that he is hacking this game since the game has been released from day 1.

Let alone that you also restricted the predators.

Honestly Predator Health should just be buffed that would solve nearly every issue about high damage", especially with the Ammo changes recently.

And I got called crazy and bad back in 2021

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there should be a time limit then.otherwise, if they don’t let it be randomly generated.
I still stand behind the idea that people should have 1 class per loadout…to clarify, one class in all the loadouts available. Or that the loadouts will open up and will be locked to one particular class forever.

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yes, of course, it would still make a lobby last as long as the match. as of now often times a lobby takes like 3 minutes because of constant people dropping and joining. It’s literally 2 minutes when it starts to countdown because the lobby finally decided its time to start, and thats before de 30 second mission briefing

Well known documented majorities.

again the moment its implimented, the need to actually go and fix it for good will be already ingrained. So its not like they don’t know what they are getting themselves into. They will know that their loadouts NEED to be fixed for good for matchmaking. Not like “i need to fix it up again” … so therefore, UI needs to hide things in the lobby.

Again, this is not a simply UI UX experience. There needs to be “things that not know” and “are known” to the user and “things need to be accepted”.

It reverts to a gamblers table. You work with what cards you’re dealt with scenerio.

you mean the majority of ft mains who complain about cheaters but refuse to play with anything other than meta builds on a full pre-made against potato preds and complain and accuse of cheating any player that beats them? yeah… gotcha

That was you back then. Hence this tournament.

LMAO… no



Trolling aside, until recently in late 2023 you flexed how you hack this game since day one, you were saying how it’s ‘‘impossible to cheat in PHG’’ back in early 2022.
Even your arch nemesis AstonDB9 exposed you on that one with your good old quotes.