How to fix the no fire bug for FT (MACRO ALERT)

how many videos are out there except for the one clip where I am doing it? Of all my livestreams, can someone please point out to any other clip where the turbo grimtech (because it only works on that pistol) is used? or anyone one else who has any other video proof of it being used?

I’ll be waiting

also, can you mention any other macro than those two?

I’ll even give you the link to my channel. Go take a look at comeback with something

did i tell you use it ?

No, I’m saying everybody talks about the pistol macro because of a clip of me playing using it. I used it for like a week or two. Everybody complained. Made some testing and realize I was actually wasting bullets. There’s literally no other examples of that macro anywhere. Although a lot of players, even PC players, accuse others of using it, when they clearly have no understanding of how it works. Is just a make believe thing to think other players “can’t be that good”.

Fun fact, some console players went as far as testing themselves with a controller and achieved similar or better results because the aiming joystick is superior, compared to a mouse, for controlling recoil.


ps: i had enemy (2 days ago ) using pistol turbo macro , i lost 70-80% hp in 1 second (sure waste of bullets )

ps2: i had teammate (3-4 months ago ) with defuse “macro” , he defused in 1 second (humanly impossible )

ps3: you can create a lot of different macros for this game , for recoil fix (per weapon), for pairy to death , or even trainers (heal for you if you are %hp and less ),or for auto spot

I’m gonna stop here and just call it bullshit… literal bullshit.

you can’t program a macro for a RANDOM generated code. That’s impossible. So either you had a lag spike or you are full of shit. I think the second one so, STFU

you have 0 iq pal , thats why i said “macro” and not macro
because it automates the click but takes input from monitor (very easy to create )

none of that shit are macros… so you clearly have no idea what a fucking macro is. STFU

The 1011 will do that without any macro if you are stupid and get close

“The 1011 will do that without any macro if you are stupid and get close”
yeah 20 clicks in 1 second , but sure no macro pal

ohh you mean autohotkey scripts?

sure… very easy to create, LMAO

you are just repeating absurdity @Finessology has posted here

PC players do this all the time with no macro using the 1911 pistol. Yes, it melts preds up close that’s why its the best 1v1 weapon. Maybe said player thought it was macro when it really was just how that pistol is.

the 1011 has 14 bullets, You can empty it in less than 2 seconds (8 clicks per second which is totally humanly possible). It will take 80% of your health. That’s why a lot of people say is broken.

“less than 2 second” i said 1 but yeah keep crying

actually very easy to create (first semester it students can do that )

please share your knowledge, or else I call it bullshit

You just proved how stupid you are. The rate of fire for the 1911 is only 7 to 8 bullets per second max. Most PC players can achieve 5 to 6 and a few will do 8 clicks per second easy.

anecdotal claims , sure pal

Just stop, by now you’re just taking out of your ass.

said the guy who claims " most can do this " without citing his source xD

You shared such script here on forums already and it was not rocket science. So what exactly is bullshit on @WnsJimbo statement?

which script? the autoaim from CSGO that is on youtube and doesn’t work at all because pred moves too fast?

sorry pal, your whole aimbot claim is bullshit just as jimbos