try that in ENGLISH!!!

well no ehm in the files scar has his own specail head or well an edited jungle hunter head but for some reason they did not add that and just gave him the normal hunter head


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What you call that!!

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this just shows their just rushing their dlcs now

look at the images carefully look at the image next to it which is taken ingame of the scar class

true… but the face on the left is NOT scar… so… there is your problem

it is scar actually if you look at the first image I posted which are from the models in the game files you can clearly see the scar on its forhead

here is something interesting to think about… why is the scar a pink color an not a greenish color to match their blood color??

Simple only yautja blood is green their skin /flesh color is simular to us I guess

And then when it comes out as a piece of dogshit, they KEEP FUCKING BUYING IT

Take that, illfonic ass-kisser, you about to get majorly dissapointed in what this game has to offer XD

My man, if you’re gonna milk this shit for content, at least put derogatery words in the title to steer people away from buying this shit. For example:



Fucking fuck

I opened the topic and saw that image, the AVP gang FINALLY! …and then I looked down, and saw no patch notes, and saw no fix, and saw all the comments of the people already describing what a disappointment this DLC is

goddamit, just publish a DECENT content for once, faithful to the advertisment, and with actual content different from a useless class, with a new weapon, new map or whatever

What a disappointment.


The reason being that their most talented workers have moved on to other projects, leaving interns or an intern to do all of the work. That person may just be doing what they can by either actually trying and not being skilled, or being more skilled in photoshop rather than game development.

Either way this is hilarious and sad. Funny because it just shows yet again that this studio is beyond incompetent, and sad because no matter what they churn out, people will still buy it and try to justify their purchase.

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Well am I wrong? They did a fucken abysmal job on the predators. Scar doesn’t even have is muhfucken scar XD
I mean, I would rather get nothing at all than have these characters turned into a steaming pile of bullshit by these fucking dumbass developers.

Stop buying this bullshit people, it’s not worth it.

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So all the preds are bugged and just come with default heads and skins rather than what’s in the promo image.
Seems about right. Top notch work as always.
Game will remain deleted. 🖕


I don’t really care about the bugs, I’m actually really happy that they finally gave us the Arctic Predators. Now we just need more maps.

No they didn’t, they’re selling their armors. The actual three still aren’t in the game yet.