Hypothetical Patch Notes


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Plot armor

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Well behold my plot armor!



Yes, it works. I am confused yet strangely drawn. This is the guy i want marry

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Bad game

Bad games, bad games a what’chs gonna do, a what’cha gonna when they call-out you…

Uhhhhh… I dunno… Nachos?

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Either the or deny any wrongdoing. Read me my Dutch rights and i want my phonecall…

Phonecall: hi, I’d like to order some Nachos

Had a typo I fixed that.

1.) I was stating that later unlocks should be given some sort of buff (or nerf if it is too strong.) As I feel some guns the FT has are either weak (shotguns) or too strong (1011) as this is just speculation as this was a experiment to see if this ight or garbage which is fair.

2.) While yes it would it would also prevent people from picking specs that should just be for each FT as I feel some combos are too strong in the current meta as I don’t really like the whole 4 Field Medic teams, or heavily sniper influence teams with infinite spotting which I didn’t address cause I wasn’t sure what to do with that other than to have it where only one spec per FT as it seems a bit more fair as it is apart of the whole Fireteam hunting grounds as while most advocate for FT to be buffed and pred to be dead on the spot it feels absurd in some regard but it may just be me that has issue with it.

3.) I was going with the whole rockets shatter armor statement I once heard where it decreases predator’s defense but it could be removed tbh.

4.) This was because of FT that know how to abuse the motion Detector launcher as it felt like it was a bit cheap to give a assault or support that kind of power however I do agree that dutch(2025) could use something like this as i think it’d be kinda neat for each class to be able to carry different items with reduced weight for each but it might not be worth it.

5.) This isn’t a jab at the multiplayer I don’t mind it I’ve seen the leaks of lone wolf and thought that maybe it should be announced for release that way we have more than just two modes.

6.) Yes because I think the normal last man standing mode was wasted potential and you can have epic moments for your yautja or FT to be able to kill the predator while encouraging pred players to pick targets out to encourage the one by one mentally you need to face higher lvl players though I thought it would be better if it was more like the movie so you can recreate the movie if you had a dutch(1987) & JH as I thought that would be better than just being faster with more heat coming off you.

7.) I do think predator should be a bit op than FT as the game is more balanced to make FT more op than pred for casual play as the devs during live streams play as FT than pred.

Also the criticism is fair so this is just how I would mostly go about it but if you want to make your own this thread is for that purpose if you’d like.

You could just nerf spotting as a whole and FM without fucking matchmaking though

Then have a simple damage buff for FT when attacking the pred for defense decrease or have rockets deal more damage.

Do they abuse it? Like I said when I was here the motion Detector was niche and not Mets. It’s more for average players.

Never said it was

I see where your coming from with Lone wolf but it’s been two years. Not happening.

Doesn’t change the butchering of the game mode.


All games should be balanced.

You know that to unlock the elder class you need to be level 150, right?

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lol i’m just gonna lurk this is pretty luls

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I’m aware it’s 150.

Then why do you say “new player”?

Do you consider someone at level 150 a “new player”? Because if you do, then basically you are confirming what I’ve been saying, “level on this game means shit”

Dude he was saying new players with a level one loadout

The Elder part was separated into the first part.

Your smarter than this dude.

The thing is you guys continue to make it look like this game is complex and what not… Reality is it isn’t. For fucks sakes there’s even an icon that tells you what button to press to parry and get out of the net. Arguably the only “complex” thing people need to learn is how to get out of the trap. This game is as simple as it is. If you are familiar with FPS games you will play very well at the current balance state of the game. You don’t need higher level weapons on either.

Again, level means shit. Specially when you can farm them on private matches on your own.

Level =/= game knowledge, nor skill


Don’t know why your preaching to me, I was correcting your point in regards to his Grammer.

And while I agree the game is simple, a button prompt doesn’t make it simple, you can add that to any game without changing it except the parry.

And ya I’ve been an advocate that level =/= skill