I expect this to be taken down

you now theres an off topic thread for that tho…

Where do you think the asshole started this shit? Thought he deserved some spotlight time.

sounds like the next dead eye if you ask me…

No clue who/what that is. I’m tired of being harassed by this dude. You all wanna criticize me, go right ahead. Honestly don’t give a damn anymore.

hooooooooooooo boy tell me tell ya you think this guy is bad? oh oh ho you havent seen DeadEyeBuddha

salt man


No, you’re just acting like a little kid tugging on your mom’s apron telling on your sibling for taking your toy. Grow the fuck up this is the internet nobody cares your feelings got hurt. And trust me making this stupid fucking post proves to me you’re really fucking butt hurt.

oh no Apex you dont know salty Trust me…

if the guy wasnt baned you WOULD know salty…

Oh look, your fat fingers finally got the spelling down. You certainly do seem to be an expert on being butt hurt. I guess you would just bend over and grab your ankles if someone harassed you, so it makes sense. Not surprised also considering the hypocrisy of some of your former posts elsewhere. Should I start a thread dedicated to you as well?

Oh no that wasn’t a reply to your last comment it was for the whole thread in general lol


But aren’t u showing your a bigger asshole from messaging him bacc and posting about for being that butt hurt keep this kinda stuff to your self theirs no need to post it on the forum complaining.

@DisturbedLlama same goes for u nerd don’t start arguments 😂

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I’m past caring and am willing to burn myself in the process. If that makes me the bigger asshole so be it. But bitches who start the shit need to be recognized for what they are.

So ur admitting to doing the same kinda shit he does? And adding to it with this post? Doesn’t that mean your on the same lvl as him

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First off, I never target harassed anyone before this. Second, I don’t stalk a person’s posts and make fun of them because they wrote a goddamn poem dedicated to the game. You wanna line me up with him that’s fine, but that is apples and oranges.

Please make a list about me, I won’t get pissed off and cry about it like you would.

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Riiiight… if you were of that kind of mind you wouldn’t have said shit in the first place. You’re just a bitch fronting as a hardass.

Your logic is flawed and stupid. I called you out for being a bitch and now you’re saying I’m butt hurt. Come on now you gotta bring something better than this to the table. Then again you went after the auto correct on my phone changing butt to “buff” so clearly you can’t formulate a proper response to begin with.

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My logic is flawed in that I am being harassed in an unmoderated thread and wanted to bring it to the attention of a community that I thought would have the decency to moderate itself, and ostracize the fucktards, but lo and behold I find a bunch “Idicks” in these forums who give no shits when they go about fucking with people, “because it’s the internet”? Yea no apparently this forum is so logically deprived that it’s essentially a bottomless pit of stupid toxicity that you seem to thrive on. Yep blame the autocorrect because you are too stupid to actually check your shit yourself. I’ve seen your other posts. You bitch just about as much as llama and harass just as much as well. So no please go take those fat fingers and just fuck yourself.
Better yet find yourself a pinecone and sit and twist.