I will not be buying City Predator because . . .


You know you will be getting him


Oh comon! Buy him… just this once, do it for Yautja Prime for Yautja Gods sakes!


He got finessed, hard. @Finessology just can’t be beat, gets em everytime👌🏼💯 I do enjoy watching you calmly, slowly, ripping these spazoids a new one with intelligence and grace, a rare skill and beautiful to witness😊

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Oh my holy hand caster of flying fucks! What the fuck are you still goin for ? First race and gender and now it’s hair with you? No one cares about your opinion , you already know this the whole forum worked together for a whole day just to shut you up . The only thing you are good for is to unite the people on the forum against you lol . I love having a manly strong as predator with some long alpha dreds, and love those slim female scouts rocking the bow , and big chungus of all genders with the combi . But you?? You don’t like anythin and no one likes your shit , so please go back to your " Man Cave " cave " woman "


U lost me once the ranting started. Like all leftist snowflakes. Once you get triggered its all over all thought process goes out the window. Maybe you should breath while typing take a break and collect your thoughts and proof read ur post so you dont sound like tantrum throwing child. Btw its okay yall lost in 1776 relax. It was just a silly war

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Can someone explain what rubber banding is?

I’m not a pro gamer by any stretch of the imagination, so some terminology you guys use flies right over my head the same way my smart disc does on the FT I’m hunting when I’m trying to be a slick Disk King like @Thescoutpredmain (One day I will master this damn thing🤣).

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Rubberbanding is where you will be moving forward then warp you back to where you were if that helps any.

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Whatever KAREN

Ah, so that’s what that it. Had it happen a fair bit recently, wondering why I’m warping about. Appreciated 👍🏼

Rubber banding is a term of a player that has his controller set up so that they are moving and will not get afk kicked

N… No.

LOL Troll alert

Im sorry not a troll, the only time i have ever heard that term was in Battlefront 2 when ppl would rubber band the sticks and spin in circles sorry but dam yall just so quick to judge lol

Honestly preach.

On a side note its really hard to read messages in all caps. But thankfully you didnt use them much here so my brain let me read this. You are pretty on the nail with this one I think.

Sucks to be you. Im buying it. If your not gonna support than just go away and play something else.

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Buying their pay to win bs and cosmetics isnt supporting the game. Its enabling them to keep screwing us all.

Do what you will with your money but consider this. What happened when you have your favorite skin? When everything you wanted is now behind you and youve nothing to look forward to? How long will you keep playing before your horniness for skins wears off and you see how fucked this game is?

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I bought both Dutch and samarai, I feel I got my moneys worth for arnie but samarai is a hunk of shit with his energy drain. I said after samarai I wouldn’t just buy any dlc unless it was something I really wanted and city hunter is tied with the jungle hunter to me personally, but city hunter will be my last skin until something more substantial is added to this game, I just don’t enjoy it anymore and barely play

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