night mode

Never!!! Lol!!! Also Im not hostile! He wants to make a troll thread then troll he shall get

I like Turtles.


Nah you don’t need JH you want him big difference.


Finally someone said it!!!


if it’s out of necessity, we don’t need this game

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Cast your vote and quit making these threads

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Jungle hunter = dead

City hunter = dead = dead

It makes little sense to limit yourself in a business that is tied to an IP with a vast amount of characters to play with


add this poll on steam

It’s already visible to everyone??

But why give us Jungle Hunter when it died lol. Kinda invalidates that point.

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Ah yeah, cuz JH and CH are alive and well…

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Nostalgia baiting for those pre-orders , yo.


That’s true, but I think they have a bit more leeway with the creatures. The captive in Predators was almost a carbon copy of the Jungle Hunter, but obviously not the exact same one. We’re also able to customise them so they don’t look 100% the same.

The predator itself (aside from being present) doesn’t really factor into their lore additions anyway, although if they release the so-called Egyptian predator that would change.


Think people are missing the point, that other forum goers are trying to save your breath.

Oldkinghamlet himself stated in a previous thread to end this, that it is remaining preorder exclusive. (Yet people persist)

Asking for this to be released is a backhand to those who have supported the game pre beta and beta.

Instead of just begging for the JH skin, what would we suggest or recommend that preorder folk recieve, if they released JH, taking away the exclusivity of the character/ preorder?

Unfortunately folks are just in a situation of “the train has left the station and folks are going to have to wait for the next one.” (shrugs shoulders)

I played F13 and was envious of folk that have the SAVINI skin. I didn’t bitch or complain I didn’t have it. I understood why I didn’t have it. It was a Kickstarter incentive. Period.

^an attempt to put everyone into perspective…

But PLEASE… continue to beat this dead yautja with a stick…

This being said: I would love to recreate the older movie with classic characters, just doesn’t fit the way the current story is being told (aware of previously dead preds being in the game)


As a Steam user, I wouldn’t mind seeing it made available at some point (probably as paid DLC, to make it fairer to those who did pre-order). No one is going to have it taken away from them, so I don’t see how that would lessen its value.

That said, I think the constant complaints about it are tiresome. If it happens, it happens - if it doesn’t, I’ll be slightly disappointed, but I won’t lose any sleep over it.

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Hearing it wasn’t released for steam is bogus.

There wasn’t an opportunity for steam folks to get it so that, I get.

I know right? There are a ton of other things folks can redirect there attention to that needs addressing or fixing in the game.

Actually I’d say it really doesn’t matter if a character died or not.

Jungle Hunter = Logged.
City Hunter = Backfired Disc.
Greyback/Elder = Alive.
Berserker= Beheaded.
Scar/Scarface = Requiemed or Alive.
Alpha = Probably Dead. Old fuck.
Samurai = Alive until further notice.
Viking = Dead.
Valkyrie = Alive until further notice.

O.W.L.F Operatives = Alive but Fodder, they get slapped by Armored Lost who doesn’t have any feats besides taking down A.I Robots with Lasershot and Spiked Tail.

Dutch 87/25 = Smokin Stoggies on Yautja Prime rn tbh.
Dante = Alive until further notice.

Who would ever buy General Phillips?!? What’s he gonna bring to the table? Nada. Shit, even Anna unarmed (and therefore not a target) could run objectives and be sneaky.

All predators are dead

All Scarface Fanboys would be very mad with you if they could read that sentence.