Illfonic, I have some questions about DLC’s

Oh yeah, “questions” and “constructive criticism”.

Yeah real head turning questions like “hey how do you guys feel about different vision modes?”


“hey would you guys consider a mode with multiple predators?”

or my personal favorite - design-related questions like “what the fuck is the purpose of wrist launcher and why is that the only ranged ““weapon”” that’s been added to preds arsenal in all this time?”

Just food for thought I know these are entirely new questions they’ve never heard before and are too busy under the weight of crushing abuse for 20 months to answer.

Hey that’s all I ask, I don’t wanna start any form of fights in the forum or make anyone at Illfonic uncomfortable. All I want is to just sit down, nerd out, maybe try and get some spicy questions off my mind about the game. All and all just a conversation between the creators or anyone who has hands on with the game. Thank you for hearing me out @Kassinaillia


these design questions are the only ones i care about asking from “why do you keep intending to powercreep the berzerker into obscurity?”

or "do you think the stacking of dmg effecst was a good design decision? knowing it allows for some guns to kill in under 3seconds of sustained fire? " or predator plasma caster to deal 150 damage in a single shot

or my personal favorite “why did you allow the first two pistols to outclass all other secondaries and why did you add shotguns to the game when they are always the worst option to bring?”

or “why do you let perks remain the way they are when you know nobody takes the tree branch movement perk or the increased downed movespeed or that Large Pouch is the most efficient perk for the predator since launch?”

“can you explain to me why the plasma pistol hasn’t served any purpose in the predators roster? when the bow outclasses it in every way”

or maybe “have you noticed predators as a whole don’t seem to offer unique playstyles differing from one predator to another all predators are mostly using ranged weapons and usually a single melee weapon with only stats causes differences do you feel as though there isn’t differences between them to let players experiment between differing playstyles to be more unique?”

i have a ton of them i suppose you should @ me if it ends up happening @Kassinaillia
cause i’ll probably be giving all the brainscratching questions to the team cause hell like i said before i’m willing to even go with the stipulation we aren’t allowed to ask questions regarding future content such as Characters and maps and game modes in fact go back to my
suggestions post
and just ask them every single question there


……I like using those especially if I wanna make Tree Hunter Builds

I feel like the Plasma Pistol sort of serves as a starter range weapon that’s easier to use from the Plasma Shoulder Canon or the Bow since both require a lot more skill then the Plasma Pistol.

I’m sorry but I’ll have to disagree with you here friend, Predators have many different play styles due to their class and specializations. Sure most would rather range from up close but those who are willing to challenge themselves expand further beyond that. Like me I use different weapons in different situations, using different weapons from certain builds. Predator can have the option to be a unstoppable hulking tank to a glass canon assassin to a sniper of the trees, there is many ways Predator can differ their play style but it mostly depends on the situation and team. That’s what the game is for playing Predator adapting to situations within quick succession.


Anyways I nominate @KameofWar as tribute

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in my experience this isn’t true all predators are either melee rushing dumbfucks or they sit on rooftops and shoot you that’s it oh and some jump i have played this game for enough hours to know this is predator gameplay for every single player boiled down in 2 types there is no difference unless your about to tell me cloaking when meleeing is a “different playstyle”

this is not a answer to my question as the caster is the starting ranged weapon as it’s easy to aim and does splash damage making it very forgiving to use and it has a learning curve of eventually hiding the lazer and then revealing it around the max of the charge the plasma pistol is also easy to aim does little damage fires slower than the caster and needs to be fired at a closer range with no learning curve making it literally a worse option in every conceivable way

you are more of a roleplayer aren’t you? what i mean is people who actually want to win games and not play the game as a predator fantasy simulator which while this game does it is also a multiplayer game where people should be trying to win no one would ever take this perk in teh same way here is no reason to take any other energy related perk because modified reserve outclasses them all in every way due to having limited perk slots some perks simply should never be chosen and have been this way since launch which has caused builds to stagnate and then we read point 1 as it leads to this

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They should just combine a lot of the low count perks. There’s perks on both sides that are nearly useless unless combined with others and even then they still get outclassed.

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