It’s 256 damage with Bane from close range (impenetrable on pred) , hunter hp is 1250. Do your calculations man and have fun in pubs 🥳.
Illfonic make the game fair play atleast
I just loaded up into a match, and as soon as I landed I fucking froze and crashed >_<.
This game is really hard to stick with.
look at my man
I use Recon with SAWZ + UMP, yautja bane + tick skin + fast hands , frag granade + syringe + smoke. If I have to play assault I will put Yautja Bane + Fast hands/Reload speed + stamina perk, syringe + smoke/noise maker + a 5 point gadjet 💪🏻.
Yep just two shot it and he died and left… nice…
bra you cry way to much.
Shhhhh. Go away.
Lol this is the worst offender aside from the differences in weapon dmg and pred being DEPENDENT on AI & alarms that takes 1 guy with a shotty to clear out.
Y’all need to quit your daily whining and bitching. Just play the game. They are not going to change shit to cater to your personal egos. I’m sorry but I’m tired of seeing y’all bitch about FT every single day by multiple predator mains who are supposedly “really good” and win %90 or more of their games… lol if that were true you wouldn’t be on here bitching. Clear case of get better at this game. Practice makes perfect. Quit making accuses as to why you can’t win because if I can win against ft and all their arsenal rn then you can too.
When you first joined the forums all you did was bitch xD.
i mean my only issue was with the combstick shadow nerf, i was able to snowball easily with the old combstick and arrows now idk what my build is gonna be around
@BadRed7 u gonna do this on my topic? when i was the person backing you up while you were making accusses first and shit… also if you were to actually pay attention my focus was specifically saying that i was spending 2 hours and today around 4 hours playing fireteam and ive won every single time lmao… that i was unable to exfil cause i kept killing pred with sniper rifle…
It actually mean something…it means that even with supposedly the FT been Op and all those buffs…smart preds still come up with new tactics to kill them all…so yeah I’m sorry to say it but all those pred mains that keep losing and complaining…they just need to GIT GUD🤷🏻♂️ Lmao😂
Anyway by the end of day it’s all GG’s and Wp’s 👍🏻😎
I can probably take off your mask in first 10 seconds and ruin your gameplay for the entire match to the point where u will have to rely on your 2 medkits to survive lmao…
Oh and then in next 20 seconds i can probably put you in second wind and win the game cause there is no bullet drop in the game for sniper rifle gun :)
Still thinking that’s fair? change my mind go ahead, pursuit me where i am being wrong… please do
Dude you cant hide from me that you’re an asshole.
You try to indirectly insult everyone you dont agree with.
If you can win alot with the current balance, you dont count.
You’re an exception who pushes themselves and most likely do better than the average person in a lot of games.
That’s why I dont go by my record.
Ffs man, just stop.
That you cant see the imbalance. Doesnt mean it’s not there. You’re just blind.
The ft isnt op as a whole.
Simply, some guns do too much damage, and the knife hits too hard too.
If they dont want to change it it’s fine, but then at least give the pred more options to combat ft dps.
Buy I guess players like you just like having it easy eh?
Are u pc or ps4??
And what’s ur name?